Andrew Bolt's Christmas in a Multicultural society

Andrew Bolt's victimhood explained
Nation’s Oppressed Christians Huddle Underground To Light Single Shriveled Christmas Shrub
St Kilda foreshore trashed: 'Appalling' drunkenness as thousands gather on beach, leave trail of destruction

Media reporting an Australian White Xmas as an overzealous Celebration. When 200 Australian Africans gather it's reported as something to be terrified of. More people however were injured, assaulted and behaved like hoons at the Xmas event were good old Aussie enthusiasm ran out of control. The police reported it as just another day at the office and Andrew Bolt won't bother to break his holiday for this event.
'No Terrorism Link' In Melbourne Crash, Turnbull Says
"there are no known links to any political issues or any, certainly any links to extremist groups, and therefore, the position I am advised off at the moment is that no terrorism link has been identified at this stage."Turnbull and our Police
An Impeachment Christmas Song For 2017: Mueller Baby
Not 12 months and it comes to this.

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