Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog,19/9/17. 1gear forward 5Gears in Reverse Bolts formula for progress; Get a spine the new Conservative chant to gays;

 Photo of children's birthday party organiser Madlin Sims


Many Yes campaigners are the bullies they claim to oppose. Now a Canberra children's entertainment business has sacked a contractor for posting "you can say No" on her Facebook page. Even worse, the boss even called her a homophobe who shouldn't be around children. My editorial from The Bolt Report - and some of my interview with the sacked woman.
Bolt hates Australia and its freedoms, doesn't he? 
The entertainer can test her dismissal under our unfair dismissal laws.That's democracy. It's what they are there for her employer doesn't have that privilege or protection. But it's still not a one-way street because there are independent tribunals there to judge on the law that Bolt generally doesn't support. Her employer knows that she can test her freedoms and have them adjudicated. Usually, we'd see Bolt bleeding and calling Sims the victim not in this case he prefers a side rather than a principle of employer rights being undermined.
 Is Bolt complaining that there are no  unions? Is he a socialist what would he do if the entertainer was a Lebanese Muslim or refugee is he actually suggesting she should crowdfund her dismissal and profit from it? That's more Bolt than defending workers rights. The thing is Ms. Sims her employer feels she had the freedom to do what she deemed necessary for her business and conscience as did  the entertainer. Freedoms Bolt usually praises but generally argues against any adjudicator being necessary. What we see here is pluralism at work and the avenues for the action to be judged and tested under our unfair dismissal laws. Freedoms we are now voting on which have been unequal and unrecognized since John Howard put the Marriage bill and made it law without asking the people in 2004
Bolt had that right to say sorry under our vilification laws but chose not to he wasn't sacked but he was found guilty and hasn't stopped bitch'n since.

So Who does support Coal Andrew Bolt?

A survey of voter attitudes in the Labor-held blue-collar strongholds has found 28 per cent of voters tag the federal Coalition with the blame for the ongoing electricity generation confusion.
Voters situated around the Liddell power station are already looking beyond coal to cleaner power sources and tend to blame the federal government for the current state of energy policy.
All but a few believe pressuring AGL to keep its aging power station operating is the wrong way to go. 

Coal not even popular in coal-dominated electorates



  "spending billions to give you more expensive and unreliable electricity just to pretend to stop global warming that they pretend is catastrophic." Bolt
The wreck on electricity after the hurricanes was cars at a standstill and 5 mill houses without power those operating renewably generated only.

1)Let's get this straight first Bolt is lying 30 years ago we spent 2.9% of our income on electricity today we are spending the same. So Bolt is lying.
2) Power generators want to move away from coal because the infrastructure is far more expensive to build than renewables. They are demanding and ETS
3) Power generators are moving away from coal Adani for one is the biggest operator of Solar Power in India
4) Warming or no warming clean energy makes sense and all major industries other than those who do nothing more than produce fossil fuels are moving away from a fossil fuel power generated future
"Australians are set to pay $300 million in subsidies to an outback solar farm owned by a Saudi Arabian billionaire in a new test of the federal government’s looming energy reforms, escalating a dispute over whether to cut the handouts to keep coal-fired power stations alive."Bolt
We are giving Adani $1 billion
What we see is a repetitive lie about your power bills being more expensive that they ever were when they, in fact, aren't 2.9% is 2.9% and, Sun Wind and tides are free. Bolt is trying to convince us that coal is cheaper than free. He doesn't mention that since the hurricanes went through America the only power operating during and after the storms has been renewable. The only transport moving is electric all of this information is put under his commentary carpet in the no news zone.

It may have ravaged much of the Caribbean, but Hurricane Irma weakened mercifully quickly as it passed over Florida. That’s not to say that it didn’t cause Thanks To Lobbying, It's Illegal To Power Your Home With Solar Panels In Florida | IFLScience






A range of mental health groups is in urgent talks this week to develop a strategy to meet the increased demand, with fears the situation will worsen as the postal survey campaign continues for another two months.
 Senator Canavan's Response to this "Get a Spine" 
 Bolt's "We are the Victims" ... 
Any Speech is Free Speech to them, truth does not count neither does Social Justice or equality

  Malcolm Turnbull must take responsibility for postal survey mental health concerns: Bill Shorten

  Mental health expert attacks Canavan's 'grow a spine' comment on marriage equality | Australia news | The Guardian


 Image result for Images of Apartheid


Bugger the bakers: "Senator Dean Smith said under his bill ... there would be no protections, for example, for a Christian-run bakery that refused to make a cake for a same-sex wedding, unless it had formal links to a church.”  Bakers in Oregon and Colorado have learned what comes next. So have a Washington florist and New Mexico photographer.

 What we want is the freedom of Apartheid true Christian belief.
  Yes, it's typical Bolt is an example of an extremist who throws rationality out the windows in favor of punch-ups tantrums and threats. His elf & troll Peter BH is pulled out to try to appear more rational emphasis on appearance only, a bit like wearing a suit when committing GBH. However, the attempt at reasoned threats is still threats even when  Bolt can't be that subtle. Bakers have had the right not to serve customers if they don't wish whenever they want. they have the right to remove them from the premises.
  "(E)ver since marriage was re-defined to enable two people of the same sex to marry in [the USA], businesses owners have been fined and put out of business when they have declined to provide services for same-sex weddings."USA
That's the generalization or threat now for the statistical example as to the evidence like all bull artists there is no wide-ranging examples of this having gone on but anecdotes. The reality, however, has been researched and researched heavily over three decades and no significant changes in behavior have occurred. Amplification or attempting to make examples of cases suggesting they have become the new norm for 500,000,000 Americans and Canadian is just a lie. In the case of the Bakers in the USA, the struggling bakery actually made money out of what was blown up to be a false flag solely intended for publicity and crowdfunding. Didn't the Bakers make $800,000 in that campaign?
Oops, no mention of what the white Christian Lobby will do to publicize themselves in America in the name of protest. The could have done the same even before marriage equality was voted in. Marriage Equality had nothing to do with religious freedom. Did you hear about the Rabbi who didn't get sued for not marrying non-Jews? What about the Baker who refused to put Satan on top of the wedding cake? 



It has been fine to persecute police and jail gays at the end of the last century, in fact, Andrew Bolt was raised in Adelaide where the last gay was bashed to death and thrown into the Torrens River. Bolt's parents came from a town in the Netherlands where it was fine to kill Jews and Bolt still loves it there. The town of Aalsmeer today is quite unlike Germany it doesn't teach it's children of its notorious past if they did he no doubt claim that the Jew-Haters of Aalsmeer were being victimized. Bolt never raises the history of the town he's so attached to.  If someone decided not to sell the Nazi sympathizers bread would  Bolt claim it seriously unfair. Yet it wasn't seriously unfair of the good bakers of Aalsmeer not to sell bread to Jews.
The equal rights we see today can be witnessed in Balaclava, Coburg Market, and Lakemba. Orthodox Jews are seen shopping in Christian shops as are Christians seen shopping in Balaclava road. What if suddenly they weren't and Bolt's refusal rights are what we saw rise up. Who would be persecuted? How would we function Bolt is now insisting on "tribal" rights and so he's demanding the rights for Sharia Law to be accepted and acknowledged which is the total opposite of what it is he wants which it cultural domination. Yet he seems unphased that Jews Christians and Muslims intermarry but that Rabbis in some instances refuse to marry couples or as some priests did in the not so recent past. I asked a priest to say a few words over my father at his funeral he refused because my father was a Jew. What's the ogre the monster change that Bolt is trying to frighten us with?
None of these events in a pluralist society have wound up in court, however, the possibility is there.  Everything is possible until tested Bolt is so anal he doesn't want to allow the freedom he has been given to others. He wants it labeled differently qualified and always tested.
 Te took arguments none of which are new and none of which in reality have come to destroy societies of the past 20 years where marriage equality has taken place. All it's done it has raised the level of hatred felt not by gays or activists but those like Bolt who are bent on not treating people equally in our country leaving outsiders aghast at the inequality of Australia and it's bigotry. What if is the game when you drag up an individual negative event and declare it to be the universal unintended consequence that can't be addressed.
Mrs. Sims is free to do what she has done and her staff member, in turn, is free to have here case tested in an unfair dismissal suit. Nobody has said that I can't refuse service to Andrew Bolt and I would.

 Image result for Image of wake in fright


This is disgusting. Tony Abbott is entitled to declare his sister a second class dangerous mother by Tony Abbott but his sister should leave him alone. Tony Abbott declared her 6 children would be "better" raised in a traditional family and Bolt said nothing. That is the caliber of this media man whose No side is telling gays to "get a spine". Old time old school poofter bashing is what we see going on and then running to the public tearfully crying "I'm being bullied". It makes you want to puke. Lyle Shelton well he's another kettle of fish altogether welcoming Aversion Therapy be made available to parents afraid their kids might be gay. Yes, what we see here is not just free speech but free advertising along with no gears forward only Australia in reverse. Wake in Fright live

 "But Forster dodges the real question: does she agree we need protections." Bolt
She does it's why she believes in Safe Schools and the AHRC's protection from vilification. Yes, Bolt she certainly believes in protections and doesn't come out like some heterosexual nutter who you support when all he can mumble is "Get a Spine" Bolt keeps saying stop Tribalism he doesn't seem to know what that means.


The New York Times crusades against Harvard's decision not to accept a new student: "In a breathtaking feat of rehabilitation, Ms. Jones, now 45, became a published scholar of American history... Elizabeth Hinton...  called her 'one of the strongest candidates in the country last year.'" Rita Panahi: "She murdered a child, you unbearable halfwits."
19  She paid the price Panahi and came out more intelligent than either of these two Fascists and News Corp is.  Gandhi was imprisoned. In fact so was Nehru and Churchill wished he was dead. Meanwhile, he was redirecting ships full of Australian wheat bound for India to save people from famine away from India to store in UK warehouses which were full. He wasn't in jail. Nelson Mandela was in Jail and South Africa gave him a job too. The problem Bolt and Panahi believe punishment and it's for life rehabilitation is purely an excuse for the weak and the left. Except in the case of Andrew Bolt convicted liar and vilifier then whole system of justice needs to be overturned. 
Australia is not Argentina guys once ruled by the Generals. Even Uraguay made a Tupamaros it's President Pepe Mujica was in jail for over 17 years. He Gandhi Nehru, Mandela could never be politicians
in Australia.  Exceptions sometimes do shine a light on the rule and NYT asks America what theirs is. We know what Panahai and Bolt's is.



Interesting: "Imams and Islamic leaders are ramping up a campaign against same-sex marriage, using their sermons in mosques across Australia to urge the Muslim community to vote no." So will gay-marriage activists to do Muslims what they do to Christians - blockade their meetings, threaten their leaders, sue their clerics and mock their faith?

 Dumb and Dumber Bolt keeps revealing his true self. Do gay-marriage activists protest in Churches be they  Christian, Mosques or Synagogues? No they don't. Will they protest at public meetings advocating the 'no' vote yes they will and it's their entitlement. The 'no voters to date have spent x5 $$ on media than the 'yes' voters. 
Will those advocating the 'no' vote allow Muslims into their meetings or 'yes' voters, I hardly think so. Will gays allow gay-marriage activists allow Muslims in I do think so. Andrew Bolt you have shown in your smugness just what an ultra racist you in fact are. It's built into your question about 'attacking' Muslims. You in your own way mock the very nature of Christianity by attaching 'hate' to it.



The Week My Husband Left And My House Was Burgled

Dr Mary-Claire King on the week she overcame everything and changed her life with the help of others: "The Week My Husband Left And My House Was Burgled I Secured A Grant To Begin The Project That Became BRCA1." A stranger called Joe di Maggio even helped in an airport queue. Do read on. You'll be looked for someone you could help, too.
Yes I remember a story like this told in print how a young unemployed man said he was a minder to a belly dancer romancing his life and padding it with lies. There are a million heroic stories in every city and they aren't just stories revolving about celebrities like Joe Di Maggio nice stories that wind up in print. Bolt however never tells of the ones in proson or the the ones among the homelss. Never anything nice about Lebanese Muslims all of who he tends to file away in one box. That when you ask yourself does Bolt have a heart? Some people don't have anything to be burgled when their marriage breaks up.
Exceptions are when the mass of people rise up against injustice that has accumulated through out history and justified by myth and falasy. It's time to vote yes for marriage equality because the lives of gays has been burgled.

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