'Pick up the phone': Abbott weighs into Turnbull-Joyce stoush
- "Former prime minister Tony Abbott has taken a thinly-veiled swipe at Malcolm Turnbull's handling of Barnaby Joyce's affair with a former staffer, as one Liberal senator openly calls for the Deputy PM to quit"
"Today, Mr Abbott said if politicians wanted to give each other advice, they should do so by knocking on their door and picking up the phone to talk directly.
"I am just not going to get into any details about personalities or specifics, but certainly as a general rule one party doesn't give another party public advice," Mr Abbott said.
"That's the general rule that I observed."
Abbott doesn't pick up the phone or practice what he preaches. He loudly advises others not to do what he's doing, giving advice publicly.
What we see are two Catholic boys who believe that confession absolves all. Just as child molesting priests did. How often did we hear Abbott say sorry while PM? "I've got the message and will change"?
"Mr Abbott has also questioned the need for a ban on sex between ministers and their staff." Abbott simply doesn't get it does he? The ban isn't about sex it's about the possible abuse of power in the workplace and its harmful consequences. In this case, all the women are losers. The Nationals backing Joyce are total hypocrites with no moral backbones yet proselytizing family values of marriage equality like Joyce. Barnaby is no male exception he's very much a common example of a male predator who as a Catholic believes "sorry" is enough.
Turnbull actually has been the only politician to speak up for women badly treated by men like these whose careers would never have existed without them. Who for one moment thinks Barnaby Joyce was ever a role model of male parenthood and will be from here on in? Nobody the two women's lives, however, will change insurmountably.
Defiant Joyce calls Turnbull’s bluff in #Bonkgate soap opera
Even the media like Martin Hirst like Martin Hirst asks whose worst off in this predicament and doesn't for a moment mention the women. However, he's right in one sense "
"I said last week that Turnbull is the real target of this ongoing drama and it’s an epic. At last count, 11 consecutive front pages on the Daily Telegraph up to today (Saturday) and with Turnbull out of the country next week (if he goes), we can expect it to remain hot and humid in the Canberra cauldron." and it's Murdoch Media News Corp firing the bullets.
How Turnbull has fudged Malcolm Turnbull on Thursday said he was "appalled" by Barnaby Joyce's "shocking" affair, and he urged his Deputy Prime Minister to consider resigning. But when did Turnbull first learn of this affair that he now feels disqualifies Joyce from serving? Wasn't it last year? When asked, Turnbull stalls and hedges. Here are some of his non-answers.
Barnaby Joyce says media advisor and lover Vikki Campion deserved the several tax-payer funded jobs he gave her: "She was well qualified for the role." Really? As a media advisor, Campion by choosing to sleep with her boss helped to create the very worst media storm Joyce could ever have feared.DANCER DROWNS IN WARMIST FEAR
Never mind the facts, luxuriate in the angst! Tony Thomas: "If you scamper along to the Perth Festival of Arts, you can catch body artist Latai Taumoepeau in a video of herself as a Tongan who’s drowning from the devastating seas of global warming. She dances inside a Perspex tank ... as rising water finally submerges her."FLANNERY'S COUNCIL SCARES OFF TOURISTS TO REEF
Global warming is not destroying the Great Barrier Reef, says Professor Peter Ridd, now facing the sack for doubting his alarmist colleagues. But Tim Flannery' Climate Council is free to desroy the Reef's tourism industry with a wildly alarmist report that generates Reef-dying headlines around the world. Quadrant counts them.VOLLER TO BE CHARGED AGAIN
The hero-victim of the ABC in strife again, and again claims he's a victim: "Dylan Voller — who sparked a royal commission after a photograph of him hooded and shackled in a Northern Territory jail cell caused outrage — is back in trouble, this time allegedly being filmed exposing himself during a drunken confrontation with Perth transit guards."and how accurate the Royal Commission was in exposing them. Expectations of the police and the Transit authority don't change overnight nor do Voller's so it's not surprising history repeats
Old Dog Thoughts | News Corporation employs Right-Wing Broadcasters providing them with a platform ensuring the inequality of speech. Their Social Media Platforms not only advocate conservative, and extreme right-wing wing views. They monitor out most opposing opinions which they are entitled to do. However, they also simply lie when they say they provide an arena for fair and balanced discussion in a no-spin zone. They don't it's all spin.
Sunday, 18 February 2018
Andrew Bolt's Blog,18/2/18; Humour first; Two Catholic boys think "confession" is all it takes to be absolved like some priests; Murdoch Media have Turnbull in their sights;
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