The new statue haters claim they just want the truth told about our history. But I don’t believe ABC presenter Stan Grant, for instance, when he demands an end to the “great silence” as he rages at a statue of Captain Cook. See, I don’t think the statue haters can handle the truth, and certainly not about Aboriginal history. Do they even know it?
This is the sound of the man who believes he has the keys to the plantation." See, I don’t think the statue haters can handle the truth about our past, and certainly not about Aboriginal history. Do they even know it? "Bolt. Bolt knows Islamic law and the Koran better than Muslims. He believes Imams are Koranic scholars that's how clever he thinks he is but isn't. They are just leaders in prayer and not Koranic scholars.
Arrogance is the sign of the man once caught out in public telling us he was a minder to a belly dancer in an effort to convince us how cool he was. The fact Bolt doesn't know our history at all what he overlooks is the British came and intentionally declared this was a land where nobody lived. By that declaration alone they, therefore, declared a treaty wasn't necessary and a land grab could take place. That's why it was an invasion and an illegal occupation. It was a con in every way that justified massacres to take place.
That wasn't the case anywhere else not in NZ, Canada or the USA and it wasn't an accident. It deliberately leads to a system of exclusion that kept indigenous Australians poor for 200 years and continues to do so. That system allowed for unequal pay and poverty and so justified the stolen generation and the destruction of families as welfare. Yes, and Bolt continues that myth today that comes an inch away from saying Aborigines shouldn't be allowed to breed because they are culturally deficient. That's very Hitler of Bolt's history lesson.
And then there’s Adam Goodes’ plaque on the Australian of the Year walk in Canberra. As the ABC reported last year, there are 56 plaques on the walk but only one was shielded by perspex. Goodes’ face has previously been crossed out with a deep scratch. According to the National Capital Authority, the perspex was installed to prevent further damage.But where is the widespread outrage over these incidents? Where is the buy-in from political leaders? The sustained media interest? The hand-wringing about what it all means for national identity?Here’s hoping it just got lost and ended up somewhere else by mistake. The alternative isn’t very flattering to contemplate.
Los Angeles has voted to rename the holiday named after Christopher Columbus to commemorate Native Americans. The measure was passed as statues of the 15th-century explorer have been destroyed in recent weeks.

I’m scared. This brawl over same-sex marriage has been disgusting. We thought the real argument would be whether same-sex marriage weakened the marriage tradition or expanded it. Instead, the biggest debate is how we’ll resolve this. That’s because of the thuggery by activists and, I believe, immoral use of power by the elite.
"I have friends and family on both sides of the argument and know it’s not all one way or the other. Whichever way it goes, we’ll get by. I hope." Bolt
Amazing about the uncertainty in Bolt's family apparently they aren't all 'no' voters. One would hope his children are more generous than he is. It's certainly not the generosity however shown by Christine Abbott towards her brother and a woman raising 6 kids who Bolt has no hesitation in saying dangerously. The man who so often demands equality denies it when it comes to marriage. Bullies are fear mongers and the only fear mongers are those justifying inequality

Malcolm Turnbull's government needs their new Snowy scheme much, much more than we do, warns David Uren: "It is not responding to any commercial signal and is not the result of an economic assessment of need. It is instead responding to the political need for the government to be seen to be doing something about energy prices."
One might well ask why these conservatives keep the great lid of silence on the fact that the energy producers want and ETS, a Carbon Tax or even an emissions target to simply put investment back into the production of energy. The government simply is being blackmailed politically by a minority of conservatives. Ask Abbott why he's guaranteeing energy prices remain high? Politics and watch what happens when we do get closer to an election.

Chip Le Grand: "The hapless 11 who yesterday became the first Australian team to lose a Test to Bangladesh will be paid an average of $1.36 million. The team that humiliated them...are paid average salaries of just $26,136." Jon Anderson: "These are the same players who went on strike over their pay packets."
Great losers aren't we. We don't go out there and say well played we bring out the hatchets. As for the strike it had nothing to do with winning or losing that's the game of cricket. The strike was about the business of cricket. Two significantly different things. The business of cricket began years ago with Kerry Packer. From there on in it became a business. Australians have always been poor losers we once thought we were the worlds greatest sportsmen. Cricket, Swimming, Hockey, Athletics, Tennis Cricket all at a time when the rest of the world was recovering from a world war. Boy did we have egos then we still do but the ugliness shows.
Aborigines are attacking Leftists attacking statutes. There's Anthony Dillon, Warren Mundine, Jacinta Price and now Stan Dryden: "A prominent Aboriginal artist has called for all Melburnians to be proud of their city and not to change historical monuments... European settlement 'was going to happen anyway (and) things could have been a lot worse'."
Bolt is the one continuously promoting the either all divide among Aborigines. He;s also the one who blames their problems on what he regards as their pathetic culture rather than a system that ensured they were driven to the bottom. It was no accident that a treaty was never signed in Australia and generations of dispossession the consequence. Treaties were signed everywhere else but here which ensured a land grab until the Mabo decision in 1984. Equal pay for equal work was never recognized so Bolt where and when could first Australians be accepted by the white man's banking system get credit without collateral or the means to get it if their labor was slavery. Everyone could improve their lot on the system of credit that remained unavailable to the first peoples. Yes, there are varying opinions on the Aboriginal experience some reflect the truth more than others however those individual opinions run counter to the experience of those prior to the 1960s. When one brother Charlie Perkins among 500,000 people was the first to get a university degree. However, one sandwich doesn't make a picnic and an ongoing oppressive system still remains
Bolt should take his own advice when it comes to Muslims. Has anyone noticed he doesn't praise them in their 'no' vote on marriage equality? Even thay's too hard for him to do.
The Age omits a key detail: "A Melbourne principal has disputed a mother's claim – aired in an anti same-sex marriage TV ad – that her son was told he could wear a dress to school." The missing detail? The Safe Schools program the school is part of indeed includes material saying boys should be allowed to wear a dress to school. (See picture.)

Daniel Finkelstein on the Left's inherent tyranny: "I was listening to a (really quite shocking) interview that Jeremy Corbyn’s adviser Seumas Milne gave... Milne regrets the passing of East Germany. He adds that obviously we wouldn’t want the Stasi back. But he misses the point. You can’t have East Germany without the Stasi." Watch Milne here.
Every one man is entitled to an opinion that doesn't represent all. but everyone is also entitled to be listened to and not have his words twisted if there is a discussion being held. Bolt's opinions run strongly in line with Hitler's Mussolini and Pinochets they didn't listen either. The Left brought the Berlin wall down not the right because only they could bring about that change. However there are now regrets about the totality of that change and yes only the left can do that too. The right and the likes of Andrew Bolt only have a tin ear. They don't listen to reason and can't change only resist disparage and shut any talk of it down isn't that the sign of a bully? Bolt does that more often than not from a distance he's never really a participant in the daily lives of the people he's talking at. He twisted what Julia Baird had to say in much the same way as he has Seumas Milne's to tells us what they didn't didn't say. All you have to do is listen.
Why do I say that because Bolt believes in the single minded opinions and attitudes of the UPF and the alt-right at Charlottesville They are called the alt-right in preference Nazis, Fscists and Racists he's made that perfectly clear as to who he stands with. However like Trump he never dares make it too obvious thus the suit and the pretense of respectability . It's clear what it is they really represent a minority of right wing extremists akin to those "brave" Muslims that terrorized Barcelona.
He may not have the Nazi regalia and symbols of the SS on but he certainly lets it be known that Christian white male heterosexual monocultural Australian purists are under threat and should stop being cowards radicalize and fight like he did in Carlton. It's time defend their positions on the moral and economic high ground. It's no longer sufficient to just talk anymore according to Bolt unity needs enforcing and it needs it now.
Militarizing the Police , Securing our Borders, Keeping people safe from their own ignorance, Training the next generation are all methods needed to define the meaning of equality and who deserves it.

First the Australian Medical Association was caught out backing same-sex marriage without consulting members and misstating the evidence. Now the NSW Law Society is attacked for doing the same. What makes same-sex marriage supporters so highhanded? Then there's fresh examples of vitriolic bullying as well.
However what Bolt is trying to say is he's found a doctor like he found Roy Spencer on Climate he's found a Doctor to point to 2 studies on children that are supposed to prove same sex marriage families are dysfunctional for children. Bolt fails to mention some 79 studies conducted over 3 decades were examined by Colombia University and it was found by 97% that there was no difference and rather children raised in same sex relationships had better outcomes because the adults on average had lower rates of breakups, were more educated and wealthier. In fact, they had more time to attend to children's needs. Sorry, Bolt your sociology is based on false facts.
Further somehow Bolt believes in a true democracy your taxes need to be spent proportionately. Particularly in the case of organizations that have elected leaders like the AMA and the Law and funds from these organizations should be directed according to the differing opinions. Strange he doesn't think that when it comes to the ABC where 80% of Australians support and trust it he believes the minority percent that doesn't have every right to ensure it's dismantled. Well, Tony Abbott catered for them by cutting the ABC's budget by 20% after promising he wouldn't. However, Bolt wants more than his share of that cake. He wants the lot.
Representative Democracy isn't about sending a bill to organizations for a refund because you don't agree with them it's about Representative Democracy and yes those at News Corp who believe in the 'yes' vote suffer too watching their Corporation support the 'no' vote.
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