Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Andrew Bolt's Blog,20/2/18; Facts lost to Bolt; Despite the fight "for fossil fuels" the war is lost: Tenacles of Liberal Party on the Chinese aren't just Spin; Yassmin and Bolt are both immigrants who is of greater value?;


 Despite Coal Lobby, Australia to Double Solar Energy in 2018

Despite Coal Lobby, Australia to Double Solar Energy in 2018 | Informed Comment

Australia’s march to solar power is a reason for climate optimism because it is happening under adverse circumstances. Australia has a big and important coal industry that spends millions on lobbying and election campaigns, and the Australian government is in its back pocket. They, too, have the fraud of “clean coal” hopes [that is not a thing]. The central government is no friend of renewables. Some state governments are deeply committed to dirty coal as well. Australia has a horrible environmental record and is among the worst carbon polluters per capita.
Australian Energy Update 2017
The above chart is already much out of date. Wind and solar are making up the bulk of new electricity production (solar is 46% of new energy in recent years) and by May of last year, renewables provided 17% of Australia’s total electricity production.

Image may contain: 1 person, beard and text

  Crushing Turnbull Barnaby who? Boosting Tony


Let's cut to the chase this isn't about Joyce it never has been it's back to raising the dead. Sharri Markson wasn't the first to break this news which gave News Corp any authority on the matter other than to get Turnbull and boost Abbott while Turnbull is away. Same old same old by team Murdoch. "So exactly what did Malcolm Turnbull's denunciation of Joyce last Thursday achieve?" Bolt
What's amusing is that the Nationals are waiting to see what else the media might reveal as if they know there is more "The Australian has been told that of the 21-strong Nationals party room in Canberra, five MPs have decided Mr Joyce should go, about six MPs are firmly behind their leader and the other 10 are waiting to see whether any more damaging revelations emerge." So it's not about what's actually known and or unknown but what else is to publicly emerge that will determine how the Nationals will approach their responsibilities to Australia. Their values are based not on what you do but simply on being caught doing it.

Image result for Image of the cash cow



Mission Impossible Crush Turnbull

There has never been a News Corp issue of printing News. News has always been incidental to their PR and lobbying. Barnaby Joyce is merely a pawn in the war this right-wing media group is waging against Turnbull. Turnbull came out of the Xmas break streaks ahead of anyone, he'd confirmed his leadership of the LNP. All was sweet and 2018 looked roses and straightforward until the next election, something had to be done.
It goes to show the power of the Murdoch press to stop Turnbull's rise in its tracks. The go-ahead was given to divide the LNP and conquer the Government and Joyce was the tool. The nod was given to throwing the Barnaby grenade to grab the high ground headlining not Joyce's transgressions but Turnbull's dilemma and wedge him.  News Corp  started attending to Joyce and rapidly turn away to target the PM their real focus.
Now that Turnbull is away the intensity will be heightened and Abbott the rat will make an effort to boost his stocks by an appearance with the assistance of Bolt and well how predictable it's already begun today.
It's so obvious it's ridiculously naive to think otherwise. While this is going on little attention is paid to the real things that affect Australian lives. It's these conditions and the appearance in the media of confusion gives rise to the appeal of Fascism the sort we saw grow when Abbott was in power. The little dictator paid more attention to managing the appearance of Flags, Uniforms, Security than any attention to the economy which was on a spending fire. He had the gall to say he'd fixed it after he'd actually put his foot on the spending accelerator and tried to draw attention away from the domestic chaos being endured by the alarmist shadow he'd drawn. Yes, his fixing was taking attention away from spending by taking us to war.
Watch the golum return again while Turnbull's away the rat will play his jingo card. 

As for Natalie wanting Barnaby to keep his job according to Bolt suggesting it's support of the Nationals of course she does and has every reason to with 4 daughters to support and a husband she can't trust with any other skills. Barnaby was the traditional cash cow and he needs to be even more so now. 65% of Australians can go to hell and get fucked as far as he and she are concerned.


First Malcolm Turnbull bans Ministers from sleeping with staff. Now comes Buzzfeed, asking all Ministers: "Are you currently in or have you ever had a sexual relationship with an employee? Are you aware of any of your ministerial colleagues who are currently in or have been in a sexual relationship with an employee?" Is this where we're at now?

38m Link

Crush Turnbull- Barny's the victim

 It's not the sniffing Bolt's concerned about its freedom of speech and the silence that he demands of not MP's private lives but his. We saw his wife challenge the press when it was revealed his son worked for the IPA. Bolt lives in a shroud of privacy that's so intense there's reason to believe there's a lot to hide.
However when MP's remain as private as Bolt demands they be allowed they are open to blackmail. They are after all in public service. But the Bolt no doubt believes that priests and child molesters no doubt deserve their privacy. None of this is about privacy it's about the opportunity to continue the public rebuke of Turnbull and put a halo back on the bigger hypocrite Abbott. Nevertheless, we've seen Bolt wearing the pervs mackintosh peeping into peoples lives where he keeps little or nothing secret if they aren't on his side. Afterall he is still for Milo whose support of pedophilia is according to Bolt of nobody's concern.

 Barnaby Joyce is the Victim yet again fighting the good fight

How far can you stretch a piece of old chewing gum out and pretend it's new. As I've said this isn't about Turnbull it's about Joyce. So Bolt is for MPs doing whatever they want and it remaining a secret. Their jobs aren't impacted by their private lives and Barnaby Joyce was right to lie to the public in an election campaign. Malcolm Turnbull is the villain in all of this whether Joyce stays or goes that's the core of Bolt's post. Whatever happens, blame Turnbull!!
" So what on earth was Turnbull doing on Thursday with his public shaming of Joyce? Sure, do it early in the piece, but not when the story seemed to be running out of steam.
All that it's achieved is to keep the story going, embitter Joyce, make Turnbull look weak and poison relations with the Nationals. And Joyce is now rubbing Turnbull's nose in his ineptitude."Bolt
The story is far from running out of steam and Bolt is ensuring that. What is happening is Joyce is being made the victim whose confessed and believes he's absolved just as all perpetrators of domestic violence do even more so if Catholic.
What we are seeing is actually the right-wing in full flight of desperation to raise Lazarus.

7m Link


What was predicted Abbott would ride in to shine a light on Australia with Bolt banging the drum. This is a plot from a Z grade movie

What did I say the rats here to play and that's exactly what he's doing with the help of Murdoch and 2 GB.

“It’s a basic law of economics that increasing the supply of ­labour depresses wages and that increasing demand for housing boosts price,” Mr Abbott said. Fact or fiction the greatest rise in employment has been from small business start-ups the greatest growth in employment has been from small business. The greatest startup demographic of small business is Migrants. The reality where employment growth has declined is the Corporate sector Mining, Banking etc and Construction where 457 visas are openly abused Abbott is talking BS and Bolt is his amplifying clarion of Jingoism and Xenophobia.
What's highly amusing because Andrew Bolt is less productive gets paid more than a young Muslim woman an engineer that was the leader of a team of Aussie men on rigs offshore that exported billions of dollars worth of fossil fuel to the world. Yes, Yassmin Abdel -Magied and Bolt are migrants and Yassmin provided more to the material well being of Australia than either Abbott or Bolt. Abbott added to our debt putting his foot on the accelerator and Andrew Bolt produces zero value from the day he was born, even in his field of information.
Most economists, in fact, argue the very opposite of Abbott however they aren't gifted with News Corp shout The 5 Best Arguments Against Immigration—and Why They're Wrong ..
What you can rely Abbott on doing is throwing fuel on the jingoistic fearscape that mimics what Trump is doing in the US
Immigrants advance Australian economy, but what happens if we
 Australia's Economic Miracle Depends On Immigration. So Why Curb It?

 PM away so the rat's out to play isn't that the way of Abbott behind Turnbull's back. But not only that he speaks to the jingoistic xenophobic heart of Australians withou any evidence whatsoever only a political opinion. Immigration saved Australia's economy by providing jobs via small business when Corporations were cutting them. It provided increased  taxes when Corporations failed to pay. When retail has failed spaces have been taken up by immigrants in Kew alone there two shops run by Indians, 1 by Malaysians , two by Japanese over 50% of the employees in the High st are immigrants even my dentist is Colombian Abbott is talking nonsense. Immigrants saved country towns which without them would no longer exist.
 Ourr Health and aged services are dependant on them. Transport is immigrant filled and Bolt and Abbott are talking rubbish.32m
Andrew Bolt also opinionates to back Abbott but provides no evidence and all the statistics prove otherwise. The fact is statistics show the reverse of what Bolt and Abbott are saying. Immigration remains Australia's greatest assett. If we have too many immigrants why is it we are rubber stamping so many 475 visas and not advertising the jobs and importing skilled labor when the labor is readily available here. In fact the migrant intake shows its more skilled and educated than the average Australian population. Economists experts in the main say the reverse of Abbott and Bolt who are promotin antiquated political arguments dating back to the 50s whe we said 2 wongs don't make a white. Fear and fascism is the heart of right-wing politicians and Abbott who once said he'd change hasn't in the least nor has Bolt. 
The facts of the Abbott opinion on immigration statement so gratefully accepted by Hadley and Bolt as the truth was blown out of the water by his Political peers and the ABC panel on the Drum . His  opinion was counter to his own actions when PM and by facts that contradict all he had to say about the Howard era. His only intent for saying itat this time was attention.  Lies Lies Lies and fake facts the rat has played while the cat's away.

Mind you Bolt and Abbott are in a symbiotic relationship like two fungi Bolt uses Abbott for ratings and Abbott uses Bolt for attention but both are marionettes for Murdoch, the IPA and the ultra-conservatives of this contry. They are simply a minority voices looking for an audience. Lets face it they are amusing to watch hear and trip up over themselves. It's what made the Stooges so funny.

Dan Andrews's Chinese links raise concernsImage result for Images of Liberals dallyiance with Chinese
"Bolt's controversial Chinese billionaire Huang Xiangmo with controversial foreign Minister Julie Bishop" Mr Huang was an active donor to the Liberal Party and Bishop had her tentacles wrapped around him.


The tentacles of Communist China are all over the Victorian Socialist Left government of Daniel Andrews: "A  veteran Labor MP and a former senior adviser to Daniel Andrews have been identified as key figures in an Australian lobby group tied to China’s Communist Party."
37m http://www.heraldsun.com.au/blogs/andrew-bolt/andrews-government-linked-to-chinese-regime/news-story/acb5f12372f8cd9d90fb394a780b6b6d

 What better than the bogeyman scare of the 50s and 60s in the form of a good old "Red Scare". When Abbott was in power he was all over the Chinese stealing the labour trade agreements and claiming them as his own. Abandoning the Pacific Islands where Radio Australia was the heartbeat of influence since WW2. So naturally the Chinese took our place. We removed our Foreign Aid and Aid became Foreign business and hardcore at that if you wanted money from us. China's was quick to come in with a much much softer approach that Australia will find hard to win back. Abbott was made the Pivot of the Pacific and where did he focus the Ukraine and Russia. China was of no interest to him at all they were fine.
Now the cry from the right-wing and Turnbull has echoed it but not in the terms as extreme as Bolt Tentacles of the Communists are around us. Given we want to deal with China and there is only one party in China even the Liberals would find it impossible dealing with them without dealing with the Communist Party.
This Bolt post is even using China to wrap Murdoch's tentacles around unwitting readers. Murdoch who was kicked out or left China because he was actually required to produce News and not just sell influence which he was prepared to do for the highest bidder. The Chinese it seemed did not like the meaning buried in his style. Which we, of course, have an example on display here.
I think the Victorian Liberal Party has more to worry about when their leader Guy is out lunching with the chairman of the Australian Mafia than any concern about dragging up the jingoist and racist fear of the Yellow Peril. It was Guy as Minister for planning who passed the building of apartments smaller than any found in Hong Kong to house Chinese Students. He allowed buildings to be built so close to each other that you could touch on from the other. This is not conspiratorial danger it was Liberal Party Government reality and not just jingoistic fantasy.

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