Thursday 30 November 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog,30/11/17 Milo Yiannopoulos is not Lenny Bruce and Andrew Bolt a judge of wisdom; Sam is a patriot of reality;

Bolt's wetting himself with excitement treating Milo Yiannopoulos as some kind of 2017 Conservative Lenny Bruce. Milo is quite the reverse of Lenny whose disrespect of American Culture was liberating showing us just how culture is a social construct restricting and dividing us from them. Milo's humour, if that's what it is, is quite the reverse it's specific directed bullying at specific groups and it is supportive of the bigotry that exists. His biggest and foremost purpose is fame and attention by way of amplification of his celebrity and bullying which he knows firsthand as a gay man. His biggest fear, however, is having the microphone and media platform removed reducing him to the ordinariness of battling to be listened to. On the field of ordinary men and free speech sounding like just another bully Milo's nightmare.

Lenny Bruce maybe was the enemy of the conservative right but neither was he just a hero of any specific group.He applied his humour to one and all sides, unlike Milo, does. Milo crossed the line however and his fan club immediately deserted him.They didn't arrest him they just sacked him and took attention away because he paid support and defended paedophiles. Sorry just didn't cut it the conservatives were horrified. Breitbart sacked him his publishers cancelled their contracts and the media turned their backs. Berkley University in their free speech week didn't. As Bolt claimed stop him speaking they just reduced him to being what he was not a celebrity but an ordinary bigot they took his mike away and made him equal as the rest of the campus speakers on their soap boxes why? Milo was to have been supported on a stage by a slew of alt-Right wing celebrity bullies who didn't turn up. His idealogues turned their backs on him and the whole show Steve Bannon included his once boss. So Milo didn't deserve a stage on his own just because he was some right-wing media celebrity.

So now Milo has been reduced to being a comic bigot looking for a mike and audience with Andrew Bolt a like-minded attention seeker who simply hasn't the stage presence but wants the same. Both searching for attention. Who else might be up there to lend support to someone who shows so little wisdom but a truckload of ignorance?

Sharia law is what Bolt found amusing but revealed he and Milo know nothing. Milo claims it's about women not being allowed to drive cars about the way they dress and are chaperoned and Bolt agrees. It has nothing to do with Islam it has everything to do with Culture. As for women being under the thumb. There have been more Muslim women as heads of State than in Australia and there are more sitting in Parliaments of the predominantly Muslim countries of the world. There are more fighting terrorism side by side in armies than there are Australians. Women in some Muslim countries have had rights to abortion and equal pay and are fighting any return of male patriotism. Sharia law Andrew Bolt and the ACLU were until yesterday fighting for Christian protection to bigotry to be written into our laws and were voted down. Yes, these idiots will not be stopped speaking the only thing that ought to be done is have their mikes removed and have them brought down to the level of ordinary Australians and be then allowed to argue their case. Bolt wouldn't show up. Bolt would be flaccid round-shouldered and unerect for Milo. While Bolt acts as MC for Milo

  Fairfax Media wins nine Walkley Awards, including the top prize for excellence in journalism

Andrew Bolt has been selling Australia out for years. He's been quite explicit in stating that he believes IS media is the most honest to turn to if one wants the hear the truth regards our enemy. Over and above any of our security or defence institutions. Sam Dasyari on the other hand it appears has stated the obvious that we are all being watched by our security forces. I've told my friends on the phone on regular occasions that our conversations are being monitored as are my blog posts. My observations and Sam's are realist statements whereas Bolt's  are not just fantasy but are enabling comments supporting terrorist activity in the country. He's called Multicultural Australia piss weak and gutless young terrorists committed brave role models of how true Australians should present and he's been active in trying to destroy our tourist industry and economy by broadcasting the sentiment that Chinese aren't welcome.via I’m A ‘Real’ Australian And I’m Sick Of Being Served Racism With My Dinner
Sam compared to Andrew Bolt your a hero


He has by his very actions. He will go down in history as irreparably damaging a party too confused to govern because of one Tony Abbott playing marionette to the likes of Australia's Oligarchs. Political donors who believe they have some right to by governments. Rupert Murdoch the prime example along with Gina and others hiding in plain sight in the IPA. a perfect example is Bolt's PAYWALL below

Shorten's advice to Sam is quit making yourself a media victim behave like Michaela Cash and just keep your head down. Problem is that Sam and Bill want the same but when the focus is not on Abbott and the Qld conservative loss and Turnbull has just passed a Bill tossing the Monkey Pod room aside Bolt needs a target other than Turnbull's win and it seems it can't be Bill so it's the Irani senator right-wing Australians in their ignorance make out to be a Muslim  and a lover of everything they hate China. 
Bolt could have mentioned the teenagers arrested in Adelaide planning to attack a school but they were white and not Muslim he could have mentioned the Royal Family and their Muslim roots along with Harry's engagement a celebration to Multiculturalism. Something Abbott and Bolt don't abide by. No Bolt selectively chose Sam in the hope he'd react.

Illustration: John Tiedemann


Column Tony Abbott, take the tip from a mate. Yes, Malcolm Turnbull’s government is now falling apart before our eyes. But resist the temptation, Tony. Don’t even try to be prime minister again. It won’t work. This rabble won’t thank you. And you don’t deserve the pain. Let the backstabbers hang.


Posturing nothing but posturing. Revenge is certainly there as is the ambition to Head Hog yet again. There's no point in saying Abbott has changed we watched and saw plainly he hadn't. The 8 Party conservatives Bolt said would vote in the Senate yesterday turned out to be 6. So no Tony don't do it you haven't the numbers says Bolt stating the obvious waiting for the call to come back from the wilderness. News Corp will be leading the charge to make Tony opposition leader again.
Now, this is what Bolt called for when he said the Muslim lads that martyred themselves in Barcelona were so brave and committed and Christians were so weak. The fact that Bolt can't see the man was a psychopath and even asks the question "it makes you ask" suggesting he is a Christian Martyr and symbol does make you ask but not about the war criminal but about Andrew Bolt who can only see guilt in his blinkered way. Hitler killed himself as well guess Bolt wonders why?
Heroes tend to die trying to save others and don't for one moment consider themselves martyrs. Praljak was leaving behind a statement about what he considered human himself. 


Captain Nope Tony Abbott wouldn't do this that's for sure it's why he's not PM. He never saw or cared for the changing public mood. He preferred to change it and instil fear even in his own electorate. He voted "no" on equality who will he represent crunch time come Monday his electorate or himself?
The words Turnbull has cited such as "the Cabinet has decided" are words you never really heard from Abbott, who never really understood that Australia isn't an autocracy but a democracy.
Bolt's fear is that an inquiry will come to reveal just how corrupt the debt industry really is that their business isn't about parking money at all but it's an industry creating debt from a future that isn't supported by any long-term planning only short-term politicking. The debt makers make their $$$ now.
 This isn't about an investigation into payday loans or mom and pop credit cards. It isn't about our collateral either it's about the country's National assets.  It's about Government, Banks and Financiers creating debt from nothing thin air and when and if that vacuum collapses ensuring it's we the citizens that are left to pick up the pieces. We saw that very action forced on the Greeks when their government was forced to extract the money from its people while letting the Banks to continue and survive. Nobody was jailed, were they? Not like Iceland the only country that threw their banker's in jail and kicked their government out letting their citizens off the hook they didn't create or ask for.
 It's Wall St that's booming now because they let off the hook but the US nations poverty line jumped. and is now only beginning to turn. The rich got richer, however.
 Wayne Swan saved us from that while the conservatives wanted us to pay for the GFC with their dire warnings that the sky was falling in. The Debt Sector of Australia simply will not co-operate in this investigation. However, they have backed themselves into this corner and their shareholders are quaking.

No sound from Andrew Bolt and Michaela Cash's antics in orchestrating raids on union offices then lying to the public. Sam is a realist about China Bolt just postures for opportunity. I know who I'd like next to me in fight. Communist China is being somehow depicted as ignorant when it comes to espionage. It was Australia that was caught having bugged the meetings and offices of the Timorese and got caught. It was  Australia that lied to its citizens and had them hanged to drugs while they promised the opposite. 
Are we dealing with intelligence when we hear Brandis and Bolt talk of great journalism in revealing a secret press conference? A secret Press conference Brandis Bolt is an oxymoron. Sam gave a press conference it wasn't secret nor was it revealed by brilliant investigative journalism. Born to be idiots not to rule
There is significant difference here Sam doesn't go into hiding like Michaela Cash who forced a political raid and has been covering it up ever since.

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