So Bolt get's global "scientist" Rowan the mouth Dean to advise him on renewable energy and technology. Dean the Managing editor of Spectator Australia has almost sent the magazine to the wall ensuring it won't be renewable or supported by the UK.
For a start Despite Coal Lobby, Australia to Double Solar Energy in 2018 | Informed Comment
and that this year alone. "Wind and solar are making up the bulk of new electricity production (solar is 46% of new energy in recent years) and by May of last year, renewables provided 17% of Australia’s total electricity production."
Now that's Australia wide even with the LNP putting the brakes on with the states taking those brakes off Weatherill will provide the confidence of a massive growth in the Industry. Musk proved a point that will spur finance and technology to turbocharge the state. Didn't these two clowns notice that their predictions of continuing blackouts this summer didn't occur? They were completely wrong.
The amusing thing is SA is doing, while the Bolts and Deans of this world are just motor-mouthing off in a world where "doing is being" and BS that science is just a religion will take the country into the smog-filled dark ages in the dystopian future. These are the guys that believe in "clean coal" now that's religious.
Column You'd think the Turnbull Government would love a chance to talk about something other than Barnaby Joyce and leadership division. But, no. See, it’s Tony Abbott who said immigration must be halved. So government ministers blast and mock him. But why can't the public get a debate? UPDATE: Latest stats: we're growing faster than any like nation. Why?
11m Link http://www.heraldsun.com.au/blogs/andrew-bolt/immigration-ministers-smash-abbott-betray-public/news-story/7f8968cf3477789342515dd6417e3f69
Ciobo points out these he's the son of immigrants, as if that is an answer to anything."Bolt .Bolt points out that some immigrants are criminals as if that were a trend rather than an exception. However the success of immigration has shown to be an assett to Australia an assett Bolt a son of immigrants himself now disparages for what purpose for the Christ like figure of Abbott. "This shout-down is clearly driven by animosity towards Abbott, rather than for a concern for good public policy."
Australia since 2008 has been the wonder of the world it avoided the GFC all other nations admitted they were wrong It's why Wayne Swann was voted the world's best Treasures and people wanted tocome here and still do because Australia was never the basket case others were and still are today. Australia is also at the top of the global ladder due to Tony abbott on doing nothing about climate change according to Bolt logic if it's better to run with the pack how is it Abbott is still maintaining we should maintain no further cement our position as the worlds top anti- Climate Change Nation?
Migration has kept our economy afloat poor government policies have been trying to sink it. Abbott who ran the biggest fear campaign in Australian history is repeating himself. Remember when he said "we fixed the economy" all a matter of just saying it because even he and Hockey knew they'd over played their hand with of course the help of News Corp
The Acting Prime Minister can't get the Deputy Prime Minister to come to the phone: "Barnaby Joyce has not returned a phone call to Cabinet colleague Mathias Cormann, but he did dial a journalist to let it be known he will not resign." UPDATE: Joyce on whether Turnbull knew of his affair: "He never asked any direct questions." Any indirect ones?
it's not about Barnaby Joyce for Bolt it's about Turnbull.
Column An Aboriginal girl — this time only two years old — has been rushed to hospital after allegedly being raped. The ABC and activists must now end this evil crusade against removing Aboriginal children from dangerous homes. Here is the "stolen generations" myth at work, and it's killing black children.
Obviously Bolt has little or nothing to write abour so he's repeating himself like a donkey on a carousel. So again we repeat Bolt's rarely spoken statement. Institutional Child Protective Bodies when handling cases get it right but as Bolt more than once has pointed out they also get it wrong and those errors aren't in their files until publicized.
Aboriginal communities also agree that protection services are needed. However statistics have shown there is a trend among Aborigines hand it's there poverty of culture that's to blame. Rather than a case to case approach being adopted in the past there has been one that developed into a strereotypical trend to remove Aboriginal Children from their families simply because they were Aboriginal and Bolt denies this on the basis that no such admissions acn be found in the records just false accusations.
Bolt rarely raises the question as to why these institutions lied and abused the children in their care. The stock of trade were "children" and their income was government funds and private revenue. To function these welfare businesses needed their stock of children to put out to the community as indentured labor, as reasons for Christian Charity fund raising and the easist source of where to find stock was with Aboriginal communities who after all were regarded as Flora in this country not worthy of equal pay or equal opportunity. So yes like the private prison system in America profits on stolen African children the welfare system in Australia ran and profited on stolen Aboriginal children.
Institutional records don't show this. Just as the banking system doesn't show it was geared to misappropriate peoples funds. Basically "stolen funds" "stolen children"= "better bottom line".
If one adopted Bolt's approach to historical fact there would have been no such thing as sexual molestation of children by priests either because it's not on record.
There's a lot of this, following the alleged rape of a
two-year-old: "A traditional owner of Tennant Creek said local police
and government agencies had failed the community for years." We need
more of this: "One local ... tore into the crowd as they waited for the
police and politicians to arrive. 'Have a good hard look at
“Why are children running around at two in the morning and they’re
five years old? Where are the parents? Stop blaming the government.” Bolt
What people are complaining about is Bolt's attack on Aboriginality and his inability to relate it to 100 years of Colonialism followed by another 100 plus of systemic intervention rather than opportunity. Bolt forever tells us Australians are colourless except when your Aboriginal, African, Muslim and many other categories that need to be sterotypically managed by supervising industries that tend to make more money without the resultant improvement that has been deprived toFirst Australians. The above issue is one specific to colourless Australia and not just Indigenous Australia to say otherwise is to be racist and it has little or nothing to do with Aboriginal Culture.
Bill Shorten speaking in Rockhampton, yesterday: "I’ve spent my life
representing miners. I understand the importance of mining." Ged
Kearney, Bill Shorten’s candidate in green-obsessed Batman, yesterday:
"I understand we need to transition away from coal as a source of
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