George Calombaris has assault conviction overturned on appeal

"From reading the facts and my view of the video evidence it is clear the appellant approached the victim angrily. On reaching the victim he was verbally abusive as well as throwing a punch or a push to the stomach area of the victim ... the blow was not very forceful."
Comparing the case of Colombaris and the noncase to answer of Andrew Bolt one is drawn to applaud the overturning of the judgment against George Colombaris.... Good on you George!!
But one can only be left amazed as to why Andrew Bolt wasn't charged and prosecuted? Bolt's physical reaction was far more dangerous towards two pranksters verging on GBH. He was far from remorseful and in fact, celebrated his physicality even inciting others of his conservative mindset to do the same clench their fists and fight those they opposed. So much so he even called Australian Christians gutless compared to the young Barcelona terrorists who died for what they believed in. These two events question the caliber of and difference between Bolt and Clombaris. However, it also raises questions of the police and the DPP involved in each case. Why wasn't Bolt charged and prosecuted? He certainly could have killed the two kids for only 'glittering' him. The videos of the two events speak for themselves the justice, however, doesn't.

"We need to balance a legitimate desire for transparency in politics with the need for free and thoughtful debate."
" If governments were to make a habit of releasing the papers of their predecessors, in order to show how divided they were, governments would simply stop keeping records. There are good reasons for confidentiality."
This is why the urgency is of little or no matter just another feigned opportunity for a political argument
"Does it matter if cabinet files, given to the ABC, become public? In terms of content, for most of the time for most of the papers, probably not. They will have long been overtaken by events."
The ABC grabs secret documents that the Turnbull Government stupidly left in filing cabinets it sold off. The Governments's response today? It gives the ABC two safes in which to store the papers safely. How odd. So if I now drop $50 in the street, must I now buy a wallet for the finders-keeper who picks up my cash and refuses to give it back?
Welcome to the world of stupid news hosted none other than the king of fake news Andrew Bolt. The ABC" grabbed" nothing. Imagine if the files had been handed to Andrew Bolt there'd be no public declaration he had them just permanent leakage. ASIO red-faced didn't have to "raid " the ABC. Bolt's attempted similie with a dropped wallet dissolves into absolute stupidity in an effort to malign the ABC. By the way, he wants to blame Brandis and Turnbull for files left behind when they were left behind in 2013 in Penny Wong's office. It was ASIO's obligation as to where their files were left not Wong's or Brandises proof positive of Bolt's maniacal beat up. Yes, the fart Andrew is trying to squeeze back into the overcrowded elevator again.
Strange the company he works for Sky has been declared unworthy of taking over Sky UK and Fox News USA is known as the Trump News Channel. The Government hasn't ceded anything both ASIO and the ABC are Statuary and fully constituted Independent bodies to deny that is to deny the separation of powers and promote totalitarian control which of course Bolt is fully in favor of. Along with Australia being "Christian" "White" "Corporate""and fully "monitored" What does one call that it's not a democracy is it.
Bolt's not a clone he hasn't the talent. He just gave journalism away and readily pushed his way up Murdoch's ladder when others didn't and eagerly auditioned his way into becoming a carbon copy down under of America's Fox New's hand puppets O'Reilly, Hannity et al but without the audience. It's why he doesn't compete with the ABC but spends so much effort and time focussing on degrading the ABC Australia's most trusted real news source. There is no debating champion here I'm afraid or any dedication to news just an ambitious social climber who has lost his dog in the race, Tony Abbott.
Day to Day Politics: It’s all a secret. - » The Australian Independent Media Network
“Good government is about making and implementing decisions that serve the comm good.
That gives security to the people it governs. Follows the rule of law and is truthful about its intentions. When making decisions it must be responsive to the will of the people. It should allow its citizens to be participatory in the function of government. It should be inclusive, equitable and supportive of the people’s right to know. By equity, I mean the people have a right to a fair reward for the fruits of their labor. And above all, it should be answerable to the people.”
I then asked myself how the Abbott/Turnbull governments stacked up against my thinking, and I had to admit they have been deplorable. Lord
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