Monday, 19 February 2018

Andrew Bolt's Blog,19/2/18; According to Bolt Turnbull is to blame for all the idiot coalition partners; Abbott wouldn't speak up on anything but Turnbull;

  Mr Joyce is to be dumped as leader of the Nationals, with Senator Bridget McKenzie to take over as interim leader before a later Cabinet reshuffle that is likely to see Riverina MP Michael McCormack take over the top job in the party.
Bolt's like a tired old echo. However, as much as Murdoch has ordered a blitz on Turnbull and Bolt is doing what was ordered time and time again keeping Barnaby Joyce in place means the end of the LNP. It's simply not in MP to commit political suicide simply on behest of an American who runs a corporate media chain. As much as Bolt bangs on about Turnbull having to go it won't happen because this isn't the only dirt on Barnaby. The tide can't be held back on the "bonking beetroot"

“THE BONKING BEETROOT”: Deputy PM and “homewrecker” Barnaby Joyce allegedly may have traded sex for favours with powerful Canberra lobbyist – True Crime News Weekly

Shari Markson from Murdoch's stable didn't break the Barney Story but did raise it to political thunder to discredit Malcolm Turnbull our PM
Only after billionaire media mogul Rupert Murdoch gave the nod to his News Corp foot soldiers last week to proceed with publishing the truth about some of the scandals surrounding Mr Joyce, did other journalists suddenly somehow discover their reporting mojo and investigative capabilities.

Rupert Murdoch
Media mogul and political kingmaker Rupert Murdoch (Commons)
Over the past week, news headlines in Australia have involved almost nothing else apart from the struggles facing Mr Joyce. The headlines have even travelled around the world with media in the USA and UK reporting on Mr Joyce’s troubles and travails. Clearly and obviously this story was in the public interest. But why not in October and November last year when Mr Joyce was facing an important by-election in New England caused by his own ignorance of his citizenship status?

The PM and his deputy: Can we focus attention on things that affect all?

 Bolt is obsessed with Miranda Devine and runs a Trump-like tweet "
"The Prime Minister has been enhanced, as even the most bull-headed conservative will one day admit."Devine. He somehow expects us to believe Turnbull caused this poll crash to his approval rating and not the media reporting for the last 11 days by News Corp that it was Turnbull that was at the eye of the government storm. Newspoll Paid for by Murdoch is generally made public on Tuesdays how is it that Andrew Bolt publishes the results on a Monday? Like Trump, he'd too would swear to no collusion. This post takes the shape and form of one done by the Don flaying at everything in sight.
If it wasn't the fact that Bolt is a leading man in the Murdoch stable this post would be hilarious for its amateur effort to sell papers. 
 Guess Bolt also blames Turnbull for this National's antics "The post comes just days after 17 people were killed in a shooting in a high school in the US.


 Photo of Nationals MP George Christensen with a gun reported to police

Proof positive Andrew Bolt it's not Turnbull's fault but partners like this and Joyce and media like yours that have soured Australia. However, they haven't raised Abbott, have they?

 Controversial Queensland MP George Christensen has been reported to police after posing with a handgun on social media.On Saturday, Mr Christensen posted a photo of himself aiming a gun on Facebook along with a post saying, "You gotta ask yourself, do you feel lucky, greenie punks?"

Bolt's over eagerness drowns out the fact that the LNP have improved. Is it any wonder given Murdoch's frontal blitzkrieg on Turnbull that his personal appeal has gone down and here's Bolt doing his best to boost the idiot Abbott and put him back in the frame. Abbott/ Joyce now that's a combination worth consideration, isn't it. Australia hasn't any politicians worth respect, not any the media can put forward.
Let's face it there has never been a choice in Bolt's mind but then he lost his when he was handed this job years ago always just a work in progress stuck in a rut




Bolt choice isn't one it's his cry for Tony again. Triggered by the fact that Tony cried he'd never do it. Murdoch needs to put him on the IPA's shoulders and triumphantly escort him back to Rome . 
One needs to ask did Bolt plagiarize this article in IA by Passant written as far back as 12/2/18?

The decline and fall of the Liberal National Party empire

Feb 15
Malcolm Turnbull denies that his vitriolic presser yesterday was meant to shoehorn the Nationals into dumping Barnaby Joyce. Yeah, right, he just tipped gasoline onto the Nats’ already-burning leader just for the heck of it.

 Image result for Andrew Bolt with egg on his face
Bolt claims to have "damned " Barnaby Joyce with a feathered whip. Yesterday he explicitly blamed Vickky Campion for Joyce 's demise. and might as well have damned Natalie his wife for not backing Barnaby up. Having posted that now Bolt says " I wouldn’t be the only conservative presenter on TV getting an avalanche of emails from viewers furious that I’ve damned the Nationals leader."


Here is a curious fact about the support for Malcolm Turnbull's new nanny-state ban on Ministers having sex with staff. According to Newspoll, Liberal voters like it least and Labor voters like it most. Isn't that a metaphor for Turnbull's leadership?


Bolt what sort of an idiot justifies his argument on the basis of the most least liked in a poll Andrew Bolt does. He doesn't happen to mention that when he says "liberals like it the least" he's also including the Nationals Barnaby fans in his use of the term "Liberals". They aren't exactly Liberals.  Somehow using a negative as a positive against Turnbull hardly carries any weight.
 Furthermore, using Bolt logic decries Turnbull a "weak leader" and praises Abbott for his strength. Yet it's Turnbull whose challenging Bolt's "least liked" not Abbott.  So it's  Turnbull whose acting like a leader here, acting on his conviction and going against the least liked majority. Bolt & Abbott who are sucking up to that 31% majority Bolt so much thinks is so important.
 Confused, of course, we are and Bolt intends it to be that way. He believes in male dominance in the workplace in the family and in society as a whole. Read it in the blog post where he clearly states Joyce was the victim of Vikky Campion's incompetence and implying Natalie Joyce's as well they simply didn't do their jobs well enough.
What Bolt fails to emphasize is that the coalition vote was in fact 57% in favour Turnbull and only 31% made up of Nationals as well against. Having just flipped the poll table suggesting that the "least"  most popular is significant he's ducking reality for semantics. It's the same old same old ploy Bolt uses to suggest he's indigenous and a victim of black or reverse racism, a victim of reverse sexist aggression and generally a victim of the leftist elite of Australia generally.
But then Bolt fights for the majority of 1% Australians who own 70% of the nations wealth and demand control over the security, policing, media, education welfare and arrangements under which we live which often tend to be the most least liked. "Joyce isn't is strife for the sex"Bolt

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 I agree why wasn't Bolt judged more severely by Justice Bromberg for his serial vilification and lying? Bolt's repeat offender. Further why were the police so lenient on Bolt and harsher on George Colombaris. Colombaris didn't have the GBH intent that Bolt showed yet not charged. Bolt even celebrated the fact and incited others to do the same.
Bolt doesn't ask a judge but simply a shill a lawyer available to Murdoch media 24/7 for advice. Simply a gun for hire to defend people like Bolt. Hardly an unbiased commentator more a parrot on side of the media corporations ready to say what they want and get paid for it.
It leaves the question unanswered why are our courts so soft on Corporations like the media, banks, insurers etc that have killed hundreds of people citizens over many years and have had the time to think about the morality of their agendas and have sacrificed nothing for their bottom line only to be hit with a feather duster. Quill is a corporate lawyer making no comments about the corporate crime he's called on to defend

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