Rupert Murdoch called Trump a 'f---ing idiot,' new book claims
" Australian media mogul Rupert Murdoch called US President Donald Trump a "f---ing idiot" after a phone call with the newly-elected president, according to an explosive book chronicling the inner workings of Trump's chaotic administration."
Nevertheless great for the fake news business
Three teens arrested in Tarneit after 'they spat at and threatened' police
The 17-year-old has already been charged with resisting arrest, assaulting police, riotous behavior, and other assault-related offenses, she said
How to raise the Stats a lesson in potential bias.
Here we have 3 plus plus charges laid against one boy how much more will be laid depends on the DPP. Then there are the charges to come against the other two? The number in total could be as many as 20++. One thing is certain it raises the question of bias created in crime rates in Tarneit for one, and any minority group profiled. Even more so given the reality of the charges hasn't yet been proved only alleged but recorded in police files.
So it then becomes so easy for politicians to use skewed stats for the sake of political gamesmanship. If these lads were Sudanese from a minority these 20+ charges have an enormous impact in terms of rates because of the small base. If these kids were recidivists even more negative bias provides fodder for scaremongering and political football for the likes of Matthew Guy and now Federal our politicians like Turnbull Dutton and Hunt, In 2018 we will see this political fearmongering grow as we get nearer the elections, ( Old Dog Thought)
Teen accused of kicking police officer in the face back in custody for bail breach
It is believed he was caught with a mobile phone within hours of being freed.
Victoria Police confirmed detectives from the Maribyrnong Crime Investigation Unit remanded the teenager for breaching his bail conditions on Thursday night
Why does the media really only report one side story? It's easier! Why where the police stalking a boy on bail it seems he's hardly a major threat to society? Now they are out to stop him doing Year 12. It seems odd and an overkill for a misdemenour ( Old Dog)
Racial discrimination and harassment still rife in Victoria police, study finds | Australia news | The Guardian
A meeting of African-Australian community leaders in Melbourne prepared a statement calling on the Federal Government to embrace a bipartisanship approach to the complex issues behind youth crime in the city.

'Too much panic, not enough perspective': race commissioner Tim Soutphommasane on youth crime debate

A voice of reason
No proof in the pudding: Dutton grilled over his restaurant fear claims

Dutton opens his mouth and fails to deliver any proof. Just how many times does he have to prove he's a buffoon? Remember Boomgate...Lest we Forget
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