Australia's New Same-Sex Marriage TV Ads Have All Been Done Before
31 Aug
" Mark Twain once noted that, “History doesn’t repeat itself, but it rhymes.”
Bolt actually puts on a performance that all been done before as far back as 2004 in Massachusets and again in 2008 in California. The same was said back then 13 and 9 years later what they threatened hasn't occurred and all the sociological studies done in Boston, in fact, showed children of same sex couples over that period of time were faring better than children of heterosexual couples on average. That there was a higher rate of child dysfunction among the children heterosexual couples. Bolt is doing what he does best is lying and simply batting for his ultra conservative team lead by the ACL and in doing so telling gay kids they aren't normal and causing them harm. Does he give a shit no and that's what makes him the worst of Australians? Yes, he has no qualms about who he harms or what a Goebellian asshole he is.
"ad — titled Everything To Do With Schools — again featured concerned parents, this time from Massachusetts, which became the first American state to legalise same-sex marriage, in 2004. "
Like the "no" ad in Australia, the narrator insists that same-sex marriage will lead to a change in the school curriculum."
But the talk about schools, the concerned parents, the confusion, the back and forth — it's all been seen before, in TV ads that ran during California's ballot on same-sex marriage in 2008.
Why are they running a campaign that has nothing to do with the vote after all Victoria is running a safe schools program despite the vote. The program has nothing to do with marriage equality. But it seems if your right wing and can't come up with anything new you repeat other peoples programs because it's all you've got which in reality is harming kids. The "yes program should just let them bury themselves.
The video features women calling "bullshit" on a number of claims made by mothers in the original ad, including the idea that school classes on gay relationships have become "compulsory" in countries where same-sex marriage laws have passed.Related Articles Principal denies mum's TV claim that son could wear dress
Backlash after The Project skewers controversial anti-marriage equality ad
Informed Data

Data from Australia’s longest-running lifestyle survey shows an overwhelming tide of support for the rights of same-sex couples within Australian society.
Who supports same-sex marriage in Australia? And who doesn’t? – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Ted Cruz’s hypocrisy won’t stop government from helping in the wake of Hurricane Harvey, but Texas will be needing help for a long time.
Why Andrew Bolt is such an asshole and prat:
Everyone’s a Socialist After a Natural Disaster | The Nation
Muslim leaders shut up about gay marriage: "Ali Kadri, spokesman for ... the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils, said his community was stuck with the choice of offending allies or siding with critics, and the result had been silence. 'We are afraid if we come out with our opinion then the left may abandon us for going against their view.'"
Foreign Minister Julie Bishop three weeks ago claimed she'd find it "very hard to build trust" with a New Zealand Labour Government after Barnaby Joyce was exposed as a dual citizen. Her wild reaction and Labour leader Jacinda Ardern's cool response has helped Labour to its first poll lead over the Nationals in 12 years, just before the election.
What a load of codswallop Bolt put's out he spent so much time convincing us Trump was voted in by the American people in true Democratic fashion it was impossible for Russia to have had any influence on the minds of the voters. Not so the sheep loving NZers it seems they like the sheep they love have been totally spooked not by Putin but Julie Bishop. Remember when ex Conservative PM James Bolger treated Bolt like the Child he was on the ABC film Recognition Yes or No. Bolger almost patted Bolt on the head and simply ignored the naive boy. Bott was into being the king sophist and debator telling Bolger he was as indigenous as most Australians. While Bolger basically believed Australia was founded by robber barons for not signing a Treaty like NZers had done.
Here's Bolt again telling NZers don't have a mind of their own. Tell us about NZ politics Andrew Bolt their version, not yours.
"Yes, it is only one poll. Yes, many factors are at play - like a TV debate in which Ardern did well."Bolt
It seems even Bolt isn't convinced by his own Walter Mitty ramblings and has put in a get out clause

Bolt in true debating style is twisting meanings. How often have we heard him say under the Australian Constitution all Australian citizens are "equal" It's a Bolt mantra a principle he claims is dearly held. So as a consequence all Australians are equal under the law. There is no need for a bill of rights which we don't have nor any need for the AHRC that are outsiders to be got rid of. So John Howard passed into law a marriage definition and Act that under our Constitution ensures all Australians aren't "equal" Andrew Bolt for some reason is attempting to deny that. Why is Bolt referencing the UNHRC which he thinks is a load of crock and has constantly told Gillian Triggs and the AHRC were irrelevant? So given Bolt's hypocrisy here the what's relevant? John Howards Act alone and that under our Constitution is neither fair nor equal and that's what's being asked to be changed in order to do so. If Bolt is not just playing for a team of bigots and holds the principles he claims to hold he should be voting "yes" loudly and from the roof tops. However, we know he hasn't any principles and we know he's voting "No" and loudly from the top of Bullshit Mountain

Mark Fowler says "marriage equality" is a slogan with no support in law: "Both the United Nations Human Rights Committee and the European Court of Human Rights have held that there is no inequality where a state retains the traditional definition of marriage... because the definitional boundary did not enfold persons of the same sex."
Peter van Onselen mocks the "slippery slope" warning of gay-marriage critics: "The slippery slope was used by opponents of slavery... Next thing you know blacks will demand voting rights." But he actually confirms there is a slippery slope - once a principle is conceded, much logically follows. In this case, great. But here's what Peter ignored.
Our huge challenge is to create a community from a nation of tribes, when immigration is now colonisation: "There were 111 suburbs across [Sydney] with more than half the population born in another country... The inner-city neighbourhood of Haymarket had the highest overseas-born population at 90.3 per cent. Next was Sydney's CBD (80.3 per cent)."
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