By the way Bolt, it's CNN, not CANN
What for a moment has any of this got to do whether or not the Russians conspired to disrupt the 2016 election in Trump's favour? Trump declared no such thing occurred Meullers investigation has declared interference did.Now Bolt is sidelining away and deflecting to the fact that CNN and MSNBC "Cheered the Russian Rally" hammering in what Meuller discovered that America was ignorant of the fact along with Fox and all the media outlets.
He got taxpayer-funded jobs for his mistress and accepted a free apartment from a businessman. Is there a pattern?: "Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce did not declare during Cabinet discussions on the Inland Rail that he had bought five large parcels of land within a 15-minute drive from the planned route."
Bolt's still pretending the mission and target isn't Malcolm Turnbull for Abbott's sake and Barnaby Joyce is just the patsy, the wood duck for his Murdochian scheme. The fact has been established by others and Bolt just jumped on the slow train that's agreed that Joyce the Nationals retail Polly and leader is corrupt as and not just a one time snake in the grass but the complete package. It wasn't just a one time mistake. Bolt however in his rush to get Turnbull tripped over his own two left feet and tried to be the priest in the confessional box saying Barney's sorry and should be forgiven and allowed to carry on. Now he's covering his tracks because corrupt practice and much more is coming to light.
I completely agree with Janet Albrechtsen. Turnbull knew ages ago about Barnaby Joyce's affair and said nothing until we all found out. Now he avoids the real issue with his sex ban: "It’s not sex between ... a minister and staffer, that matters. It’s a boss’s preferment of a staffer, arranging new highly paid jobs that matters."
The fact that the whole of the ACT knew along with the press suggests Bolt knew too. The only people that didn't, were the voting public. We just had a vote on marriage equality Turnbull voted for Joyce against along with Bolt and Abbott. Joyce, Abbott and Bolt have proved their misogyny within the family circle time and time again. Turnbull voted for equality and declared it along with 65% of Australia and now these sexist alpha males in their own minds are trying to stone him for it once again. The word is 'equality' and it's not in their lexicon the women have been trampled and the only person to recognize it is too. Their poofter bashing Turnbull trying to do a Wake in Fright on him while he's away and simply shaming themselves and wallowing in their ignorance doing it. They are kicking the victims and who are they everyone who voted for equality and who knew what the whole of the ACT knew and kept stum. Even women like Albrechtsen lay down cop it and then defend the Wake in Fright lifestyle we support by not waking up. They all now just want to get Turnbull to leave town permanently. That's their defence the jury 65% of the voting public doesn't see it their way and 11% don't know but as this media mob have the megaphone in hand they have been banging on about it for 2 weeks why to convince the public to think otherwise. Peter BH, Bolt, Albrechtsen, Richardson etc etc etc isn't it strange they all are pros on the Murdoch team and so anti-Australia
Yes Bolt's laughing at Linda but then he wants to be recognized as more Indigenous than Adam Goodes
another stolen generation
The Left recklessly crusades against "stealing" Aboriginal children. Here's the ghastly price of leaving some in danger: "Friends and family of an Aboriginal toddler allegedly raped in Tennant Creek [claim] authorities overlooked repeated warnings. The girl, who is understood to be about two, was airlifted out... due to the severity of injuries"
As usual, Bolt looks to individual cases and yes children should be removed from harm but when removal becomes a one glove fits all trend that even according to Bolt allows room for mistakes so many that it's possible that a trend develops along with an industry that goes beyond a case by case approach. So were mistakes made yes were they institutionalized yes. Were the children treated honestly and with the TLC professed it appears not. Bolt just can't seem to get his head around the fact that trends developed and treatment meted out akin to indentured labour. That kids were lied to molested and not treated in a proper manner. But then Bolt believes that kids deserved everything they got at Don Dale too.
Baseless complaints against students and Bill Leak weren't flung out like this one against one of the Human Rights Commission's boosters. Yassmin Abdel-Magied: "The complaint against me - which alleged Racial Hatred under the Racial Discrimination Act - has been terminated due to lack of substance. Alhamdulilah! Nice to know the system works."
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