Common term for the "elite" is" In political and sociological theory, the elite (French élite, from Latin eligere) are a small group of powerful people that control a disproportionate amount of wealth, privilege or political power in a society."Bolt as usual changes the common understanding of language simply to create confusion. At other times he insists on exactly the opposite demanding the purity of the definition of say "genocide" when no such thing exists in reality why? To actually make conversation impossible in an attempt to control and debate on his impossible terms. His goal is to create confusion and a landscape for yes bullying flipping logic on it's head and slipping and sliding away from the topic at hand. Because logic and simplicity are the enemy of bullies. You can picture Bolt the pimply faced school kid lead speaker for his debating team running through the debating game without any real substance. So the "elite" is small group of powerful people at the top. Well you can't get more concentrated than ultra conservatives can you supported by News Corp via megamouth Andrew Bolt giving weight to the Monkey Pod room and financed by the IPA, the ACL and would you believe indirectly by "the Show" or the ghost Bob Santa Maria's ideals which are still very much at the front and center and held firm by Tony Abbott. You couldn't get a cabal more "elite" than that. They have a branch in every state powered by the church and supported by the ultra conservatives. No separation of powers for them. They have held power through marriage and inheritance for generationsTony Abbott's sister was far, far more rational about family love and what it means to disagree than Bolt was "families witt be destroyed" he claims. Christine Abbott was simply generous and Bolt so theatric in his performance. Ms. Abbott was on the democratic Q&A while Bolt was in his private pulpit from which you instantly felt slimed. His use of the term "elites" has been flipped and equality, what the vote is all about in the first place, was simply thrown overboard to amplify Bolt's sideshow. He was banging a drum to gain attention for" propaganda". Marriage is for children and children for inheritance to ensure generational power gay marriage threatens blood lines and inherited power. Bolt turns to research and mentions 2 studies totally ignoring the 79 studies done over 3 decades and examined by Colombia University that prove he's vocalizing from Bullshit Mountain. Like Climate Change he only mentions the 2 studies that support the 'no' vote the 3% that have been refuted and have no sociological consensus. Why would that be? Why has Bolt dragged out the equivalent to Climate contrarian Roy Spencer to make his point with false facts? The fact is this is a vote on EQUALITY do you believe in it or not? Bolt constantly reminds Aboriginals that they are all EQUAL under the Australian Constitution but obviously Gays are not in in this case. It didn't take a referendum when the Howard government to declared we weren't EQUAL when it came to marriage so why does it take a referendum now? We have a Democratic process that could have reversed the decision long ago. Of course, all taxpayers won't agree but that's not the point of a representative Democracy nor how tax payer money is spent not everyone has to agree nor is money divided proportionately as Bolt keeps crying why should I pay?. So who are Bolt's "elites" he has hold of the megaphone The Bolt Report is part of the most concentrated media group in the country with major shares in Ch 10 who is currently in administration and needs saving desperately? Rupert Murdoch wants it. He is also a foundation member of the IPA who promotes Tony Abbott in every which way possible and who is the leader of yet another minority of ultra conservatives who promise to rid the country of the ABC whenever possible. Currently their mentored by the ghost of Bob Santa Maria's NCC whose aim was to remove the godless from power who they claim are the yes brigade?So who are the "elites" the organized cabal Bolt is referring to? Those that have the cash $20 mill to splash on ads like the ACL is running? Ads that concentrate on everything but EQUALITY because it means the reduction of power it's definitely not those promoting the "yes" vote.
Is Andrew Bolt stepping up for Danny or Tony?
Does the ordinary Australian find the c-word offensive?
What's more offensive Andrew Bolt calling Cs to fight and with more than just words with fists clenched like he did or simply calling Abbott as you find him? What's more offensive Bolt's rhetoric of hate on Islam and Australian Muslims, Aborigines, Women and Gays etc or the PM Tony Abbott for being told he's a Lying C... which by the way is the truth.
I'm a reasonable Australian and I hear the C... word quite often it's a part of the Aussie vernacular and can be found all around us even being used affectionately. Women are using it more and more with each other and not in a bad way. Was Danny charged because he's Chinese Australian and seen as less than whiteman at an average local AFL game on any weekend by a C... copper? What's going on here? Andrew Bolt offends the most reasonable of us Australians every day because he gives us shit and lies doing it. He lashes out in blind fury fists clenched and George Columbaris and Danny Lim get charged.
At least the Judge saw common sense where the police didn't. Charge Bolt charge the C... for GBH for Christ sake.
Are these people for real? "Be glad it was the British you couldn't get a more Imperialist statement than that. Tell it to the Indians be glad it was the British, Or the Americans you should have stuck with the British. The British landed here just 4 generations ago landed on other peoples land and said nobody lives here. They did that nowhere else without signing treaties with the indigenous peoples living there. NZ, Canada, America. Even George Arthur the tough Governor of Tasmania maintained Britains biggest mistake was not signing a treaty with the local people recognizing their existence. That took until 1967 and the Mabo decision in 1984 and what an outcry that brought and still does by Bolt. Lucky it was the British that murdered and maimed without explanation that they were taking over your land raped your women took your kids and committed you to slavery for generations.
It was only a generation ago when equal pay was recognized and slavery condemned how lucky. British fucked you more kindly than anyone else. What did they promise "if it hurts I'll take it out" that's what Andrew Bolt "I'm more Indigenous than you Dan Sultan," says about Australian history and he means it. Except for this indigenous white man, Andrew Bolt wants to stop today's invasion of his country or at least select the invaders that are coming. He has his treaty anyone allowed entry have to sign it and jump through hoops to be accepted. Today Australian Aborigines are asking the same rights a treaty forgotten 4 generations ago and the only peoples in the democratic world not to have one.
"So, all in all, the country could have done worse than have Arthur Phillip plant the Union Jack on its soil 226 years ago. Although they didn’t appreciate it at the time, Phillip probably gave the first inhabitants as good a chance of surviving in, and adapting to, the global world as any ‘invader’ could have given them, and the waves of immigrants that subsequently came, and are still coming, to these shores, a much freer, safer, fairer, equitable, open, tolerant and prosperous place in which to start a new life than might otherwise have been the case."
The Germans didn't raise statues to Hitler. They don't create false myths about their history from pre school on they learn to say sorry for the darkest moment. Every German child learns every day to say sorry Bolt can't even say it once by moving Australia Day. His socialization is Dutch and the denial of the attempted genocide of Dutch Jews and the attempted construction of false myths to hide their shame busted in the 1980s by the Jews themselves. Bolt is a great supporter of the top down narrative that has been passed down over 4 generations.
Labor's Bill Shorten said nothing about the threats, vilification, violence and lies hurled at opponents of same-sex marriage. But when one ad states the no case, he's outraged: "Shorten ... said it featured 'total rubbish' and was 'offensive and hurtful'." Watch the ad here for yourself. See the hate it's unleashed. Donate if you support debate.
I know it isn't new, but watch at 1 minute when people in the audience are asked to stand if their lives were saved by Nicholas Winton, who decided to drop a planned skiing holiday and Switzerland in 1938 and go help a friend try to save Jewish children in Prague before it was too late.
My Mother is on the Wall of the righteous in Caulfield at the Jewish Museum. Jews the world over thanked her for what she did in WW2. She'd roll over in her grave to see what Netanyahu and Israelis thugs are doing to children to day and the attempted transportation of Israeli citizens out of Israel. She was German anti- Nazi and a member of the upper class and a refugee from communism that took everything we had in order to let us leave for Australia. I came here when I was 3 Bolt was born here we could be neighbors but I ask why are we so different as Australians. I came from a family that only had a history of wealth a family who lost everything to socialism but never flaunted their entitled past. A family whose two sons have always voted Labor.
Is it because I'm educated and was not raised in wealth nor raised in competition I came to realize in my late 20's that I couldn't work for anyone other than myself and with people, Bolt ran away from Indian's Thais Indonesians and Chinese Hindus, Muslims and Buddhists alike. I forged relationships that lasted 30 years. Once an Indian friend asked why I was so different he was highly educated but said Australians treated him as some sort of sub species expecting him to jump on command. My answer there was an education gap. We may be multicultural but we are mono lingual and largely ignorant of other cultures in any meaningful way and I guess it was Andrew Bolt who fled India that it was who I was speaking of along with the ocker sledgers who felt they needed to count their fingers after having shaken an Indian hand.
Everyone can be friends as Tony Abbott's sister said on Q&A they are after all family first. However, you know that's not the case with Andrew Bolt. He doesn't want to be friends with everybody and you sense he's comfortable in his new found entitlement he feels is secretly undeserved and gained not by merit but by mirroring those he seriously admires and who seriously believe in status and class difference. My parents were the real thing however never showed it working their bones off in a Milk Bar. Bolt has never had anything other than the ambition to become what didn't come naturally to him his mother never felt comfortable here and always aloof when coming from Aalsmeer gave her no such grounds to be. Was it because they hid their shame? Nicholas Winton and my mother would find no grounds to be drawn to Andrew Bolt they'd find him to be a great pretender many of whom they met in the difficult circumstances of WW2
Guess dumb posts represent dumb posters and I'm talking about Bolt the duck who somehow seems to think this form of expression or should I say his form of expression is handicapped because he certainly only ever gets low ratings compared to Waleed. What is great however CBS bought CH10 if of course it's approved by the commissars of the right who were going to change the media laws to accommodate Rupert's concentration. If that happens we will certainly know who runs the Australian government. We would be seeing more of Bolt and not on the basis of his celebrity.
Hating Trump is easy it a force of nature. The American Dream has been shattered the destruction of we in America for the concept of me created the false belief was that individuals change the course of history so the class that needed uniting was conned into voting for the individual Trump who like Abbott hasn't drained the swamp but filled it with billionaires and the military. He hasn't done anything for those that voted for him. Imagine what Sanders would have accomplished by now. The growth of unions and the philosophy of "we" over " me" and he would have progressed instead of a lonely disliked Abbott like the man at the top.
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