Is this a sign of times to come? Are there any good Nazi Sympathizers or will Bolt be looking at end of Days

"Sheet caking" is now officially a thing.
The Atlantic | (Video News Report) | - - "According to research by the Southern Poverty Law Center, the number …
Rupert Murdoch's second-eldest son is the first of the powerful media mogul's family to publicly condemn the US president's performance after the violence in Charlottesville, pledging to donate money to a civil rights organisation.
"I can't even believe I have to write this: standing up to Nazis is essential; there are no good Nazis. Or Klansmen, or terrorists. Democrats, Republicans, and others must all agree on this, and it compromises nothing for them to do so."
Media Matters to James Murdoch: Your letter took a stand against white nationalism. Now keep it up by living your values at Fox News.
Washington, DC-- Media Matters President Angelo Carusone released the following statement after James Murdoch circulated an email expressing concern about President Donald Trump’s defense of white supremacists and neo-Nazis -- and emphasized the need to “stand up to” this toxic hatred.
“Much of what Donald Trump said this week that James
Murdoch is condemning actually came directly from Fox News. So, if James
Murdoch really believes what he wrote in that email, then he needs to
start with Fox News, the network that he runs. Until James stands up to
Fox News preying on racial anxieties and serving as state-aligned
propaganda for Trump, his sentiments ring hollow.
His $1 million donation to the Anti-Defamation League is laudable.
But, it is hardly proportional to the damage that Fox News has done and
will continue to do unless James Murdoch acts.”
Earlier this week, as shown in a
Media Matters supercut, Donald Trump parroted several
Fox News talking points during a press conference as he responded to questions about deadly white supremacist violence in Charlottesville, VA. These talking points included Trump smearing counter-protesters as the “alt-left,” suggesting that calls to take down Confederate statues are a slippery slope that could lead to demands to take down statues of other historical figures and defending his failure to condemn white supremacists in his initial response to the violence.
In an email to Apple employees, CEO Tim Cook has denounced the deadly violence in Charlottesville last weekend, criticised US President Donald Trump's response and pledged to donate $US2 million to organizations battling hate groups.
"We must not witness or permit such hate and bigotry in our country, and we must be unequivocal about it," Cook said in the email. "I disagree with the president and others who believe that there is a moral equivalence between white supremacists and Nazis, and those who oppose them by standing up for human rights. Equating the two runs counter to our ideals as Americans."

Joe Hildebrand on the jihadists behind the horror in Spain: "What godless cowards they truly are." Unfortunately, men willing to die for their cause are not cowards. And they're prepared to die because they indeed have a god. [Hildebrand goes on to make a great point about Robert E. Lee, Napoleon and the Left's war on history.]
A Bolt's veered totally away from Charlottesville and the Alt-Right Cristian Fascist attack on American citizens. Bolt's Christian Jihadists were fully armed with M16s Glocks and a variety of weapons even a car and today they still deny their ram-raid into people was unintentional. Tony Abbott has supported this war on his Culture in very military terms and even Bolt has called on 'True Conservatives to fight back and not just debate. Christian Jihadis have staged more terrorism events have planned more terrorist events than any Islamists in America. There are some 250 Alt-Right wing cells fully armed militias alone in America training reading themselves to come together if called on. These aren't the KKK, Nazis Vanguard and countless other groups fearful that white
man's days in the US are fast coming to an end.
Yes, Abbott and Bolt put out the same message that White Christian males with a Western heritage are under attack and need to fight back and just like the Nazis in America their language is couched in military and physical terms. They are like Trump apologists for the worst behavior in America and Australia and have been the biggest recruits of jingoistic racist immigrant and Muslim bigotry that this country has ever seen.
Commercializing his Alt-right attitude Andre Bolt creates a PAYWALL to attack one of the single best educated, intelligent and reasoned Australians commentating on the poor state of Australia's political affairs. Aly is Bolt's nemesis. He doesn't get paid as much as Bolt he researches the topics he's speaking about rather than following a repetitive News Corp's Fox New line like puppet Bolt is. Waleed Aly makes those he works for money whereas Andrew Bolt merely gets a celebrity wage and loses money for News Corp. Head to head Sky and Murdoch's print just how are losing money for their parent company. It's why Bolt blames the ABC otherwise he'd have to blame himself. The fact is the ABC employs journalists where News Corp employs a Churnalist who claims he's got the finger on the pulse. He has his fingers wrapped about something that's for sure
Here's a sample of Bolt's facts the ABC is attacking Australia's greatest religion Christianity Julia Baird found research that said a class of Christians sporadic church goers were the largest perpetrators of domestic violence among Christians. That set Bolt off frothing at the mouth. In the same breath Bolt tells us indigenous Australians are the largest perps of domestic violence and that the Apex gang made up of Sudanese and Islanders are the largest perps of youth violence. What he doesn't point out they are Christians and Baird is the liar the badly researched and Andrew Bolt is entitled to say whatever he wants and to leave out whatever he wants in the name of free speech and according to him Waleed Aly and Julia Baird are illogical thinkers.
Christian Australians imported Christian Melanesians,Kanaks, for some 100 years and used them as slaves in the sugar plantations. When the White Australia Policy came into effect they dumped them and sent them back that's the Australian truth slavery but as far as Bolt is concerned you won't have him acknowledging that. No we were his and Abbott's mythical British monarchy, Camelot down under.
19 Aug
Donald Trump has now fired strategist Steve Bannon, the alt-right crusader. The photo - taken 202 days earlier as Trump was congratulated by Vladimir Putin - shows the terrible instability in his top ranks. One more cross on that picture could leave Vice President Mike Pence the new president.
19 Aug "But it is also true that Trump has been grossly undisciplined, lacking a consistent narrative and too often leading with his chin."Bolt
This is what Andrew Bolt used to say about Tony Abbott as PM. Time and time again he said he'd change and look what happened to him. Bolt being saying It's not Trump's fault since he was elected he wasn't for Trump before that and now even he's turning. Is it because the younger Murdoch's aren't Trumpsters and are coming out and saying so. James has donated $1.2mill to the defamation fund.
" But it is also true that Trump has been grossly undisciplined, lacking a consistent narrative and too often leading with his chin." “I feel jacked up,” Bannon said. “Now I’m free. I’ve got my hands back on my weapons.”"Bannon
He's back at Breitbart and just watch Bolt follow his line or will Rupert Murdoch make it to the White House?

Now Nick Xenophon, whose three senators share the balance of power in the Senate, admits he is a British citizen and thus likely to be unqualified to sit in Parliament. Four other MPs with dual citizenship, three of them Senators, also wait for the High Court to decide their fate. That means our Parliament should meanwhile not pass laws.
More evidence that immigration has put us in danger, and not just from Lebanese jihadists. There are also two Melbourne Lebanese crime families: "The alliance between the Hells Angels and Melbourne’s Chaouk family has ended with a jailhouse beating... Leaving aside the formidable Haddara family, few have been keen to take on the Chaouk’s."
Bolt says he's against Identity Politics, however, why does he always play that card? 21 people jailed and Bolt realises just how small 14 sounds when speaking of 100,000s of Lebanese here so 2/3rds sound enormous and the reality doesn't need to be addressed. One or two events resulted in the jailing of the 14. Australia is not in Bolt's Chicken Little Danger Bolt denigrates the whole community of Lebanese on the Basis of the actions of two families and he leaves the Italians, Greeks, Brits and NZers alone? Hey Bolt what about the Jews when it comes to middle class and up crime? Mafia's exist in all migrant communities because we are a migrant country. If there is such a thing as an organized extreme in Australia Andrew Bolt is very much a part of it and playing the hardest game of identity politics and being the greatest media hypocrite at the same time.

Yes, I agree with Dick Smith that immigration is far too high at 190,000 a year. But Judith Sloan says the rest of the Smith platform would ruin us.
When it comes to anything Bolt hasn't too many ideas of his own so he turns to McCrann or the IPA to do his work for him. Culture Wars is Bolt's comfort zone not anything that demands facts an analysis. Dick Smith is wrong you don't shrink in tough times you tackle the market intelligently. Bolt and Smith are telling Coles Woolworths Myers to shrink because times are tough they don't shrink they just lay staff off and increase unemployment on a large scale. Small business employs people people who spend. Small business startups are immigrant based just walk into any shop on your main street.
Maybe that's because there 700,000 going for 150,000 jobs that's 1 in 5 isn't is just said differently. The difference being Bolt is saying welfare is so so high in this country that people don't want to work. Yes, it's the top calling the hard up bludgers except the language is disguised.
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