Column Sorry I’m late back from my holidays, but I re-learned a painful lesson no conservative should need. So there I was on the very top of an extension ladder when I leaned back too much. So when I can break five bones in a simple plan to prune a tree, the Aboriginal activists with a plan to destroy Australia might consider some consequences, too.
What a load of BS Bolt spins to get you to subscribe to the Herald -Sun. He's back with his series of PAYWALL promises asking us to pay for his folly of falling out of a tree. Of the bat starting with his identity politics if only Australia had no Aborigines. No doubt Bolt's back to sell papers for Murdoch and run us through his lexicon of complaints about Australia from A to Z.
Bolt doesn't believe in experts reasoned, rational thinking or science that's why he fell out of his tree.

Bolt doesn't believe in experts reasoned, rational thinking or science that's why he fell out of his tree.

Column On my holidays, I watched dozens of men being murdered: beheaded, strangled, stabbed, shot, speared, clubbed or their throats cut. I also watched women butchered. I saw blood pump from the slashed throat of one and from the belly of another. A screaming girl was burned alive. So glad our politicians paid $50 billion to help bring this to us.

The market in news is broken. Here's how we might fix it
"Relying on market forces, billionaires such as the Kochs, Rupert Murdoch, the Mercer family or Berlusconi, to provide unbiased journalistic information is absurdly unrealistic," wrote Professor Peter Abelson. "Unfortunately, it is almost equally unrealistic to expect elected representatives such as Trump to promote and finance independent quality journalism. But, as Churchill reputedly said, democracy is the worst form of government except for all the others. In a similar spirit, I support taxpayer support for independent quality journalism."Peter Martin
What's truly striking is that none of the respondents, including those who opposed more funding for government for news, appeared to be content to let the market rip.That's how far we've come. Like economists, all of us need trusted information. There is such a thing as truth, and we can sense it slipping away. Peter Martin
One thing lost here is the fact the ABC and SBS don't belong to the Government but are Statutory Independent Bodies belonging to us Australians to help keep governments honest and inform and question what is happening. Something governments of all persuasions don't like and something private media can't be relied upon to do as we witness Newscorp. Somehow they think that simply saying they provide conservative news biased in that very statement is meant to be sufficient and somehow closer to the truth.Whoever wins the argument over wages growth will likely win the next election | Greg Jericho | Business | The Guardian
Despite that being the immediate problem 2-5% is not a win given the continued growth of 20 % or more by the 1%. It seems we are edging to the tipping point since 2013 when Abbott won the election. Great management guys!!!

Identify politics is so tricky, even for warriors of the ABC Left. Benjamin Law comes a cropper: "Late to it, but so bloody pleased about this year's Victorian premier’s literary awards winners. All women – amongst them, many women of colour and queer writers." A non-binary apology swiftly follows.
As for Tim Bevis Blair Newscorp tax deduction he's simply notifying us that Law can unlike Bolt correct himself. I'd rather have the tax than subsidizing either Bevis or Butthead Bolt
The headlines after the latest Newspoll: "Malcolm Turnbull's popularity surges in polls as pressure increases on Bill Shorten", "Encouragement for Turnbull in Newspoll as Parliamentary year starts", "Newspoll: PM surges as pressure increases on Shorten". The actual result: the Government is 48-52 behind. Essential Poll: 46-54.
"This is not to deny that Turnbull is in better shape than last year and now has a faint chance at last of winning the next election." Bolt
You can always rely on Bolt putting in a get out of jail card having started with his usual BS. he wind up saying what everyone else has.
However, Abbott hasn't marginalized Turnbull has literally taken over Abbott's position and moved right.
As for jobs growth that's fantasy built on the immigration and population increase over 4 years unemployment is still at 700,000 but appears to have fallen % wise. However wages have been stagnant and seen no growth except in the gig economy. We still read daily of the attacks and the Corporate theft of billions off ordinary Australians by employers and being immune to prosecution.
All pressure is on Australian workers that's why.
Why is Bolt so long winded avoiding the fact that the most important issue is wages flat or going backward since 2013? Conservatives have allowed the wealthy and Corporate elite to make money by the bucket loads at the expense of ordinary Australians. There is no shortage of new Billionaires.
The time is up Turnbull's promise rings hollow that wages will boom if we only give the wealthy more money. If he takes that to the next election he's dead. Even Bolt can't deny the fact that conservatives like Abbott can't save them. Their downward spiral began with Abbott and Hockey in 2013 and their lies.
: Whoever wins the argument over wages growth will likely win the next election

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