Saturday, 9 September 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 9/9/17; Onya Dan Andrews; Just Say Yes; What Bolt calls normal; Israel latest News;

I know we are supposed to show respect to the NO side in the marriage equality debate but for how long? When Robert Menzies introduced the Marriage Act in 1961, a Country Party senator wanted to change the act to define marriage as being between a man and a woman. The amendment was voted down…

 To those who think the YES campaign is too “in your face” – » The Australian Independent Media Network



 Marriage Equality – It’s The Kids We Need To Think About (Repost From September 2016 – » The Australian Independent Media Networ


From John Lord


Eric Abetz, a campaigner for the “no” vote, on 7.30 Thursday night curiously advanced arguments that nothing to do with whether two people of the same sex should be allowed to enter a secular marriage.
He suggested that marriage equality could subsequently lead to people marrying the Harbour Bridge because “why not?” It is a slippery slope argument with an actual slope. Pardon the joke.
Kevin Andrews puts forward this argument:
“I have an affectionate relationship with my cycling mates, we go cycling on the weekend,” he said, “But that’s not marriage.”
Tony Abbott, Australia;s best ever “opposer” says that people should oppose same-sex marriage if they don’t like political correctness.
Then there is the dodger Lyle Shelton:
“Won’t someone think of the children?”
“The idea that kids need the active involvement of a father and a mother to be “normal” is not borne out by data, or in the many same-sex and single-parent families we already have, but it remains powerful after centuries of being the social norm.”
Whilst people are entitled to their views it is incumbent on them to be truthful and just. As I have said in many blogs. This is as simple as one group of people being as equal as another.
Trying to distill it into other complicated issues is wrong. There was a time when the word “gay” was used as a slur against people who were different. Now it is a word of proud identity and equality.
There are males in my life whom I can say I really love because their goodness transcends self, and manifests itself in empathy towards others. To love someone of the same sex is as normal as loving someone of the opposite sex because love has no gender. Indeed, love is when there is an irresistible urge for the need of the affection of another and the irresistability is of its nature mutual. Gender has nothing to do with it.
In March of next year my wife and I will celebrate 50 years of marriage. It’s an institution that continues to survive despite its poor treatment. Having people of the same sex marry can only enhance and strengthen it. MAYBE EVEN GIVE IT SOME CREDIBILITY.


Three hurricanes in the Atlantic Ocean could all make landfall simultaneously in a weather event scientists say is unparalleled and totally ridiculous.
Source: Irma, Katia and Jose: Trio of hurricanes in Atlantic Ocean baffles weather scientists - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)


9 Sep Trust Bolt he doesn't even know what day it is


Latest Real News from ISRAEL

September 9, 2017

 Inglorious Empire - what the British did to India ebook by Shashi Tharoor


Ballarat's statues must go. I mean, statues to Queen Victoria? To Burke and Wills, who discovered what Aborigines had already? The giant pink purse alone survives.
9 Sep
One only has to read Sashi Tharoor account of India's perspective of British Colonialism in his book  INGLORIOUS EMPIRE to realize the thinking behind Britain's Empire and it's single minded brutishness for  profit and nothing more. How the English used their colonial subjects as slaves canon fodder in it's wars and there were many and made them pay.
That their attitude towards it's Colonies throughout the world created rebellions the American War of Independence being the most famous for it's success. The Statues celebrated the impoverishment of India as much as they did the enslavement of Aborigines here and the theft of their land along with their non recognition as people until 1967. So it's not a question of which statues at all it's all statues that celebrate Britain's Colonial past the world biggest slave and drug traders that taxed their Colonies into poverty. However History for Bolt has always been "British"  no "English" history which like Murdoch Media has never told the real story from any of it's Colonies 4 million Slaves from Africa and half a million for India. 
WWW1 & 2 not only used Indians and Australians and others from their colonies to fight their Wars but made them pay for them. We funded private investment paying out exorbitant rates of interest  were also taxed for it. We were denied industry or value adding to our resources and were simply forced buyers of British goods. Bolt fantasy of a free market is BS we were captured buyers and pawns of the British as were the Indians. who were driven into poverty.
Given the true history of Australia the statues Bolt wants to save appear like  statues of Hitler to Aborigines. India is certainly not keeping theirs.


The media blamed both sides for a clash caused by gay-marriage activists blockading an Australian Christian Lobby meeting. In fact, the meeting wasn't about gay marriage; threats had already forced its cancellation; claims of a car driven fast into protesters were false. One of the true victims denounces the bullies and lies in a brilliant letter.
Don't blame both s... 9 Sep Bullies are victims is an oxymoron. The history of gays as victims simply proves the opposite. The most sweetest "no" voter in a suit represents the history of bullying he or she has and continues that bullying today if deeming not to say sorry. Germans have learned and teach their children to say sorry every day by teaching their children about Hitler and German history. Bolt teaches us it's OK to forget history he's happy to forget and deny the inequality that continues today against gays. He claims we are all equal an as such recognition of Australia's first peoples is not required yet when it comes to gays it's his un-reasoned only bigoted exception. Hypocrisy seems a priority in Bolt's life he can't admit to.

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There are arguments in favor of same-sex marriage. But I suspect they are weak, since activists resort instead to bullying, censorship and deceit. Now a doctors petition claims opposing gay marriage will cause "increased depression, anxiety, self‐harm, and suicidal behaviours". But none of the three papers they cite show this.
9 Sep Smoking causes Cancer it comes in many forms. Medical science doesn't have to distinguish which brand. Idiots like Bolt seem to insist they do or it's a denial. Here we have idiots proof that saying "no" causes psychological issues  for gays. Anti-Gay bigotry causes issues for the gay community demanding proof "no" is a specific cause is "bigotry". How weird are these people?


Tony Abbott gave Malcolm Turnbull a winning policy on gay marriage. Now he gives him one on electricity: "Instead of talking about renewable energy targets, we must talk about reliable energy targets set at 100 per cent reliability... Right now the renewable energy target is jeopardising our future.” Time Turnbull scrapped it.  
9 Sep Tony Abbott is Mr Nope. Nope has been a career tactic of Abbott's throughout his career. He continued it even when he'd won government and lasted less than 2 years. It's been clear that "nope" is little more than a tactic to gain power in a 3 year electoral cycle and Abbott like a scratched record built his career using it. However he passed the least number of bills almost breaking John Gorton's record. While we as a nation paid for his non service. Tactics aren't what we pay government for we pay for responsible policy to move forward. It's seems Bolt thinks winning the electoral cycle is what we pay to watch. 
Banks, Business, Producers, Investors  and Consumers all agree we need an ETS in order to  establish a stable energy system and that the only thing in the way is the government. Bolt however wants the continuation of Abbott's nope campaign to just keep continuing. That continued uncertainty is our nightmare


Mocking the murderous Islamic State may be a hate crime, according to a university: "Edinburgh University is investigating a law student over claims that he mocked Islamic State on social media and put 'minority students at risk and in a state of panic and fear'." The useful idiots of Islamists.  
9 Sep
Universities are the very places we expect this sort of debate to occur except fo of course conservatives like Bolt who demands they be right wing training grounds. But then he wouldn't know given he only spent seconds in one. 


Global warming is the faith of earth worshippers and bat-crazy Leftists.  Actor Jennifer Lawrence blames the last two big cyclones on voters electing Donald Trump: "You know you're watching these hurricanes now, and it's really hard especially while promoting this movie, not to feel mother nature's rage and wrath."  
9 Sep Bolt spent red faced time trying to convince us Roy Spencer had declared hurricanes like Harvey weren't exceptional. However even Spencer declared Harvey was. The hurricane had dropped more water over a larger area of land ever recorded and caused $120 bill of damage. Bolt was laughing while making himself look the fool. Jennifer Lawrence whose rating is far bigger than Bolt's at any time was talking about a movie and metaphors and here's Bolt mocking her. You judge just how stupid this man can be. No brains no embarrassment.

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