African youth crime fuels government spat, community fears - repeat offenders to blame
Malcolm Turnbull has resorted to the Cronulla tactics mirroring Tony Abbott's extremely conservative approach to political maneuvering by singling out African youth crime in Melb and amplified by News Corp's Herald Sun.
Failure to gain political traction in the polls or his own party Malcolm Turnbull is having a Dondale moment advocating Howards Intervention be applied to African Youth in Melbourne.
No need to listen to the advice of the Police, the African communities or even the Royal Commission forget the mistakes learned from examining our indigenous youth justice system and Dondale politics takes precedence when fear and scare-mongering are the tools most easily used to regain traction. Watch Turnbull as he swings to the Thatcherite Conservative method "Abbott's way" of creating a bushfire in 2018. Create fear, division, and incite another Cronulla here in Melbourne and blame the Africans.
When your government turns to these divisive tactics telling the police, the African community and all other experts they are wrong who needs a Royal Commission into Indigenous Youth Justice and Dondale. All you need is a return to the lies, of the past and use the media to yell the sky is falling in on what the rest of the world sees as the most livable city Melbourne. Something smells of self-interested survival politics here and history repeating itself in the form of Abbott's way with Turnbull moving to occupy that political right-wing space.
(old dog thought )

"A series of unrelated high-profile crimes in Melbourne in the past fortnight which involved young African men have prompted Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to weigh-in, and forced police to defend their response.
South Sudanese and Somali community leaders believe many of those involved in serious crime are young men who have been released from prison or youth detention without support, and quickly pick up where they left off."
There's no denying it: Melbourne does have a problem with youth violence

The Media Reports
We have a problem with youth violence. And much of this violence is being perpetrated by African gangs. The events of recent weeks, particularly in Melbourne's western suburbs, are a stark illustration of that.
Yes, we have a problem and it's the racist media who assist in enabling it by their narrow focus and amplification of blame. The very systemic nature of Airbnb Industry, for example, has allowed for the commercialization the increased gatecrashing and house trashing parties throughout Australia, not just Melbourne.Yet our media have made it out to be a Black African problem. Whereas white kids and adults from all classes have been known to have been just as active in destruction parties and not just in our West.
The very nature of our motor industry has made chop shops, car strippers, and carjackers a central extension of the industry and not just an exception, way before we saw any Sudanese arrive in Australia.
The Jewellery industry has always had a violent history ready to buy stolen goods from anyone and in all of these cases, it has never just been the black Africans that have been the initiators of what has always been a system of Australian crime and a way of life that's allowed it to flourish. It's done so in a structured and not just random manner and not all that secret. Yet out media and politicians focus only on the aspects that they feel provides them with the best political advantage. In this case the Australian African Communities.
The very nature of the systems of business we have created has enabled the recruitment of the most disadvantaged and most vulnerable to survive in our urban landscape our youth who all social statistics show we have ignored and that's not just the Africans but unemployed and disenfranchised youth no matter their race color creed or class. The black market system encourages criminal enablers seemingly respectable adults to become the Fagins who create the illegal channels of opportunity for cash and benefits of crime for kids. The media and politicians use and blame the most visible of these victims of disadvantage our kids for the dysfunction and not the system that's always had some permanency.
In this case, the blame is on the Sudanese as it has been on Indigenous Australians. However, if you get rid Australia's Sudanese you won't get rid us of the system that has enabled crime to flourish for generations. Nothing it seems has been learned, listened, or paid attention to from the results of the Royal Commission into our Youth Justice System in Australia absolutely nothing. Just listen to our politicians, Turnbull, Hunt, Dutton or the media today. What's been learned from Dondale about youth disadvantage the fertile training ground that recruits the next generation of delinquents and criminals by underground industries constantly looking for new recruits.
Let's not kid ourselves that the 'have not's' are the only criminals among our youth, crime also exists across the class divide and among the wealthy as well who feel they too can get what they don't have by quick illegal means as well. However, they have the luxury of being less visible and don't have the Turnbulls Hunts and Dutton taking advantage of them. The wealthy tend to commit other sorts of crimes and are often the organizers. We have occasionally read about tax scams and fraud which tend to have wider consequences financially on all of us. We choose to live in a supply and demand environment in a very unequal and clearly racist system. ( An Old Dog Thought)
It ought to be pointed out that the use of police statistics is a corrupted and biased media use to analyze crime in the Sudanese community. One can get a sense of the Matthew Guy's LNP political approach to the 2018 State election a mirror of it seems Tony Abbott's Chicken Little scaremongering in the city the world has voted the most livable.
South Sudanese man jailed for armed robbery spared deportation - for now
Meanwhile, an analysis of the sentences imposed on some of the young Sudanese and South Sudanese men in Victorian courts last year showed almost all were repeat offenders.
The analysis of the cases of a dozen men aged between 18 and 25 found all but two had prior criminal convictions before they were sentenced for offenses including armed robbery, aggravated burglary, intentionally causing serious injury, theft, and affray. Their sentences ranged from four years in prison to community corrections orders.
Problems with alcohol and drugs were also common among the 12 men. In one case, in which an 18-year-old was jailed for an armed robbery at a service station, Judge Paul Grant raised concerns about the teenager's recidivism despite efforts to support his rehabilitation away from a life of crime.
Conservatives readily use skewed statistics in their political use blaming the high rate of crime among Sudanese stereotyping the community as a whole as not suitable immigrants and people to be feared simply by the actions of a minority and their visibility as Africans. A minority as shown here off a small base are recidivists repeat offenders with a high number of charges recorded and not a spread of numbers throughout the community or in fact the country. This is the true definition of Fake News and Andrew Bolt is one of Australia's leading neoconservative amplifiers. He even proudly declares he has a massive rating on the Bolt Report skewing the numbers in much the same way "off a small base".
Fear and scare-mongering for political gain is and has been commonplace in Australian conservative politics and has taken us to wars simply for the sake of political control. Reds under the beds, had us fighting in Vietnam and Afghanistan, fear of Islam took us to the Middle East as recently as Abbott who wanted us in the Ukraine as well. We remain the only Democracy in the world that fails to recognize any Human Rights in either our constitution or laws and the extreme right of the LNP want it kept that way. Yet they readily cite the opposite as the case.


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