Monday, 12 February 2018

Andrew Bolt's Blog,12/2/18; Bolt's highly unoriginal column on Barnaby; Irony doesn't fit Bolt he does quakkery better; A chance to attack Turnbull; Ridd by neme Lomborg by nature but not a cause; Hypocrisy come easy for Bolt and the case of Albrechtsen;

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Andrew Bolt is as annoying as blowflies at a barbecue wave them away and they just keep coming back. Did the coal mines in America "help " cause or exacerbate natural weather events? Well yes given the use of their product over a long period of time has resulted in the increased build-up of CO2 in our atmosphere and ocean yes according to global science data. Should they pay for the damage done well they are that's why News Corp is a paid advocate in their defense. Bolt's extremely bad at irony of the Tim Blair kind he always has been.
So it's back to another year of Peter BH doing Bolt's work for him. Paperboys both of them putting up an array of links to a frontal attack by News Corp on Malcolm Turnbull for being PM in a Liberal / National Coalition in which he has no power to tell the Nationals what they need to do. Turnbull can't sack Joyce and neither would Abbott. The rules dictating MP behavior can.
 But no Bolt is warming up the siren call to bring Tony his dog back. Warming up to ensure Abbott is leader not necessarily before the up and coming election but certainly at least after it.

The PMO's response

Campion was not Joyce's 'partner', PM's office rules

"The code of conduct says "partners" cannot be employed in any ministerial office without the PM's explicit approval."
This still doesn't resolve the problem of how the Nationals could create 2 positions "without advertising either" and wether Campion had the relevant skills or experience for a $190k job. After all it's taxpayers money.

Bolt has found another obscure Prof B. Lomborg whose now long gone and forgotten globally. Professor Ridd a member of the Physics Department at James Cook certainly wouldn't be allowed to be the spokesperson for the Spanish or English Departments Ph.D. students and/or researchers. According to James Cook University, he's doing just that speaking out his personal activist views as if he were a peer in the Department of Marine Biology. Had he been voicing his opinions on Medical research and or Dentistry he'd have been admonished in the same inappropriate way in any university in Australia. He'd be a target for getting the sack for bringing the University into disrepute and lowering its standards. 
Publish and peer-review by all means debate and be judged but simply being a blowhard activist is breaking the collegiate requirements of his contract as a member of staff. Just as he would if he were doing a Barnaby Joyce with a student. Let's face it Ridd hasn't even earned the credit for being a whistleblower.
Yes, basically Bolt couldn't help Abbott get psuedo associate Professor Bjorn Lomborg a job in an Australian University so he's found one esconced in James Cook. One whose reputation and paid support has only come his way since being a Climate activist rather than a renowned professor of Physics delivering peer-reviewed publications in any official capacity in his own field. In fact, he's just another Andrew Bolt part of a shrinking minority and not even a part of the 3% of climate science deniers. Given banks and financial institutions have turned their backs on the industry these advocates of fossil fuels seem to be paid just to make a noise.
Google Peter Ridd and the media war onslaught becomes obvious Murdoch media has made Peter Ridd a cause calibre along with the IPA. They are the paid denying brigade of pro-fossil fuel warriors the minority that's hijacked the Internet, Print, like IS did Iraq. They are the noise makers.



Column Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce has not only left his new lover pregnant. He has left Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull struggling to answer questions about how much the affair with media adviser Vikki Campion disrupted the government and how much taxpayers’ money was spent on handling it. Here are the most pressing of those questions.

Bolt's insight into this event seems to have been taken from the comments of others such as Tanya Plibersek and he fails to acknowledge them or his theft. Had he submitted as his ideas their's. As a first-year journalism student he'd get a fail for plagiarism. But then he's not bright enough to have been a uni student it seems.  Furthermore, it goes to show just how much on the outer Bolt is again today with politicians of all persuasions

It's obvious Bolt has no regard for the rules of parliament. It's not the PM's duty to arrange the National parties distribution of office jobs. The government is afterall a coalition of two parties one of which Turnbull doesn't control. Bolt seems to think it's Turnbull's duty to count and lick stamps in Baraby's Drum's and Kanavan's offices. Why does this man push ignorance and false facts so hard? Just to stay in the game it would seem because as a journalist he's so far out of it. He even gives Hanson attention when the rest of Australia isn't. Is she the only dog he has in the current race?
Image result for Image of Andrew Bolt's political favor


Stolen? Needing handouts? The Federal Court couldn't find a "stolen generation" in the Northern Territory: "Evidence does not support a finding that there was any policy of removal of part-Aboriginal children such as that alleged." Yet Labor is now promising $75,000 handouts for "stolen generations" victims: "It will apply mostly to survivors in the Northern Territory..."


What a job Bolt has regurgitating the same old same old year after year like a dripping tap in a vacant house. Stolen generations can't be found like his judgment of innocence can't be found in the court  records. Sexually abused children can't be found in the records of in a number of institutions either. Yes, Bolt is doing a Trump complaining allegations that there is an Aboriginal black history yet to be told in Australia is dangerous as it could destroy the lives of many good White Christians written up in white fella history as God-fearing souls.
So Bolt believes history is that institutionally recorded and written can't be wrong. BS or changed unless done so with the permission of white conservative historians peering at the institutional record. I guess Bolt believes his children are role models and have never done drugs or committed a delinquent act simply because the middle-class kids like his aren't policed and recorded or even watched by the law. 2 Tonnes of Ice heading to Australia tonnes of powder and pills and weed billions of $$ worth of drugs are being consumed by the lower classes Labor and those Welfare like indigenous Australians. That make sense doesn't it?  The "Upper Classes"  Bolt's mob can't be found to be users just look at the court records. Our jails just aren't filled with Bolt's social milieu no trend is revealed there where no attention is paid.
Bolt's argument is circular to the point of stupidity the definition of being black flora existed till 1967 poor and unable to take care of your kids because your black and not White was a forced  Colonial one, not a lifestyle choice. That very definition of justifed Christian Welfare to operate businesses and they needed stock and the conditions supplied by the "fauna" who whose opportunities were severely blocked.
 Intervention today is based on the same principles that blame the victims for their very state of being which is socially caused.  Not changing the Colonial and individualistic attitudes of 200+ Years we are a society that not only causes but uses homelessness and poverty and that's what's dangerous not looking out for a few compensation cheats among 550 people that have registered as "stolen".
America has the world's greatest wealth gap which is growing and Australia is modeling itself on it. What Bolt calls black culture as poor seems to be increasingly looking increasingly white these days. Homelessness is no longer a black or exceptional the issues of drugs and alcohol are increasingly colorless in fact and most visible among the urban and rural homeless doing what all society is, in fact, doing but not so noticeably because the police and Welfare agency backs are turned in just one direction. Simply look at the number of private clinics that have sprung up in recent years. Unless something is done we will be increasingly "stealing"  the children of a white generation that won't show up in Bolt's record books either.
The records don't show the historic abuse children suffered in these Christian Institutions, or the abuse suffered in State-run ones today all of which Bolt turns and then says didn't happen and what he deems benevolent places for necessary protection. White or written history isn't the only history available and black history isn't the only one not to be heard. If compensation was paid to the Jews post-war for being Jewish there's no reason the same can't be afforded Indigenous Australians. The Dutch systematically hid their support for Nazis regime until the1980s claiming to be post-war heroes. Jews proved that the official Dutch history and records were a lie. It seems Bolt has learned to do much the same and imported that attitude here towards Indigenous Australians. Where would he have learned that practice to hide the historic record  he simply doesn't like?

Are we about to see a complaints parade of all the Murdoch  Turnbull haters declaring mistreatment at the hands of the LNP like the sexually abused children. Well is there any official record of evidence that shows Albrectsen was politically targeted? The sort of evidence Bolt demands of the "Stolen Generation" Bolt's report alone on Bolt's own demands isn't sufficient and Alberchtsens id just hearsay where is there written proof her job was "stolen" I can't imagine that the "Stolen Generation" will ever be withdrawn from the official history of Australia and like  Bolt's insistense that the Australian can't afford to not support one of it's own it's far more important that over 3% of the Australian population have there stories told as they combined weren't exceptions but the rule and systemic trend buried out of public view and education of our past.

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