Friday, 15 December 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog; 15/12/17; Bolt takes time off his holiday for a Racist Report; News Corp. Future; Democracy Now Reports;



Racist reporting still rife in Australian media - The Conversation

Bolt's taken a break from his "holidays" to come back and urgently comment on this issue so close to his heart, It's not the Apex gang because that's been knocked on the head by our police force long ago, that's it's not the African gang Bolt always made it out to be. As was the misreporting of Moomba which Bolt continues to use as his weapon and example of choice. Bolt has now stopped his holiday twice and each time flew his white supremacist flag
1) To mock the Christian Sudanese beauty pageant while boosting his son over Peter on the Young IPA  Podcast
2) The exaggerated comment that "hundreds" of Sudanese and Somali youth acting like Muslim Lebanese bashed and robbed tourists on the St Kilda foreshore. Bolt's evidence MSM sensationalist Media.Their numbers ranged from 60 to 200 and Bolt of course to the largest as the most accurate
" Police said they struggled to contain the violent scenes as young people of African appearance fought each other and assaulted bystanders just before 3am."The Age
"Unfortunately last night we had a large number of youth attend, of African appearance, who have engaged in anti-social behaviour,"The Age

Bolt the "I work 80 hours a weak and am not lazy braggart" has gone out of his way to interrupt his precious holiday to amplify his penchant for Racist commentary. In the first instance, he treated a Sudanese Beauty Pageant as an oxymoron laughing along with his son and co-presenter Peter like fat assed, born to rule public school boys mocking the notion that an event like that was even conceivable.
Secondly, Bolt took the largest figure reported 100s of African kids to arrive at the beach at 12am - 3am in order to attack tourists gathered there when the facts clearly indicated they were the for a gang rumble. How many tourists were there we don't know nor how many were ripped off and why?Bolt conveniently doesn't mention they were actually there for a traditional Aussie gang fight and not to rip off 100s of frolicking tourists in the  midnight sun on a hot summer's night
Bolt is an idiot, but more so a Racist and a Muslim hater all at the same time. Bolt conflates Lebanese Muslims with these Africans but makes no mention of the fact that many of them are in fact Christians particularly the Sudanese why? He simply wants to give the impression that these kids are Muslims and what they have been doing in Melbourne is unAustralian.
 Youth gangs have existed in this city for the past 100 years and the only thing different these days fights can be organized far more quickly because of social media, not the fact that some were black. Bolt's Racism clubs them as one culture his words kids from " a tribal war like culture" conflates Sudanese with Somalis which alone proves he's an ignorant idiot. They are from 2 different countries from differing religions and are not from one culture.  When Aussies and Dago gangs battled each other on the streets of Melbourne in the 50s they weren't treated in the same way. When Mods and Rockers rumbled in the 60s we complained but we didn't claim gang fights were unAustralian they were delinquent. However for kids no matter their colour or creed they were sport on a Saturday night and had to be organized by word of mouth and not by social media
Melbourne, no Australia, has experienced gang brawls since before I was a kid and I'm 70 now. In the 50's it was Jazzers and Rockers defined by their music clothing style and suburbs. Then came the Mods and Rockers generally all white kids because we were Racists and had a White Australia Policy. Nobody asked their religion but their suburb helped identify them. Prior to that, Catholics and Protestants had a go at each other. The 70s saw gangs of ethnic origins Slopes Lebanese and Greeks battling with staunch Aussie Racists. Gang fights which Bolt claims are a peculiarity and exception aren't and are a normal part of Australian Youth Culture and with today's social media much more easily organized.
 How often have we heard that 200 kids have turned up to brawl, gatecrash a party and trash someones home? Bolt and the MSM don't even bother reporting those events because they have different bigoted agenda.  The only thing significant here as far as  Bolt is concerned is he has taken the time out from his holiday to post his racist blog and vilify  Sudanese, Somali and Muslims for no other reason that they are not like him but they are noticeably black and immigrants and therefore unwanted for that difference alone.
Given this gang activity has always been part of our history and has occurred in the past among the Catholics and Protestants  then the Wogs who came later the Italians, Greeks, Slopes, Aborigines and even good old white Aussie kids  Bolt isn't raising anything new or any exceptional issue at all but a quite normal one for Melbourne. The exception, however, is his agenda his personal interpretation which is nothing more than a magnifier and amplifier of his own bigoted bias and the privileged resource his News Corp paid for Blog.

As for his use of statistics as evidence well it's the same as when he says he has "a huge following off a small base ". He uses the same amplified false statistical method to make out Sudanese and Somalis are worst of criminals far worse than white Aussies. Any recidivist youth from a minority charged with some 15-20 offences repeatedly raises the % rate in that minority group, a small population. They too become a huge number off a small base just as Bolt's ratings are. When in terms of the whole population the numbers are insignificant just as Bolt's are. Bolt doesn't even bother to ask the question whether or not these kids have been found guilty or not just charged. His use of statistics, in fact, runs counter to what the police have publicly reported that there isn't a significant African youth problem but there is a significant Mains Stream Media one on how events are reported and Bolt proves it by breaking his holiday.  
Racist reporting still rife in Australian media - The Conversation

Cartoon called an "attack" on Indigenous Australians

Who Andrew Bolt doesn't write about is Melbourne University Scholarship schollars they too are Australians and highly coloured it appears
Top-scoring VCE students awarded Melbourne University's Chancellor's Scholarship.

Donald Trump Jr., left, appeared on Sean Hannity's Fox News program on Tuesday.For starters, it looks like the Murdochs will retain the asset they built that arguably has had a bigger impact on the world than any other: the controversial 24 hour cable station Fox News.
(Would there be a President Trump without Fox News? The question has certainly been asked).

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