Now that Gallup has quit the field, Rasmussen Reports is the only nationally recognized public opinion firm that still tracks President Trump's job approval ratings on a daily basis."
Bolt provides an Obama daily record but not a comparable one fro Trump why is that? Is it because Trump still retains the highest disapproval rating of any President in the modern era 49%?
Trump’s approval rating during his first year in office stayed between 35% and 45%, the worst of the seven most recent presidents, according to Gallup. Nonetheless, a late 2017 Gallup poll found that Trump is the second-most admired man in the U.S., after only his predecessor, Barack Obama.
An NBC/Wall Street Journal poll from around the same time, however, found that only 36% of registered voters would support Trump for reelection in 2020.
What did Bolt do twist the night away looking for anomalies and overlooking trends? That's the statistical lack of Bolt's reliability for truth.
Bolt turns to none other than IPA and News Corp commentator Judith Sloane Accountant for expert commentary on Immigration. Recently Bolt's evidence as to why Australia's immigration policy was wrong was "no other country is as high" therefore we must be wrong. He failed to mention that we were the most admired as all the other countries suffered and are still suffering the effects of the 2008 GFC.
Sloan is happy to talk of a conspiracy among experts and politicians why? Because she disagrees of course.However on every quantitative measure not Sloane's qualitative "I don't like it measures" Australia is better off today than it was before. Sloane turns to Bolt's argument that we are not running with the pack. "That our population is growing at 1.6 percent, largely as a result of immigration, when the population of almost every other developed country is closer to 0.4 percent to 0.9 percent simply beggars belief." Sloan. However, the pack suffered badly crawling out of their recession and couldn't attract immigrants.
So having turned to Sloan we move to fellow Murdoch man McCrann who turns to Japan as a comparison Japan that's been a basket case for more than 20 years and McCrann statistical comparison is not a trend but a moment that suits yes he's pulled a rabbit out of a hat. However, his fundamental argument is the social cohesion of a non-settler nation outstrips that of a multicultural one. Basically arguing Multiculturalism has negatives that outweigh the positives in countries like Canada, NZ, USA, and Australia. I guess the Indigenous peoples of Australia have been saying that in each of these countries since the arrival of their unwelcome guests too.
Basically, the argument being put forward by Bolt, Sloan, and McCrann is they don't like it and their solution stop the clock. Strange country towns in Australia like Shepparton think otherwise. The inability to decentralization isn't the immigration problem in the western world. Without immigration, rural Australia will cease to exist and that's a political problem.
Why is it these anti multiculturalist Xenophobic Jingoist Bigots never really place Immigration into a Social, Historic, or Statistical context that shows what Immigration has done for this Rainbow Nation of ours? Because it shines a light on who they really are racist bigots.
Tautology Abbott and Bolt run is Crime is multicultural in a multicultural nation. When they couldn't show non-Australians had the highest crime rate they shifted the goal posts and included Australians born to migrants had that not worked they'd have shifted the posts again. The fact is the stats show they are wrong. For Bolt, it's always Muslim Crime never Christian which is a total fallacy and it's always African or alleged African and left at that. New Corp is a politically active media Corporation and not just an informative one.
Tautology Abbott and Bolt run is Crime is multicultural in a multicultural nation. When they couldn't show non-Australians had the highest crime rate they shifted the goal posts and included Australians born to migrants had that not worked they'd have shifted the posts again. The fact is the stats show they are wrong. For Bolt, it's always Muslim Crime never Christian which is a total fallacy and it's always African or alleged African and left at that. New Corp is a politically active media Corporation and not just an informative one.
Despite what he said, the truth is Barnaby didn't have the numbers
Anger Bolt's angry yes he is and ignorant to boot. A typical right-wing ignorance. Infant rape isn't an Indigenous characteristic and to label it as such Bolt deserves all the disgust anti-Racists can pull together. It's usually the opinion of respectable do gooders like Bolt who turn out to be our community's worst pedophiles and child molesters. Just how many Religious and secular persons dealing with children who aren't Indigenous,poor, drunk or drug affected that have recently been found to be molesters that Child Protection have over looked or participated in themselves? How many are there yet to be found? Bolt is against Safe Schools so we will never know will we?Child protection should be a concern for all of us however too many cases of abuse slip through the cracks and cases of white yellow and brindle do so too not just those in disadvanatged Indigenous communities.
However that's not what Bolt's focusing on the Institutional mismanagement and malpractice of Child Protection Services or new practices of protection such as Safe Schools. His singular focus is that CPS is not inefficient across the board but only when when it comes to Aboriginals and their Culture which Bolt suggests is the eye of the storm of child abuse. "Royal Commission into juvenile justice of the horrible neglect of a girl, and gave statistics showing how dangerously few such Aboriginal children were removed."
It's of no concern to Bolt that children weren't removed from Religious or secular institutions that allowed abuse to be practiced and done so on a widespread scale for years with up to 7% of Catholic priests practicing abuse and in some cases over 50%. No, no safe schools for Bolt. Bolt remains silent on the recent discovery that his white middle and upper class culture is extremely active in the practice molestation,pornography and pedophelia in general but has been protected and remained hidden for years despite Child Protection Services. Bolt has been a very active participant in the denial and defense of that activity in his cherished White Middle and wealthy classes. Classes where pedophile rings have ran amok. Bolt is active defendant of the elders of his meilieu such as Cardinal Pell but not so the elders of Aboriginal Communities who deny the problem is widespread. He's happy to blame rather than our CPS
So because the statistics of abuse were well hidden among White Christians but not so in Aboriginal Bolt ignorantly suggests greater focus and removal is necessary rather than an over abundance of mistakes made.. Not so however white communities where we hear day to day of pedophelia pornography and worse takes place and where we have only touched the tip of the iceberg of undicovered offenses in Malvern Toorak etc etc. Child molestation runs across all classes only now it's being revealed among our most respectable and advantaged.
The conditions that give rise to offensess across classes might well be different poverty drugs disadvantage is significantly different from the perverse practices discovered in Private schools and the homes of the bored and alienated advantaged simply looking for non conformist forms of entertainment. Aborigines arent flooding South East Asia looking for perversion.
Children need protection all children deserve it equally and malpractice needs attending to but not if it merely focuses on Bolt's historic stereotypical labelling of Indigenous communities suffering widespread disadvantage on every social indicator and not just one. Bolt somehow seems to believe the problem in the upperclass and well to do communities has been solved unfairly with the recent Royal Commission and that's his ignorance, bias and his protection of his own social class. By not demanding attention to his own class abuse physical or psychological by not advocating for Safe Schools he's a typical right-wing holier than thou bigot like Barnaby Joyce and Tony Abbott and yes "Convictions are more dangerous than lies an truth" particularly when the have been promoted over aperiod of over 200 years by the most powerful in the activity racisl blaming and policing supporting simplistic and single minded trends trends of intervention.
Excellent, even if it means Ged Kearney becoming an MP: "Labor would have won the Batman byelection if it had been held this week, delivering union leader Ged Kearney to Canberra and denying Greens candidate Alex Bhathal for a sixth time, a poll has found. In a phone poll..., Labor led the Greens 53 points to 47."
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