You wouldn't expect less from somebody that's employed by a Corporation that had to sack it's top staff for sexual harassment. Fox News fell apart under the weight of harassment claims. So Bolt is obviously comparatively speaking when Australian University students are called dodgy. His daughter attends or will attend one and he's the sort of dad that would call out bullshit if his daughter were touched up. "We should be shocked and upset that not one university boss had the brains or guts to call out this fraud of a study."Bolt Bolt was shocked to silence when Fox News culture was revealed but now he's bellowing like a bull when the culture of universities is being called out why? 1) Because a survey was conducted by the HRC who he actually hates and believes falsely touched him up under Sections 18 C&D of the RDA. 2) He hates Tertiary Institutions as he passed through one for a fleeting second and failed. He now lies and says he was educated at Adelaide Uni 3) Research? Bolt hasn't a clue about the meaning of the term his generalizations tend to be vast conclusions made on the basis of single episodes or he's forever trying to fit single facts to fit his vast preformed generalizations. It's as if Bolt were trying to squeeze marshmallows into a money box.The 51% refers to harassment and actual assaults. Let's hope Bolt's daughter reports her experience to daddy if she runs into a Tony Abbott at an SRC meeting. He was reported for inappropriate touching too. There seem to be only a few degrees of separation between Andrew Bolt and people accused of inappropriate sexual behavior. 
Global warming alarmist Al Gore demands we cut emissions. The hypocrite then goes home: "Last September alone, Gore devoured 30,993 kWh of electricity. That’s enough to power 34 average American homes for a month. Over the last 12 months, Gore used more electricity just heating his outdoor swimming pool than six typical homes use in a year."
Bolt's reference as information Drew Johnson author and you guessed it he writes for Breitbart. The Fake News Ezine once run by Steve Bannon Trump's closest adviser. Breitbart is the Fake News ezine that coined the term Fake News for the Donald and is Bolt's favorite source of facts like this.

Rita Panahi's argument seems reasonable: "Be thankful for the increased security measures, delays and inconvenience that are necessary to keep us safe from wannabe jihadis." But ABC commentator Paul Bongiorno, once a priest, turns to abuse: "Panahi is not even an incipient fascist she's already the real thing. Scary as hell." Vicious bloke.
I'm surprised Bolt hasn't mentioned the police have released one of Panahi's wannabe jihadis after 3 days "without charge". I'm further surprised Bolt is attacking Bongiorno for once being a priest given he puts George Pell on a such a high pedestal as a priest. Bolt is his media protector. Nothing escapes Bolt who digs into everybody's past and neve lets go. It's a tendency one finds among fascists and psychopaths.

Nobel laureate Paul Krugman on Donald Trump's election: "It really does now look like President Donald J. Trump, and markets are plunging... If the question is when markets will recover, a first-pass answer is never." Today: "The Dow Jones industrial average on Wednesday roared above 22,000 for the first time in history."
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