Police officer injured after violent brawl in Torquay

Police officer injured after a violent brawl in Torquay| There were 100, they weren't Sudanese, Not called "gangs" and only made it to Page 3 of the Age. See if you can find it in the Herald Sun
The "witness described the rioters as Caucasian."not "white "
Matthew Guy, Peter Dutton, Hunt, and Turnbull offered not to comment at this time
Victoria's 'gang crisis' and how the election creates a double standard on crime | Australia news | The Guardian

"On Thursday, while politicians were debating whether Victorians were afraid to dine out at restaurants because of “African gang violence,” more than 100 young people rioted and threw bottles at police cars in the tourist town, hitting one officer in the face and prompting local police to call for back-up from Geelong and Melbourne.
The Geelong Advertiser ran a story on Saturday, picked up by its stablemate the Herald Sun, but it caused barely a blip on the national media radar. If the assailants had been of African appearance, Wood says, it would have been front-page news."
'How long since you've been out for dinner?': Police chief rubbishes 'gang crisis'

Victoria's most senior police officer has rubbished suggestions of an "African gang crisis", even asking a reporter, "how long since you've been out for dinner?" in an, at times, extraordinary press conference.
Melbourne's Sudanese community reclaims 'African gangs' slight in powerful campaign
The images, filed under the hashtag #africangangs on social media, have become a powerful campaign for members of Melbourne's Sudanese community, who are taking back the term so often levelled against them
Dozens of images shared using the hashtag show young Sudanese Australians graduating from university, working as doctors, serving in the army and enjoying AFL matches."Thanks mum for instilling #AfricanGangs values in me," wrote one woman. "Been at my current employer for seven years, run my own business and in the final stages of a double degree."
However it remains a David against Goliath situation when facing the power of Murdoch's distribution and resources. I guarantee Andrew Bolt familyphotos would not be as impressive as these two.
If you thought 2017 was hot, now it's official However it remai
Skeptics refuse to believe this is symptomatic of a global trend and continue to deny the validity and veracity of climate science.
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