South Sudanese man jailed for armed robbery spared deportation - for now
Meanwhile, an analysis of the sentences imposed on some of the young Sudanese and South Sudanese men in Victorian courts last year showed almost all were repeat offenders.
The analysis of the cases of a dozen men aged between 18 and 25 found all but two had prior criminal convictions before they were sentenced for offenses including armed robbery, aggravated burglary, intentionally causing serious injury, theft, and affray. Their sentences ranged from four years in prison to community corrections orders.
Problems with alcohol and drugs were also common among the 12 men. In one case, in which an 18-year-old was jailed for an armed robbery at a service station, Judge Paul Grant raised concerns about the teenager's recidivism despite efforts to support his rehabilitation away from a life of crime.
Conservatives readily use skewed statistics in their political use blaming the high rate of crime among Sudanese stereotyping the community as a whole as not suitable immigrants and people to be feared simply by the actions of a minority and their visibility as Africans. A minority as shown here off a small base are recidivists repeat offenders with a high number of charges recorded and not a spread of numbers throughout the community or in fact the country. This is the true definition of Fake News and Andrew Bolt is one of Australia's leading neoconservative amplifiers. He even proudly declares he has a massive rating on the Bolt Report skewing the numbers in much the same way "off a small base".
Fear and scare-mongering for political gain is and has been commonplace in Australian conservative politics as has to blame the victim and has even taken us to wars simply for the sake of political control. Reds under the beds had us fighting in Vietnam and Afghanistan, fear of Islam took us to the Middle East as recently as Abbott who wanted us in Ukraine as well. We remain the only Democracy in the world that fails to recognize any Human Rights in either our constitution or laws and the extreme right of the LNP want it kept that way. Yet they readily cite the opposite as the case. However, we saw how Howard used the Intervention and blaming of Indigenous Australians for their recidivism and now they are doing it to the Sudanese. Clearly, the Royal Commission on youth justice has no truth for either Turnbull or Hunt.
Victorians scared to go to restaurants at night because of street gang violence: Peter Dutton

"Peter Dutton has blasted the Victorian Labor government over African street crime, claiming residents of Australia's second-largest city were scared to go out to restaurants at night."
Dutton is a perfect example of why we ought to be ashamed of our current government. Democracy is diminished when Australia's media allow this degree of misinformation by a Cabinet MP. Dutton from Qld is basically calling Victorian Police the Premier's marionettes. In fact, he's calling all of Victoria's educated experts liars.
Dutton should refer to the Royal Commission on Youth Justice and the Australian ABS before opening his mouth and delivering false facts. His ignorance about his own state is shameful and the man was once a cop.
- Victoria was the only state or territory in which the number of offenders decreased between 2014–15 and 2015–16, with a decrease of 3,163 offenders (or 4%).
- Over the same period the number of offenders increased in:
- New South Wales (by 3,905 offenders or 3%)
- South Australia (by 2,254 offenders or 5%)
- Western Australia (by 1,322 or 3%)
- Northern Territory (by 279 offenders or 2%)
- Queensland (by 245 offenders or 0.2%)
- Australian Capital Territory (by 125 offenders or 5%)
- Tasmania (by 49 offenders or 0.5%)
2017: A year of Turnbull, Trump and rampant neoliberalism
"Neoliberalism currently dominates world politics. This wealth shifting from labour to capital is based on trickle-down theories. By giving more money to the 1% – the so-called wealth creators – there will eventually be more money and jobs for the 99%. The only problem is that the 1% do not create wealth. Their profit, interest, dividends and rent, come from workers."
Milo Yiannopoulos's draft and the role of editors in dealing with the far-right | Jeff Sparrow | Opinion | The Guardian

Manufactured Milo is not a sweet product and it is what it is and not what it's not.
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