Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Andrew Bolt's Blog.21/2/18; Bolt's like a 3card monte hustler when it comes to ideas; Corruption can't be protected; Wake in Fright Murdoch town is kicking shit out of the victims.

Image result for Three card monte

By the way Bolt, it's CNN, not CANN
 What for a moment has any of this got to do whether or not the Russians conspired to disrupt the 2016 election in Trump's favour? Trump declared no such thing occurred Meullers investigation has declared interference did.Now Bolt is sidelining away and deflecting to the fact that CNN and MSNBC "Cheered the Russian Rally" hammering in what Meuller discovered that America was ignorant of the fact along with Fox and all the media outlets. 
Bolt a non-supporter of Trump until 12/10/16 did a 180-degree turn for the Murdoch Corporation's sake a real man of conviction spinning like the weathercock he is. He joined the Trump bandwagon in declaring Russian interference never happened. Now in another before and after story he's claiming what? That everybody was conned and that the Russians did scam America. What a two-faced grub he is trying to play three card monte. chase the ace and street hustle his ideas.

Can you tell fact from fiction? Take The Conversation 2017 FactCheck quiz to find out

Australian leaders make claims, we ask the experts to test them. Can you tell fact from fiction? What's spot-on and what's spin?

Do the test and ask yourself what would Bolt say? 

 Image result for Images of media clownsImage result for Images of Rowan Dean and andrew Bolt

So Bolt get's global "scientist" Rowan the mouth Dean to advise him on renewable energy and technology. Dean the Managing editor of Spectator Australia has almost sent the magazine to the wall ensuring it won't be renewable or supported by the UK.
For a start Despite Coal Lobby, Australia to Double Solar Energy in 2018 | Informed Comment
and that this year alone. "Wind and solar are making up the bulk of new electricity production (solar is 46% of new energy in recent years) and by May of last year, renewables provided 17% of Australia’s total electricity production."
Now that's Australia wide even with the LNP putting the brakes on with the states taking those brakes off Weatherill will provide the confidence of a massive growth in the Industry. Musk proved a point that will spur finance and technology to turbocharge the state. Didn't these two clowns notice that their predictions of continuing blackouts this summer didn't occur? They were completely wrong.
The amusing thing is SA is doing, while the Bolts and Deans of this world are just motor-mouthing off in a world where "doing is being" and BS that science is just a religion will take the country into the smog-filled dark ages in the dystopian future. These are the guys that believe in "clean coal" now that's religious.



 Bolt's still pretending the mission and target isn't Malcolm Turnbull for Abbott's sake and Barnaby Joyce is just the patsy, the wood duck for his Murdochian scheme. The fact has been established by others and Bolt just jumped on the slow train that's agreed that Joyce the Nationals retail Polly and leader is corrupt as and not just a one time snake in the grass but the complete package. It wasn't just a one time mistake. Bolt however in his rush to get Turnbull tripped over his own two left feet and tried to be the priest in the confessional box saying Barney's sorry and should be forgiven and allowed to carry on. Now he's covering his tracks because corrupt practice and much more is coming to light.  
The fact that the whole of the ACT knew along with the press suggests Bolt knew too. The only people that didn't, were the voting public. We just had a vote on marriage equality Turnbull voted for Joyce against along with Bolt and Abbott. Joyce, Abbott and Bolt have proved their misogyny within the family circle time and time again.  Turnbull voted for equality and declared it along with 65% of Australia and now these sexist alpha males in their own minds are trying to stone him for it once again. The word is 'equality' and it's not in their lexicon the women have been trampled and the only person to recognize it is too. Their poofter bashing Turnbull trying to do a Wake in Fright on him while he's away and simply shaming themselves and wallowing in their ignorance doing it. They are kicking the victims and who are they everyone who voted for equality and who knew what the whole of the ACT knew and kept stum. Even women like Albrechtsen lay down cop it and then defend the Wake in Fright lifestyle we support by not waking up. They all now just want to get Turnbull to leave town permanently. That's their defence the jury 65% of the voting public doesn't see it their way and 11% don't know but as this media mob have the megaphone in hand they have been banging on about it for 2 weeks why to convince the public to think otherwise. Peter BH, Bolt, Albrechtsen, Richardson etc etc etc isn't it strange they all are pros on the Murdoch team and so anti-Australia

 Yes Bolt's laughing at Linda but then he wants to be recognized as more Indigenous than Adam Goodes
 Image result for Image of fascist child welfare 
 another stolen generation
 As usual, Bolt looks to individual cases and yes children should be removed from harm but when removal becomes a one glove fits all trend that even according to Bolt allows room for mistakes so many that it's possible that a trend develops along with an industry that goes beyond a case by case approach. So were mistakes made yes were they institutionalized yes. Were the children treated honestly and with the TLC professed it appears not. Bolt just can't seem to get his head around the fact that trends developed and treatment meted out akin to indentured labour. That kids were lied to molested and not treated in a proper manner. But then Bolt believes that kids deserved everything they got at Don Dale too.
Bolt and Blair, Butthead and Bevis prove one thing they don't know how the AHRC even operates. Quick to see if there is any justification for a complaint. In Yassmin's case not under the Act. If there is a mediation process to resolve it the speed of which is up to the parties concerned. Failure the parties can take it to the courts the AHRC doesn't. Bill Leak wasn't delayed by the AHRC nor were the Qld students and yes the system works don't let Bevis and Butthead convince you the process doesn't work.
Image result for Image of a tautology

Bolt is a swinger isn't he one day declaring he's a conservative not Progressive or Libertarian and rails against both next he's jumped the gutter and declares Libertarians need protection. One moment he calls Turnbull a conservative and in the next, he's not "How often Kelly forgives Turnbull for betraying the conservative or libertarian causes that a Liberal Prime Minister should actually champion." Turnbull simply put isn't a conservative but a small L Liberal and Paul Kelly who Bolt isn't having an office affair with accepts him for what he is when Bolt can't. "So Kelly may be right to say conservatives are losing many battles. But he should join some dots and admit they lose more of them when Turnbull is the Liberal leader." Bolt.  He's a sideshow isn't he a distraction. He twists he squirms he wriggles and he worms each and every way to change the perception of an argument. The battles lost are many by the conservatives 'in' the Liberal Party today but as many as the ones lost when they were in control of the Party which would in any reasonable persons terms be a tautology. Bolt often reduces everything he says to tautologies meaningless statements that offer nothing to the understanding of reality or simply the same thing said in a hundred different ways as an offer of pro
noun: tautology
  1. the saying of the same thing twice over in different words, generally considered to be a fault of style (e.g. they arrived one after the other in succession ).
    synonyms:repetition, repetitiveness, repetitiousness, reiteration, redundancy, superfluity, periphrasis, iteration, duplication; More
    wordiness, long-windedness, prolixity, verbiage, verbosity;
    rarepleonasm, perissology

    "his speeches are notable for tautology, such as ‘safe haven’"
    • a phrase or expression in which the same thing is said twice in different words.
      plural noun: tautologies
    • Logic
      a statement that is true by necessity or by virtue of its logical form.

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