Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog,15/8/17; Bolt left standing naked and red faced by Trump's statement; Charlottesville a personal tale; You won't hear this from Andrew Bolt; ABC is the most trusted Aussie media; Julie Bishop is ahead of Abbott in the polls;

"Racism is evil," Mr Trump said. "And those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans." Trump

 Trump bows to pressure to condemn white supremacists, KKK, in Charlottesville

"Do I understand the media's latest anti-Trump meme correctly? The president denounced all violent protesters at Charlottesville when the media wanted him to denounce only the violence of the far Right?   
So who here is playing partisan politics?
Charlottesville's mayor blames Trump for an attack by a loon who was a Hitler fan before Trump's campaign.
Did he blame Hillary Clinton for the shooting of Republican congressman Steve Scalise or Barack Obama for the shooting of five white police at a Black Lives matter rally?" Bolt

Yesterday Andrew Bolt Fox New's and Murdoch's Australian Trumpster down under was defending President  Trump for his abstract and nonspecific statement about the Charlottesville  terrorist, White Supremacist member of Vanguard America, Nazi sympathizer and card carrying Republican Fields. According to Bolt, it was perfectly fine for the President not to make a partisan statement about what he termed only an 'alleged'attack' by Fields. Andrew Bolt is well known for his support of Right Wing Supremacists in Australia who he calls Patriots down under The UPF and Reclaim Australia. Bolt has said it was time for Conservatives and Patriots to fight back with more than words but clenched fists after he attacked two alleged members of ANTIFA who had pranked him with glitter. President Trump has changed his statement and doesn't seem to believe Bolt, Fox News or the extreme right, white supremacist cause, leaving Andrew Bolt the ultra conservative Trump apologist standing alone naked and red faced among the media in Australia. 


The seeds Andrew Bolt sows have been sown before. The fragmentation of multicultural Australia is Bolt's call for unity while creating division on a multitude of cultural levels to avoid  focus on the most significant the material division of this country wealth income class and their historic development https://www.facebook.com/abcnews.au/videos/10157138434344988/

 Charlottesville a personal tale

White nationalist groups march through the University of Virginia campus in Charlottesville on Friday.

'It wasn't until my third night that I realised they were racist'


A right-wing terrorist tried to blow up a government building: report – Salon.com

Both the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security issued a report in May that warned about the likelihood of far right groups carrying out future attacks, according to a report by Foreign Policy. The same report detailing this also pointed out that white supremacist groups had carried out more attacks over the past 16 years than any other domestic extremist group and “likely will continue to pose a threat of lethal violence over the next year.”
Source: A right-wing terrorist tried to blow up a government building: report – Salon.com

Image result for Image of the ABC logo


Pauline Hanson has agreed to back the Turnbull Government's media reforms. Among them: an agreement to change the ABC Act to make the taxpayer-funded broadcaster "fair" and "balanced". Here's what they've agreed to. UPDATE: Hanson will be on The Bolt Report on Sky at 7pm.

  The ABC has been attacked primarily bt News Corp  for more than 40 years suggesting The ABC wasn't 'fair' and 'balanced'. The ABC presents issues in a debate format and delivers interviews in a critical manner given it's no an arm of government and independant of it. Next to programs like Andrew Bolt's Bolt Report the ABC is distictly 'fair' and 'balanced' to have Hanson and Bolt declare it isn't is as good a proof as any one can get that it is given Bolt declares his show's slogan is no foul no favor and Hanson is representative of the far right without the hoods and crosses.
The reason no doubt is that News Corp  has had a loss of some $800 mill largely due to Australia. It just might be explained by the fact it's the least trusted media in the country.
The ABC is the only media group in the country that guarantees diversity. Australia is already the most concentrated private media in the world and News Corp wants to concentrate it even more with trash. How has private media companies like News Corp invested in the diversity of programing that the ABC has. When have they provided the proadness and diversity of news that the ABC has and on the budget of the ABC. How has the ABC added to the culture of celebrity that private media has? The chances of these changes being passed is extremely low.
Bolt is an example of why News Corp is the least trusted media outlet in the nation he  begins with a fake statement 
" How magnificently dumb was Julie Bishop's press conference today? She's accused  Bill Shorten of near treason and threatened to downgrade relations with New Zealand just because Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce didn't check whether he was a dual citizen."Bolt
Bolt with his hatred and fear of Bishop combined with his dislike of Turnbull and Shorten has decided to distort the issue as usual. Bishop wanted to know why a Labor MP was raising Australia's domestic politics in the NZ parliament having spoken with a Labor staffer in Australia. Bishop asked a fair enough question Had Bill Shorten had any involvement and who was the staffer.  This and this alone was what was repeated by Julie Bishop and that's absolutely nothing like what Andrew Bolt suggests.  He takes one statement out of context from Bishop's press conference to say what he wants which has no relevance to what had happened simply to say "Oh, I think Bishop and co. need no foreigners' help in undermining confidence in this government."Bolt
Bolt as usual takes on the role of an alpha male to stomp on a woman for one reason and one reason alone Julie Bishop is ahead of Tony Abbott in the polls and she showed why. All one has to do is go back and look at the record of Tony Abbott's media abilities. They made him and the nation the laughing stock of the world. Abbott out trumped Trump before he became President.



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