Sunday, 11 February 2018

Andrew Bolt's Blog,11/2/18; Bolt has found reason to continue to Abuse Niki Savva; Fake News; Why are police politicizing crime in the media; Tuvalu is growing the Maldives aren't; Joyce;

Image result for Image of Bolt admonishing Niki Savva

Bolt selects events to write about and ignored others yet he judges Niki Savva for what, doing the same as he does? For instance, why did Bolt choose to raise Tuvalu and ignore Kiribati and the Maldives when talking about rising tides and oceans? In contrast to Bolt's selective event global science has shown sufficient evidence to prove a trend that's quite the opposite of Bolt's choice and conclusion suggesting Tuvalu's growth disproves Climate Science altogether which yesterday he tried to say was little more than a Religion. Is it any wonder Bolt's ignorance puts him in the field of Flat Earthers and Scientologists a minority whose beliefs have no traction
Nikki Savva wrote a book she isn't required to spend her life writing that same book over and over dancing to Andrew Bolt's tune. As for Joyce, he has questions to answer about why his mistress was provided with a highly paid job created for her which wasn't advertised and why Senator Canavan supported the need for this extra position in his office?

55% of the members voted to delay the issue they didn't vote against it. It seems Abbott lost a lot of support this time round. Bolt's Troll Peter BH has caught the Bolt disease of twisting the facts.

Momena Shoma's passport
  Note Bolt's get out clause always come at the end of his commentary. Had the police not said the attack was "terrorist inspired" Bolt would have been up in arms accusing them of some form of conspiracy. Won wonders, however, why the police chose to politicize a case with a public media announcement they certainly don't do it when White Supremacists are inspired to commit acts of violence.

Look at Bolt's banner then read the detail Bolt has absolutely no evidence or knowledge of what went down other than a job was created for Campion, by the way, an ex Murdochian. Joyce was "reportedly reluctant". Joyce absolutely denies Bolt's claim and hits it out of the ballpark. So Bolt plants innuendo and is as Justice Bromberg stated loose with his facts. Not only is he loose with his facts but he steals Tanya Pliberseks questions to boot.
Gutless as we know Bolt is he turns to Campion's mate at News Corp Sharri Markson who falsely claimed she broke the story of the affair when we know the  AFR did as far back as last year to try to convince us all this moving was at the behest of the PM. Markson also is known for pulling stories and using hyperbole to get attention is hardly a witness or reliable reporter. So basically it leaves Bolt factless an outsider and little more than a bag of wind or just a fart in a storm.

Bolt never stops to amaze just how blissfully ignorant he is when discussing science and the scientific method. His expectations that single events destroy scientific theory because they show science is not perfect but just the equivalent of just another religion simply denies the history and the achievements of science in his own lifetime. Well if the progress and decisions made in the past 100 years based on this method of thinking are any indication that science is and has been a progressive religion or simply reasoned thinking we'd take the advice of science over and above Bolt's denials of it anytime.
Bolt should tell the Maldivians not to worry their islands will grow too. 
At no point has this discovery of island growth been considered by researchers or scientists that this is proof positive that Global warming science is in anyway disproven. There is no denying it has been in Bolt's mind but that's been proven wrong on so many occasions a trend is clearly visible.

John Dean Ex-Watergate on Trump

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