Wednesday 29 November 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog,29/11/17; Don Burke is not the exception; Bolt says ASIO the AFP and Police are corrupt conspirators; Is Mark Latham Labor's Malcolm Fraser really? Finally Bolt shows his expertise; NRA and One Nation;

White Male Sexist Culture is on show but individuals have been revealed as the " the Exceptions but not the Norm" It's systemic and ingrained nature not magnified. It's selectively purging itself now but not really changing. It's happened before. What is exceptional is why aren't all men like Burke or are we along with the majority of women his enablers?

 Will the sexist nature of our male misogynist cultural system be challenged this time by giving women more positions of seniority? I doubt it.  Andrew Bolt and Tim Blair simply called these "frightbat moments ". Abbott said women belong behind their "ironing board" Will they continue to be told of course they will.

A series of women have accused Don Burke of sexually harassing them.

 The Australian media industry operates a protection racket for men like Don Burke

Andrew Bolt generally believed the word of terrorist media like IS online over and above ASIO, the AFP and the Police who he has said conspire and distort the truth. Will he be consistent here and say that's just what might be happening?

Ali Khalif Shire Ali tells a gathering that ASIO organised a meeting with him at the Werribee Nando's outlet.
The man who allegedly planned to commit mass murder on New Year's Eve once claimed he had been approached by ASIO to spy on terror plotters.
Ali Khalif Shire Ali told a forum that ASIO attempted to recruit him because they suspected he knew Farhad Jabar, the 15-year-old boy who shot dead a police employee in Parramatta, and other extremists.

 'I thought I was in 007': Terror plot accused said he was approached by ASIO

 NYE terror plot accused comes from 'a beautiful family'

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 Nobody has ever said a minority didn't "love Abbott" and the ACLU is one such minority who could be found at the ACNA on Saturday. They are the equivalent of a Southern Baptist tent show and yes they spoke in tongues and Latham was their witness Halajuela. What would they have thought of Prince Harry and the Royal family letting Harry marry a divorcee and Afro American actress? Western Civilization is in danger and Abbott was there to testify. Aboriginals have secret men's and women's business Abbott and the ACNC have secret undemocratic monkey business.
The Liberal Party had their Malcolm Fraser and their John Hewson the Labor Party have Mark Latham and Richo.
Whatever the truth is it's a case of the tail continuing to wag the dog the only problem is the wag has the power of News Corp. Murdoch and Abbott attempted to fool Australia at the Alfalfa Club in Atlanta in a totally false photo shoot to show how much the world loved the man and they got "sprung". Had they not it would have been front-page news in the Murdoch press. Here believe it or not Abbott was a rock star and Christian women were throwing their knickers at him according to  Mark Latham.
" What Abbott did or didn’t do in the past is irrelevant. Do we think he is totally incapable of learning from his mistakes? Hardly likely; he has admitted them himself."O'Brien
Not a word that Julie Bishop might just be the answer to this  white male sexist erection wanting to fuck us again

 Pauline Hanson with former party state leader Steve Dickson at Buderim on Saturday night where Mr Dickson lost his seat.Pauline Hanson with former party state leader Steve Dickson at Buderim on Saturday night where Mr Dickson lost his seat.Pauline Hanson with former party state leader Steve Dickson at Buderim on Saturday night where Mr Dickson lost his seat.

 One Nation won a Seat 1 remember when they put a 0 after that one. They have become the NRA 's rep in Australia. Notice the threat behind Bolt's banner could a Muslim say that? "A Shooter of Pests Wins"

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A revolt against Malcolm Turnbull is rapidly growing. Nationals MPs threaten to rebel, Senator Ian Macdonald says Turnbull backs causes of the Left and an MP plans to quit.  Now: "Nationals MP Andrew Broad has accused Malcolm Turnbull of ignoring conservatives in the same-sex marriage debate, saying there has been 'a clear failure of leadership'."
Bolt had the ear of the mysterious MP that promised to quit next week but apparently, that didn't draw the required attention his puppet master wanted so it's now Cory Bernardi who for some reason believes is more believable. Bolt no longer gets a mention. Yes, that is a sign of leadership lacking among the mutinous. Who is still trying to resist the "yes " vote Australia? Claiming nobody respects them but Aboriginals don't deserve the same and are crying out against the ABC and Triple J. These are the people who believe they have God's given right to rule this country.

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What is significant in its absence here is the naming of 18 Conservative Senators in the Liberal Party. They remain clearly anonymous.

Trying to drag up old news and make it new. No this is an attempt to keep the focus off Cash who has clammed up. How is it Bolt isn't calling for ASIO to arrest Sam for treason? It seems Bill Shorten and the ALP are Teflon at the moment.  The Liberals on both sides of their divide can't possibly just cannibalise each other.

Michaelia Cash's Office Has Refused To Release Communications With Her Staff On AWU Raids


It appears anything that actually needs work like looking up archives and other cut and pastes is left to Bolt's Troll Peter BH.  David Wroe no date attached to this link, Janet Albrechtsen, of course, is a PAYWALL 
Pyne isn't warning about about disunity or betrayal at all but reminding the government MPs to keep their eye on the ball big difference. Albrechtsen is dragged back to the future in 2013 by Peter BH honestly? Well there is one thing for sure back then he was a Cabinet Minister back then and he still is today isn't that a sign of a wily politician rather a mutineer. They, unlike Tony Abbott, did keep their eye on the ball. Abbott's eye currently is anywhere but on it and kicking own goals like nobody has ever seen in politics before.
He can't be seen as much as he wants to cry out "Ditch the Bitch" at Julie Bishop. Bolt's doing that for him while pretending he's not another Don Burke by pointing at others in the Industry.

Typical Bolt blaming the Indigenous Australians not only for what he calls  their poor Culture being the cause of their demise but also the "better off" of their "tribe" ripping the Welfare available  to them off . For Bolt the solutuion is the same as applied to Border Control stronger policing categorizing and identifying whose who in their zoo into worthy or unworthy.
If only Bolt applied that attention to the system that provides limited liability to corporate directors who criminally defraud the nation of not just tax dollars but the Nations share of assetts belonging to tax paing share holders and clients maybe his over concern for welfare cheats would fade to nothing. Limited liability ensures these corporate criminals not only get away with the money but the crime as well. They identify not as Indigenous Australians but the wealthy and entitled who support the ideas that Bolt preaches in order to draw attenntion away from their nefarious practices. Which when said and done do employ the accounting lega; and finance industries as well whose Culture Bolt  claims is ever so much better than the Indenous one on offer.
So if we ask who it is that should be sued first is seems those on Corporate Welfare operating on limited liability is where one should start. If one wishes to begin Banks might be a start but the finance industry as a whole whould be an appropriate beginning. Bolt might ponit to the Indigenous persons like himself as the get go for this policing activity.Firstly I guess Accountants ex- tax experts  and prosecuters enabled enough who already don't work for this group of citizens might be difficult to find but not impossible I'm sure.

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