Sunday, 18 February 2018

Andrew Bolt's Blog,18/2/18; Humour first; Two Catholic boys think "confession" is all it takes to be absolved like some priests; Murdoch Media have Turnbull in their sights;

Editorial cartoon on gun controlEditorial cartoon on guns and terrorism and the Republican PartyBarnaby Joyce reads headlines about himself

     'Pick up the phone': Abbott weighs into Turnbull-Joyce stoush

    "Former prime minister Tony Abbott has taken a thinly-veiled swipe at Malcolm Turnbull's handling of Barnaby Joyce's affair with a former staffer, as one Liberal senator openly calls for the Deputy PM to quit"

    "Today, Mr Abbott said if politicians wanted to give each other advice, they should do so by knocking on their door and picking up the phone to talk directly.
    "I am just not going to get into any details about personalities or specifics, but certainly as a general rule one party doesn't give another party public advice," Mr Abbott said.
    "That's the general rule that I observed."

    Abbott doesn't pick up the phone or practice what he preaches. He loudly advises others not to do what he's doing, giving advice publicly.

    What we see are two Catholic boys who believe that confession absolves all. Just as child molesting priests did. How often did we hear Abbott say sorry while PM? "I've got the message and will change"?

     "Mr Abbott has also questioned the need for a ban on sex between ministers and their staff." Abbott simply doesn't get it does he? The ban isn't about sex it's about the possible abuse of power in the workplace and its harmful consequences. In this case, all the women are losers. The Nationals backing Joyce are total hypocrites with no moral backbones yet proselytizing family values of marriage equality like Joyce. Barnaby is no male exception he's very much a common example of a male predator who as a Catholic believes "sorry" is enough.

    Turnbull actually has been the only politician to speak up for women badly treated by men like these whose careers would never have existed without them. Who for one moment thinks Barnaby Joyce was ever a role model of male parenthood and will be from here on in? Nobody the two women's lives, however, will change insurmountably.


    Defiant Joyce calls Turnbull’s bluff in #Bonkgate soap opera

    The explosive confrontation between PM Turnbull and his deputy, Joyce, is not entirely without precedent. But, as political editor Dr Martin Hirst writes, the [...] 
    Even the media like Martin Hirst like Martin Hirst asks whose worst off in this predicament and doesn't for a moment mention the women. However, he's right in one sense "
    "I said last week that Turnbull is the real target of this ongoing drama and it’s an epic. At last count, 11 consecutive front pages on the Daily Telegraph up to today (Saturday) and with Turnbull out of the country next week (if he goes), we can expect it to remain hot and humid in the Canberra cauldron." and it's Murdoch Media News Corp firing the bullets.


    How Turnbull has fudged Malcolm Turnbull on Thursday said he was "appalled" by Barnaby Joyce's "shocking" affair, and he urged his Deputy Prime Minister to consider resigning. But when did Turnbull first learn of this affair that he now feels disqualifies Joyce from serving?  Wasn't it last year? When asked, Turnbull stalls and hedges. Here are some of his non-answers.

    As Martin Hirst points out News Corp isn't for a moment interested in Barnaby but Turnbull is their target and Bolt is following the directive. Abbott publicly and hypocritically deflects from Joyce and suggests Turnbull was clumsy speaking to the media. Having said this he handballs his criticism to News Corp, however, letting the world know that the Bolt's and News Corps criticism come for him and we will see it amplified while Turnbull's away. There are all the qualities of a Shakespearean play here but without the finesse not for any other reason than Bolt is running the narrative trying  to convince but not to inquire, inform or reveal any truth and that's been the case with the News Corp all along.

    18/02/2018The proof in the pudding Bolt is plain and clear "Impression: weak and opportunistic. Appalling political skills.One of the two men has to go to end this intolerable and unsustainable tension at the top.
    Normally, of course, you'd say it was Joyce, the deputy. Turnbull latest flip-flop now opens the field.
    To think the Coalition can go to the election with this pair in charge is the purest fantasy."
    Turnbull's comments on the misogyny in the workplace ignored. The male sexist chauvinism exhibited in the turning of these men's backs on the plight of the women ignored. But that's no surprise given Abbott Joyce and Bolt are involved.
    Bolt even blames Vickky Campion for all that's happened turning Joyce into the victim "Really? As a media advisor, Campion by choosing to sleep with her boss helped to create the very worst media storm Joyce could ever have feared." Bolt
    "Really? As a media advisor, Campion by choosing to sleep with her boss helped to create the very worst media storm Joyce could ever have feared." Here we have Bolt blaming Campion it's a surprise he hasn't started attacking Joyce's wife of 24 years as well for driving poor Barnaby into the hands of Vickky. Barnaby "confessed," said sorry and like Abbott promised he'd learned his lesson not to change but not to get caught. He should consider joining the priesthood after all Abbott did.
     Tony Thomas prefers abuse to reasoned thinking and it's why he uses the term "facts" without any. Here are some recent ones from the religion of science.

    Global Warming Is Getting Worse, Fast

    1)Global surface temperatures during the three years from 2014 to 2016 – each hotter than the last – boosted the total level of global warming since 1900 by 25%, according to new research.
    2)A separate study has confirmed that heat extremes, too, have outpaced the global average. Maximum temperatures during the hottest heat waves have in the last 30 years risen three times faster – especially in crowded cities that are home to more than 10 million – than average temperatures as a whole.
    3)And a third study warns that unless the world’s nations start to reduce carbon emissions, then within the next 17 or 18 years, planetary temperatures will be at least 1.5°C above the world average for most of human history.
    And 35 to 41 years from now, these temperatures will have climbed 2°C above the level that held before the Industrial Revolution, and the arrival of fossil fuels as a global energy source.
    Is Quadrant the science journal that Bolt references? He prefers we bullshit the world for the sake of fake tourist promises rather than consider the truth and prevent disaster from happening. It seems the majority of the world some 196 nations aren't laughing and none read Quadrant or Bolt.
    It goes to show just how effective the socialization processes at Don Dale were
    and how accurate the Royal Commission was in exposing them. Expectations of the police and the Transit authority don't change overnight nor do Voller's so it's not surprising history repeats. Had Voller been a drunk white fella would the circumstances have been different Bolt suggests not why? He doesn't even seem interested in what sparked this behaviour in the first place.
    Bolt's not really interested in persons life his first instinct is to blame the victims unless of course they are his prefered persons, He did it with Vickky Campion earlier.

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