Bravo, Senator Kimberley Kitching. Unlike her leader and some Labor colleagues, she says Liberal Senator Jim Molan is no racist. Applaud the politicians who refuse to join this insane character attack on a man who simply posted videos illustrating a genuine social problem. Watch.
Again Bolt's amplifying a personal view of Andrew Hastie who has a strong belief in God the place of women in a battle zone completely the opposite of the most war-hardened Kurdish units in the Middle East. Or the women Revolutionaries fighting for FARC in Colombia. There seem to be a lot of women in the Nth Vietnamese army that kicked Australian butt on the ground in a war we lost. Bolt is such an idiot for making Hastie look like one too.

New senator Jim Molan has 'no regrets' about posting far-right videos on Facebook
" Newly-elected Liberal senator and retired senior Army officer Jim Molan defends sharing anti-Muslim clips posted by far-right UK group Britain First on Facebook, saying 'I have no apologies'. "
Our latest Senator has joined voice with Britians extreme and notorious crackpot right and has no apologies for doing so joining them to slander and disparage not only Islam as a religion but calling for a witchhunt to ban them from the country. Molan has no regrets in denying them their Constitutional Rights to practice their religion. The separation of powers according to Molan is no longer of any use to what he regards as a Christian State.
Molan has a religious hatred of Islam and declares it his right to do so under our Constitution. He also has a deep religious belief in the sacrament of war, uniforms and the nuclear age. His favorite movie is Dr. Strangelove and he'd only be too happy to ride the bomb.
Jim Molan has condemned the anti-immigration group Britain First as an "appalling organization", but maintains he did nothing wrong by sharing some of their videos on Facebook.
Last month, US President Donald Trump apologized for retweeting Britain First videos, claiming he didn't know who the group was.
Senator Molan said he had shared the clips long before Mr. Trump had brought the group to the world's attention.
Jim Molan has condemned the anti-immigration group Britain First as an "appalling organization", but maintains he did nothing wrong by sharing some of their videos on Facebook.
Last month, US President Donald Trump apologized for retweeting Britain First videos, claiming he didn't know who the group was.
Senator Molan said he had shared the clips long before Mr. Trump had brought the group to the world's attention.
Last month, US President Donald Trump apologized for retweeting Britain First videos, claiming he didn't know who the group was.
Senator Molan said he had shared the clips long before Mr. Trump had brought the group to the world's attention.
There is no excuse for Molan's ignorance and he has hanged himself on his own petard and all we get is" he a distinguished soldier" from his defenders who overlook his stupidity yet certainly don't others. Adam Creighton of The Australian refuses to accept that Molan even needs to apologize to us the Australian public. Yes, it's the Murdoch media doing what it's being paid to do PR and damage control in the Anglosphere. It's for Murdoch an investment in the future for their LNP advertising profits to be made pre, during and post the next election.
Britain First - Wikipedia
Britain First is a far-right[9][10][11][12] and fascist[2][3][4] British political organisation formed in 2011 by former members of the British National Party (BNP).[11] It was founded by Jim Dowson, an anti-abortion campaigner linked to Ulster loyalist groups in Northern Ireland.[13] The organisation's leader is former BNP councillor Paul Golding,[9] and its deputy leader is Jayda Fransen.[14]Britain First campaigns primarily against multiculturalism and what it sees as the Islamisation of the United Kingdom, and advocates the preservation of traditional British culture. It attracted attention by taking direct action such as its "Christian patrols" and "invasions" of British mosques.[11][12] It has been noted for its online activism.[15]
Britain First has unsuccessfully contested elections to the House of Commons, the European Parliament and the mayoralty of London. In November 2017, it was statutorily deregistered as a party by the Electoral Commission.[1]
A Fragmented Review of Climate Change - » The Australian Independent Media Network
1)Oceans act as a sink for warmth, it takes them a long time to warm or cool through their sheer volume. In 2017 they were the warmest ever recorded.2)2017 was the second or third warmest year recorded, depending on which dataset was used. Of significance, 2017, was the warmest year recorded without the influence of an El Nino event.
3)The Arctic sea ice extent and volume have continued to decrease, the lowest extent in September was the eighth lowest ever recorded. Volume has changed downward by about 80% since 1979.
4)The Antarctic is being investigated quite profusely at present, its sea ice has been at low levels. The huge 5,698 square kilometer Larson C ice sheet broke clear in July 2017. A number of major ice sheets are considered to be at risk as grounding lines are moving shorewards.
Bolt still is in denial despite Governments, Banks, Science and Technolgy telling us the opposite
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