Saturday 2 December 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog,2/12/17; No crowd other than the one on Bolt's mind; Attacking the Liberal leaders current and past;

Firstly nothing about Milio all about Bolt "I. Said"
More security guards than crowd were in attendance along with flea-bitten celebrities who once had their moment in time.  The event was held at the cheapest venue possible at Findon No Numbers mentioned but what looked like a school hall. Yes, the Daily Mail seems to have bought some photos and looks to be the only media to report it. No photos of  adoring crowd were taken which tells you something. Andrew Bolt felt at home in this huge audience (off the smallest of bases) that have came to see a Jewish gay man who has married his partner but told Australians to vote against same-sex marriage, so his hypocrisy extends even to his personal life.

 Arriving in the unlikely location of Findon, in Adelaide's western suburbs, Yiannopoulos was greeted by the model formerly known as Kate Fischer (pictured)

Now there is a survey of an anonymous crowd if ever there was one of anti " "Ethno Religious immigration" haters who turned their backs on the royalty they once loved when "Harry met Megan"? 
 Unanswered and unphotographed was the size of that crowd The right-wing provocateur's tour was to open in Sydney but it was postponed". That alone tells all that the Milo show was less than booked out.  No not a single photo was even taken of that invisible audience it must have been a huge hoot and Andrew Bolt will tell you it was. He was there along we are told by Cory and a woman once known as Kate was cheering. The Daily Mail was there or at least they reported it the only media to do so and again without numbers or photos of the crowd.
The Troll Academy tour has been marked with controversy so far, with the Greens calling for him to be banned from Parliament House

 In the Liberal Party  past PM's it seems are ass =wipes Fraser and Howard no longer worth listening to one, of course, is dead the other they wish was." As endorsements go, that one stinks." Bolt says of John Howard. The two men along with Menzies the longest PMs the Party ever had and they are treated as fwits by the conservatives and the likes of Andrew Bolt. He, however, turns to Nationals that minority that without the Liberals wouldn't even have a voice in Australian government. He sidesteps the National's current leader to make his point.
"But Anderson is talking from the perspective of conservative voters, who owe the parties nothing and will only vote Liberal if they feel the party fights for them."Bolt
There is no team just a group of self-interested players that want to control not just a side but the whole game the box and dice and rid the country of this stupidity called democracy why? Because they lost control when they lost Abbott the wrecker. 

This is Bolt's advertising T Montgomerie's  Thatcherite blog space in the UK and trying to show us just how connected he is. He did this for Rowan Dean and the Australian Spectator which he doesn't mention is at risk of closure due to a $500k defamation suit it recently lost. Dean was also booted with Latham from Sky as well oops!!
The "Great Forgetting" well it was at the behest of the Conservatives in Britain and Australia along the with consequence of the Cold War that history has been turned into myth.  Post WW2 the conservatives didn't just celebrate WW2 took control of the narrative education and politicized it. Yes they analyzed how we defeated the Fascists Hitler and Mussolini but left Communism as the Great threat the shadow to be propagandized and feared after all the Blosheviks were liberators and allies as well. They weren't however to be  taught or analysed in schools
That ignorance allowed us to sit back and watch 1 mill Indonesian socialists be killed without a word from us . It took us to Korea and  Vietnam and has successfully taken us into losing wars ever since. It's been far from the Great Forgetting but our education has rather been the great propaganda of false news rather than a  education of any note. 
History in the UK and Australiahas generally been taught with a conservative bias with a fear that if Communism, Colonialism and Socialism were widely taught  in schools their ideals might be adopted here after all  the  CPA did exist in Australia along with unions and needed to be kept under ASIO surveillance well into the 70's. So the Great Forgetting was the Systematic Burying of the best and worst of Communism worldwide. It demanded the burying of the worst of British Imperialism only to propagandize it's apparent succeses
The Great Forgetting was in fact the Great Amnesia of the real facts of history substituted with the Myths and false facts of the Great gift of Western Christian Empire of British Colonial kind that supposedly civlized the world. It left us in ignorance of the facts and perspectives offered in our education systems of the best and worst of communist revolutions. One never ever talks of the first Democratically elected Communist State in the world do they? Kerala India that brought universal health and education to it's people. Or the best of rather than the false facts of Cuba that's lived with a trade embargo place on it for over 50 years.  Simply put we ran away from formally teaching notions of Universal Rights , Social Justice, and Equality in our schools  and didn't just forget them. Learning about China requires learning and judging whether these things have in any way been achieved for over 1 billion people and how 300 mill could be fed 70 years ago transitioning to today where they are and have a rising middle class when we have a falling one.
Conservative Australia who might they be Andrew Bolt those that turned up to Milo's performance. The voice of Conservative Australia were who the less than 20% of White Christians who voted "no" in moderate Liberal electorates. The is truth in the fact that Turnbull has spent 2 years trying to accomodate  those that won't be accomodated. The Conservatives lost their opportunity when Labor blew party unity for factional infightng. They were or at least seemed to be winning back then when they were in opposition the moment when asked to put their money where their mouths were they began going backwards. Kelly's Mystery is hidden in plain sight.


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