Monday, 18 September 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog.18/9/17; Bolt's Anti-Science and the IPA in context; Link less Bolt defames the Supreme Court ; Victimhood & "get a spine" Blurted out by Canavan; Forget about hurricanes there are none here; But don't forget about terror in the UK only ignore the Middle East;

Anti-Science Explained

But to suggest global warming exists only because climate scientists need the money, you need to ignore melting ice sheets, rising sea levels, increasing extreme weather events, strings of record hot years, retreating glaciers, acidifying oceans, warming sea temperatures and bleaching corals. Or claim there is a conspiracy to manufacture these impacts in exchange for a wage.

 The idea that climate scientists are in it for the cash has deep ideological roots | Environment | The Guardian


Image result for Image of Slander by media


Pardon? "A convicted sex offender who has faced allegations of domestic violence from two ex-partners ... has been cleared to run a childcare business... [He] committed several serious sexual offences as a 15-year-old boy... The man's subsequent record [included] a 1992 incident in which he entered a woman's bedroom and pulled down her nightdress." 
Bolt's disparagement amounts to No Link Just thanks to an anonymous name " thanks, Andrew C". Bolt, however, has no trouble smearing the Supreme Court of Australia of course not mentioning any judges concerned after all Bolt will always protect himself first while suggesting the court is incompetent. He hasn't really addressed any of the facts of the case on which the court made its decision. It's not hard to make anyone look incompetent if you have control of the megaphone and you know those that your disparaging won't respond. If the court did respond to what is being alleged here Bolt would be in deep shit as would Andrew C. 
This is neither journalism nor information dissemination it's little more than media thuggery. Notice Bolt doesn't even reveal "the man's" name or any verifiable reference to the man's case. 


There is an easy way for the gay-marriage lobby to win next month’s public vote. Just prove you aren’t bullies like the  thugs who attacked Christians at Sydney University, pelting them with food, dye and glitter and overturning their table. Don’t simply dismiss fears that gay marriage will license more such bullying, this time by politicians. 
Column Apparently the No voters are victims one and all Senator Cavanan and the ACL have all claimed persecution in the face of some embarrassing facts. Mental Health experts have declared a spike in Mental Health Assistance and it's not from the "no" side "
"We are hearing a lot from LGBTIQ people that this is reviving traumatic experiences, particularly from their school years," said Professor McGorry, now the executive director of Orygen, the National Centre of Excellence in Youth Mental Health."
Senator Canavan's response " get a spine"
 Opponents: Lyle Shelton, managing director of the Australian Christian Lobby and Karina Okotel, vice-president of the ...
"A culture has developed whereby it's acceptable to vilify, mock, abuse and shame anyone who stands in the way or even raise questions about whether we should legalize same-sex marriage. I have been called a homophobe, a bigot and been told that my views are disgusting,"
(No Voters & Right-wing Press Claiming Victimhood.  Senator Canavan tells yes voters and their kids to get a spine)

"Senator Canavan, a Nationals MP who said people should stop being "delicate little flowers".
"Can't we just all grow a spine and grow up? The debate hasn't been that bad," Senator Canavan said in response to warnings from the National Mental Health Commission last week. The worst of the debate had actually come from "vile tweets and statements we've heard from 'yes' campaigners", he said.
Source: Mental health groups sound alarm over dramatic same-sex marriage survey spike


18 Sep
"Yes, he's done it again !" Yes, Bolt's words but they are not applicable to Tim Flannery. When talking "global science" Bolt does think his Australia is the center of the universe doesn't he and his backyard the center of Australia. He hasn't noticed or no he simply ignores Harvey Irma, Katia, Jose and a new Hurricane forming. Unprecedented storms that have caused unprecedented damage. The only time Andrew Bolt mentioned these events was when Harvey hit Texas and he claimed it wasn't an exceptional storm. When proven wrong Bolt did what he always does he went silent. It's typical of Bolt back turned away from reality telling us he didn't see a storm in his backyard therefore global science is wrong.
"  to suggest global warming exists only because climate scientists need the money, you need to ignore melting ice sheets, rising sea levels, increasing extreme weather events, strings of record hot years, retreating glaciers, acidifying oceans, warming sea temperatures and bleaching corals. Or claim there is a conspiracy to manufacture these impacts in exchange for a wage."
 The idea that climate scientists are in it for the cash has deep ideological roots | Environment | The Guardian

 Image result for Man Horan


Yet more terrorist refugees?: "Police searched the home of a second refugee foster child on Sunday night as part of the terror investigation into the [London train bombing]... linked to a Syrian refugee who had previously lived at the home of Ron and Penny Jones, who had been fostering the 18-year-old." Don't tell the ASIO boss.
 There has been shootings and Murder in Melbourne on a weekly basis but Andre w Bolt insists it's the refugees that are the most dangerous dragging up 4 cases that occurred over a period of some 3 years and all of which had mental health issues and other complications attached. To try to back up his correlation that we are all under personal threat Bolt scoots off around the world looking for cases that might support his claims.  Somehow he ignores the fact that the biggest and only threat remains in the Middle East where 80+ innocent Muslims were killed in a bomb blast. In fact, the Western media tends to ignore these incidents altogether. Bolt prefers to try to convince us that people in need of  Mental Health Care, who have been here over 20 years are indicators that we need to have spent more than 10 billion dollars stopping boats and billions more on security to keep our selves safe. The real story is to keep us in FEAR. How the hell did we get declared the most livable city again? Obviously, nobody asked or reads Andrew Bolt.


 Image result for Images of demonstrators with masks in Vic


The Australian: "Police have used newly enacted powers that allow them to disperse masked protesters to charge par­tici­pants of a Melbourne anti-­fascist rally, where several members of the hard left clashed with officers." Liberal MP Craig Kelly: "Would the media please stop referring to these violent fascists as 'anti-fascists'?"   
  Yet again the UPF, Reclaim Australia, The inequality brigade all claim their rights as citizens and victims of the  Fascist Left which by the way is an oxymoron. Craig Kelly MP isn't expected to show intelligence and he does a good impression of Tony Abbott. Never distinguishing Freedom for Some when he declares the protestors for a white Christian Australia are only fighting for and representing some Australians. The Left seem to turn up wherever the extreme right do for a very real cause reminding the rest of the country we are all Australians and the rights of us all to need protection and not just a few. When you don't have access to the media as witnessed by News Corp's headlines you do need to get your message across in other ways. 
So evil is represented by those motivated in defending "all" Australians Against those White Christian supremicists who declare themselves to be the only Australians. The rest are just lying Socialists, Muslims, Feminist LGBTQIs Indigenous, welfare cheats wearing masks?

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Victoria Police unmask one of a mob of Leftist militants on the weekend under new no-mask laws. He doesn't look half so tough with his face uncovered, which reminds me of someone else like that.
  Bolt's still proud of his attempted GBH and somehow associates the face of an unmasked mad as somebody he wants to get even with today. That man explained himself to the police. What hasn't been explained is why Bolt has the right to commit an act of GBH on pranksters that glittered him and didn't get charged. George Columbaris did far less and was. Bolt doesn't seem satisfied and wants the name of unmasked people as well. You certainly don't need to be masked to look dangerous. Just look at Bolt and he's loving it.


Hedley Thomas: "Sokhom Prins ... traces her ethnicity to Cambodia. If you have the misfortune of being branded a wicked, white-supremacist racist in one of her social media rants..., be mindful about how you tell her where to go. You may (like me ...) ­be accused of racial hatred under ... the Racial Discrimination Act". And sued for $1.6 million. 
  Bolt's link Hedley Thomas from  Quadrant is a PAYWALL
Defamation is the right of everyone is Thomas suggesting Prins is using Legal Aid in her case against them. By the way they are all using a Corporate defense. It's not exactly a level playinfield is it? Thomas is a little two-faced in somehow attacking the AHRC which dismissed the case. Why is it any fault of theirs? Again why is Thomas suggesting the AHRC are pursuing him? Prins is and she is doing it throught the courts. Someone seems to be twisting the facts.




ABC presenter Emma Alberici frets: "Giving commercial media companies government hand outs is not going to bring them more viewers, listeners, readers. And where does it end?" Probably ends up with something looking like the ABC, given $1 billion a year of government hand-outs.
18  Hedly Thomas above is not the only distorter of information and an apparent ignorant on what it means to be an Independant Statuary Body of which the AHRC and the ABC are. The government doesn't give them "hand-outs" as they did to Murdoch that still remain unexplained. We can point to the laws that dictate the government is the 'Paymaster' on our behalf and working for us. However the same can't be said of their payment of $30mill undeclared or explained to Murdoch
 Milo is Cumming hater of Milo. Yiannopoulous triggered the hatred of Breitbart and all alt-Right America when he defended pedophelia. Milo lost book contracts and largely the respect of all America. Now that's forgotten Andrew Bolt is reviving him as an unfairly treated victim of the Left. Milo is now just a minor celebrity troll trying to survive independantly. Bolt's using him for attention not for any political point scoring. The guy in this video is hardly more than a member of the Berkley Campus whose offended by the poster he might well be an extremely offended right wing Christian. How does Andrew Bolt  who claims manners are foremost get to define this American citizen as anything other than being offended by a poster. Is he masked no! Is he hiding his Identity no! the people he's talking to certainly are. Milo hasn't done anything a right-Wing poster has! Get something right once in you life Bolt even those you claim an affinity with no longer want to promote anything Milo.


Bolt really doesn't think much of Trump supporters, does he? He thinks a prank video will shore up the Republicans and the White Suprmecists who think he's double crossed them on the his siding with the Democrats. Bolt's remained very quiet on Trump recently as he did when Abbott kept making a fool of himself. When you have nothing good to say say nothing is the adage, not something stupid Bolt.


But we can guess she's not Christian and probably not French-born: "Four young US tourists have been rushed to hospital after being sprayed with acid in Marseilles in the south of France. A 41-year-old woman was arrested by French police after the attack... French police say it is too early to determine if the incident was terrorism related."  
18 Sep "French police say it is too early to determine if the incident was terrorism related.The attacker did not shout any slogans to suggest the attack was linked to extreme Islamism, according to reports."
Bolt however wants us to think otherwise  and guess and guess and then be vigilant at home of 41 year old women no doubt. He is like Chinese water torture drip drip drip.



The Left's hatred is alarming:  "A New York professor who tweeted that teaching 'future dead cops' is a 'privilege' ... was placed on administrative leave." His tweet: "Some of y'all might think it sucks being an anti-fascist teaching at John Jay College but I think it's a privilege to teach future dead cops."
  "The hatred of the Left is becoming seriously alarming." Bolt
Another unintentional truth by Left hater  Andrew Bolt  and Fox News's Tucker Carlson who hate the Left so much their spleens bleed. When one considers the number of guns per person  in America and the violent mass murders that have occurred. It seems the New York professor is not teaching a lie. Anti-Police attitudes is not brought about by political activists alone. Police lack of training and militarization their lack of attention to protocols has brought about an extreme dislike and distrust by the American citizenry. The fact that an Australian woman was shot by a police officer for calling for help gives strength to what the professor was saying. What has his politics to do with that. But then Bolt is allowed to call for physical retribution of  the right on the Australian Left and retain his job not get charged and gloat.
Carlson starts by saying would you take action against "me" dissatisfied with "no" for an answer  says "ok, Lets take me out of the equation". What does he do but put's himself back into the equation immediately. Is he joking or just trying to not have a conversation with the professor whose apparently there to listen to Carlson rant....That's Fox for you!! Defending American Nazis to speak in public and call for violence against Jews, For KKK the right to intimidate Black Americans and call for there physical shooting by the police.  The very heart of what Carlson is saying is that Antifa should not have been allowed to be at Charlottesville they were the initiators of violence against the Nazi's KKK and Vanguard America and they caused the poor bewildered young man to drive his car into the crowd. Well we saw what America said when Trump tried to go down that ahistorical level playing field path. America erupted.



New study finds Leftist groupthink: "We examined the attitudes of over 80,000 people on more than 400 political issues (e.g., attitudes toward welfare, gun control, same-sex marriage) across approximately 40 years. In both data sets, we found that liberals possessed a larger degree of agreement in their political attitudes than did conservatives."

The Left is far more united with individuals that have a concern for issues of 'we' and 'social justice' for over 40 years. The conservatives give constant attention to self interest only so much so they can't even agree among themselves as to what they have in common and Bolt admires that lack of focus. We all know that and have pointed that out since Captain Nope Tony Abbott destroyed Parliamentary Democracy in theis country. The Left at least understand the concept of a "group"

This typical of Bolt's generalizations something occurs in London and not only does Bolt import it to Melbourne but talks as we have personally experienced it ourselves. Now on any other day Andrew Bolt doesn't like to be stereotyped because as he says he's a unique individual that can't be put into a box. Not so however the two young boys in London. Bolt knows everything he needs to know about those guys. 1) They are refugees 2) They are Muslims 3) All refugee Muslims are the highest risk an accepting nation can make. 
Bolt's position three however is a conclusion that isn't supported by the statistical data. His conclusion is  not made by any rationality or vast collection of data but from personal whim of Bolt's that simply fits with his conservative politics and strategy to keep Abbott's "stop the boats" old irrelevant tactic from dying.
  Since 2013 Australia has experiences 4  events which Bolt simply categorizes as terrorist. Experts however saw these in more complex terms rather than Bolt's simplistic reds under the bed paradigm. Even Mr  Curtis Cheng's son was quite direct when he said his father's death wasn't terrorist related but was merely usefully portrayed as such by persons like Andrew Bolt for political reasons only. Bolt has a tendancy to portray diverse complex and unrelated events and try to squeeze them into tight and narrow box to support his conclusion. 
 Yes, Bolt's complex individual self is unique and needs to be treated accordingly but he's not required to treat others in the same way he expects to be treated. 
Melbourne , however, isn't London, Paris, or any other place on earth the social context in which events have occur are significantly different. Our Australian experts and the head of  AFP supported by ASIO  have all stated the opposite of Bolt's unresearched speculations and have said that there is no evidence to believe there is any  significant connection between  radicalized Muslims here and anyone else they were events simply peculiar to Australia and all very different. Bolt's response is that the heads of our most respected security organizations are incompetent or worse they are liars and that commentator  and opinionator Andrew Bolt is in fact the most informed Australian.
 Given we have spent $10 billion  ++ on stopping boats in the past 4 years and will continue to throw billions away on even more on security and have given $50 million was to Cambodia for the resettlement of 7 people it would seem we have thrown $$$ away and have been screwed for politics and a fake reality alone. Furthermore Bolt doesn't think we've spent enough. He really does disrespect this nation of ours.

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