An interesting dynamic is the relationship between Bill O’Reilly, the superstar of the Fox News Channel and one of the network’s most consistent critics of the comedian John Stewart, host of The Daily Show. They appear on each other’s shows and have respectful amusing banter. At one stage in 2011 after a series of encounters O’Reilly seems genuinely concerned that John Stewart may see the Fox News Channel as a “terrible, cynical, disingenuous news organization” operated by Charlatans. In a paradoxical performance just after these encounters, O’Reilly conducts an hour where he is both disappointed at Stewart’s assessment but at the same time seems hell-bent on providing a concentrated hour proving him right. The first part of this News Corp Narrative is a detailed look at this particular hour of The Factor. Others who see promise in the mutual respect between O’Reilly and Stewart also see in this hour the operation of a “truly terrible, cynical, disingenuous news organization” featuring selected charlatans. That conclusion is based on a view that trusted and privileged people who make “elaborate, repetitive and voluble claims to skill and knowledge” are real “quacks or frauds.” These trusted, privileged superstars “fail to reveal the full story or whole truth and while appearing to be sincere is, in reality, false, deceptive and insincere.” Readers, of course, are asked to judge for themselves. The second part of this narrative challenges a Fox defense against accusations of being a propaganda arm of the Republican Party. It stems from another interview John Stewart conducted with Brett Baier who repeats the mantra that, “there are opinion shows and there are news shows” and he concludes that “I’m a news guy. I do news.” This is despite having little defense when Stewart points to contrasting interviews conducted with the two most recent Presidents. Stewart characterizes the interview with President Bush as, “You were literally sitting with President Bush in a love seat.” Others remember the interview with President Obama being very tense with the young reporter interrupting the Commander in Chief repeatedly as he attempted to deliver the Fox agenda for his viewers. In the shadow of Baier’s claims to be a news guy, a close look is taken at a week of Special Report hosted by Baier and packaged as a “news” program since it is anchored by “news men”. For part of the week, the senior “news man” on the network Chris Wallace replaces Baier in the anchor’s chair. When he Chairman of News Corp has been questioned about the lack of diversity on the Fox News Channel he has offered Greta van Susteren as an example of a liberal anchor. Others would say that every daily hour with Greta van Susteren is another Republican hour. Part three gives three examples of hours with Greta van Susteren. Others believe that any hour taken at random would reveal similar promotion of the prevailing narrative sold with all the talking points of the day with a domination of Republican guest given kid glove treatment and whenever a Democrat should wander into the line of fire a grilling can be expected. The final section deals with a variety of broadcasts where readers can decide if they are witnessing civil discourse and rational debate or the efforts of charlatans abusing the privilege that has been offered them by the News Corporation and the trust of good folk. Others may conclude that when News Corporation’s most highly paid on-air personality feigns not to understand the comedian’s perceptions of charlatans and a “terrible, cynical, disingenuous news organization,” that perhaps he “protests too much.” Perhaps he is being as disingenuous as his news corporation. This News Corp Narrative is a story of the operations of the Fox News Channel. Another framing of the account may be of the operations of POOPs proselytizing from a place designated by the same comedian whose observation gave Uthers this book title, as “Bullshit Mountain” Has Andrew Bolt progressed or is he still Bill, O'Reilly 5 years ago?I think O'Reilly is more honest than Bolt.

Sean Hannity resurrects the myth of Muslim "no-go zones," a lie Fox was forced to correct in 2015. When you have no new ideas come up with old ones that's CHURNALISM
Sean Hannity resurrects the myth of Muslim "no-go zones," a lie Fox was forced to correct in 2015
Charlatans and a Disingenuous News Corporation:: POOPs on BS Mountain – Uthers Say – Google Books
Press Gazette has been reporting on British journalism without fear or favour since 1965. Our mission is to provide a news and information service which helps the UK journalism.
Nick Davies: ‘Churnalism has taken the place of what we should be doing: Telling the truth’ – Press Gazette
Yassmin Abdel-Magied on becoming ‘Australia’s most publicly hated Muslim’

Andrew Bolt in jackboots took the News Corp Bently out for a spin and drove it over a great young Australian just like the mindless Charlottesville embarrassment James Alex Fields. Yes, Bolt is also an Australian, however, the worst face of us a Neanderthal who has and is doing nothing for Australia’s future. Lest we forget…( Olddog )
For those that want to spare the time to read an amazing story about a young proud Australian not yet 30 this is a worthwhile read about a woman
1) Far far more intelligent than Andrew Bolt
2) Far far more qualified than Andrew Bolt
3) Far far more positive than Andrew Bolt
4) Far far more robust heritage than Andrew Bolt
5) Reduced to Andrew Bolt's Stereotype of just another Muslim Woman with a mouth
6) An Australian who has done far far more than in 28 years than Andrew Bolt could have dreamed of doing in his 57 years. Yassmin is Australia's coming sunrise where Bolt is the Australian sunset below the horizon whose only strength is News Corp's resource.
7) The ugly Australian with power his only resource smothered kicked, booted, Australia's brightest hope an educated confident experienced woman for her religious integrity national pride why? For not being a dried up atrophied personality like Bolt.
“The executives may have been unimpressed but Ash Palairet, Abdel-Magied’s drilling supervisor in 2015 on a Shell offshore rig three-and-a-half hours by chopper off the West Australian coast, is among her biggest fans. He says she excelled at her work and was also a natural leader who dealt well with the rig’s blokey atmosphere. “She’s still young but she’s destined for something big. She breaks down barriers and lifts our awareness as a society. She’s pushing the buttons of the establishment, and letting the rest of us be the judge of their responses.”Abdel-Magied, who arrived on the rigs with orange nail polish to match her hi-vis vest, says she loved her offshore workmates, despite their sometimes offensive talk and different political views. “Through all of the stuff that has happened to me, I’ve got messages from these blokes who you might think vote for One Nation, saying ‘Hey, we’ve got your back, we’ve been defending you,’ ” she says. “I was proud to call them family.”
What has Andrew Bolt done to call anyone "family"? Compare biographies and ask who is the real Aussie
Three men to be charged with terrorism offences over alleged mosque attacks | Australia news | The Guardian

“It is clear that these arson attacks were designed to intimidate and influence those that attend this mosque and the wider Islamic community. These actions have no place in our society,” McCartney said.
As far as Andrew Bolt is concerned they weren't representative of Christianity. However every Muslim terrorist act is representative of Islam why? Because Andrew Bolt feels free to define your world for you even though the facts don't.
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