Thursday, 21 December 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog;21/12/17; Will Bolt surface from his racist rock? LNP Pride, Bolt and Black Pete; Coal Power and it's finance shrinking in India;

What are we to make of the fact that Bolt's only link seems to be himself  in an excercise of self -promotion of course. The fact that Sky is a tax deductable product on Foxtels books and is run and financed out of HQ America is totally ignored. Raising Sky fees makes little sense to Telstra given it's struggling to get subs here. It simply increases their revenue and the tax Telstra pays
 So the term "delivered much bigger audiences" which Bolt insists using is usually one accompanied by "off a small base" which in the scheme of things is meaningless. Bigger audiences on Foxtel is like changing deckchairs on the Titanic.  and reflects the impact of Netflix, Stan and others on Foxtel and not any real rise in Sky.
If Sky was so successful why was Murdoch so desperate to buy Ch10 which was sold to CBS? Ratings of course. Desperate, seems mild under the circumstance given the number of times Murdoch tried to prevent the deal. Now that 21st Century Fox has gone the pressure on profit gouging in Australia is a must because News Corp is haemorraging money in Australia and Foxtel seems the only means to do it. Not with Sky however but SportFinally, it seems appropriate that if as Bolt admits Sky offers only conservative propaganda and not news that it's neither fair nor balanced it will remain a niche in the Australian market. If facts are constantly cobbled together to substantiate false news purely ideologically driven interest it will never be a go to news service or a trusted one.  It's lurch up or down will always be off a small base. Telstra has bigger fish and profits to worry about than Sky.
Yes, Bolt is on holiday repeating a link to himself back in August which wasn't even put together by him but by his elf Peter from BH. We all know the ALP have been laughing at the project because it requires a Coal -Fired Plant to make it operable or of course clean renewables and battery storage. We saw just how successful the Tesla battery has been how fast it was installed and how successful it been in operation. Bolt's talking of $12 bill Tesla has proved him moronically wrong.

 (Does having a mental illness exclude the possibility of also wanting to kill for your faith?) Bolt
Obviously, Bolt like most conservatives has no knowledge of nor even wants to admit that persons with a mental illness quite commonly believe they are being directed without any reference to religion. Psychiatric dysfunction would have had a history of Psychiatry blaming Christian religious belief for mental breakdown, violence and murder throughout history more so than Islam.
" Police say the man deliberately drove into the pedestrians. A second man arrested was seen filming the incident and had three knives in his bag, but police now think it "quite probable" he was not involved." Bolt
Notice Bolt use of suggestive reporting that this was some organized terrorist act only at the very least does let it be known the police think "quite the opposite of him" as of their report dated 7 minutes ago. How is it Bolt has what appears to be more information yet he's on holiday.
As I have mentioned before Bolt's Racism has brought him out from his holiday why would that be? It began on his son's podcast mocking the Sudanese, Then exaggerating the events at Stkilda the 200 has now dropped to 100 rioting youths. Whatever it takes Bolt won't give up after all he's infused with a culture that has always had an attitude that never saw blacks as equals just black Petes at best.


 Cops investigate Menace to Society gang after party house trashed, police pelted

 Will Andrew Bolt come out from under his racist rock and tell us the police are covering up the truth?
Forensic police investigate a damaged car in Attunga Grove.
"This is not about ethnicity, it's not about people's background, it's not about religion, it's about their behaviour, so any conversation that goes on around ethnicity needs to be squashed."The Age Nino Bucci MSM amateur reporter


The only facts pertaining to this post is 
1) Bolt is on holidays and seems to be saying he's not he has all the facts on his fingertips and knows more than the police involved in the case who are working on it full time.
2)  Bigotry it seems is all that one requires solving crimes coupled with smearing any Institutional authorities or experts that get in the way
3) When Africans complain Bolt no longer suggests they are  Muslims but doesn't mention they are more often than not Christians who just happen to be black and are doing what Australian kids have been doing for years. Gang wars and gatecrashing parties.
4) When any Africans complain it Bilt and his kind that raise the issues of "Black Racism" and the victimization of the white community he insists Australia should be.
"Victoria Police under commissioner Christine Nixon even falsely claimed the Sudanese and Somalis were “under-represented” in crime statistics."
"Why the refusal to speak frankly?"
" He would not comment on whether the incident was linked to a nearby South Sudanese basketball tournament, which wrapped up on Tuesday."
" Yet police command still insists there is no "ethnic" dimension to this massive crime wave."


The 'War on Christmas' and other myths: Returning to a tabloid near you

Image result for Black Pete and Xmas
The annual refrain that Christmas is being destroyed is a right-wing cultural tactic to create the impression of a conspiracy out there to change society as we know it, writes Stephen Keim.
This is typical of the message put out by Andrew Bolt about everything not perfectly as white as he sees it. Sudanese Beauty Pageants, Gatecrashers, Australian Youth, Christianity, Welfare, simply everything about Australia is interfering with Xmas the way it once was.for Bolt  Mind, he loves the Dutch Xmas with it's Black Pete. It's welcomed here just as long as they aren't  real Africans. Controversial 'Black Pete' tradition continues in Australia for Dutch ...
 Christmas is supposed to be a time of coming together, loved ones and the spirit of giving; it's apparently also a time for racism like blackface, public rants and nut jobs targeting racial groups with black racist messages like: "stop being so racist you pigs" which Bolt's not shy using.

The Controversial History of "Zwarte Piet" ("Black Pete") - Latest Stories

" This November, a group of white extremists in the Netherlands blocked a highway to keep anti-racist protesters away from a parade that had blackface. A week later, ten people wearing blackface barged into a primary school in Utrecht, telling some teachers to “go back to your own country.” Within another week, three men in blackface came into an Amsterdam city council meeting and sat in the back until officials removed them."


 World's Largest Solar-Wind-Storage Plant Planned for India

"The fact that the World Bank has agreed to fund the project means that the tariffs would likely be extremely competitive, even with the existing thermal power plants in the country. The World Bank had offered debt funding for a 750-megawatt solar power park in the state of Madhya Pradesh earlier this year. The auction for that solar park broke the record for the lowest solar power tariff in the country at that time." 

 Why is Adani divesting in Coal- Fired  Plants? Adani Loses Nearly All Its Investment In the Mundra Power Plant
India has seen many ambitious bids from all over the world to build and operate upcoming renewable energy facilities, highlighting the country's success in expanding its clean power portfolio at a low cost, The Economic Times pointed out.
Significantly, the plant will receive funding through a loan from the World Bank, which announced this week that it would stop financing oil and gas projects to help the global shift to cleaner energy sources.

george brandis red line verdict misleading Fact check: Does Australia run the most generous refugee program per capita in the world? - Fact Check - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)



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