Friday, 9 February 2018

Andrew Bolt's Blog,9/2/18; Some think Turnbull has abandoned "Closing the Gap"; Turnbull is determined to "Close the Gap" by applying the American Model;


Turnbull's plans for national apology to sex abuse victims should take Close the Gap lessons into account


the report says the government "effectively abandoned" its long-term goals just five years on from the establishment of the policy, in favour of short-term political demands.
"A revolving door of prime ministers, Indigenous affairs ministers and senior bureaucrats have all but halted the steady progress hoped for by First Peoples," the report said.
"After the initial funding commitments made for the Closing the Gap strategy … the strategy was effectively abandoned with the extensive cuts, over $530 million, made to the Indigenous affairs portfolio in the 2014 federal budget."

 Fueled by Broken Social Contract, Study Finds Inequality and Despair Driving US Life Expectancy Down | Common Dreams

A Reminder Turnbull is using the American model to Close the Gap
Australian Conservatives are modelling us on America. The the country with world's  biggest Wealth and Income Gap. Turnbull does want to close the gap by ensuring all Australians can have the advantages and opportunities of Aboriginal Australians and spiral down. That quality of life Andrew Bolt declares is the fault of their Culture. ( Old Dog Thought)

"A new report finds that a lack of social services including universal healthcare, public health crises, and declining social mobility have all contributed to growing despair and failing health in the United States, resulting in a decrease in life expectancy for the second year in a row.
According to the study, completed by researchers at Virginia Commonwealth University and the Urban Institute, a suicide rate that went up 24 percent between 1999 and 2014, and abuse of drugs and alcohol have contributed largely to the decline."


Turnbull backs Jim Molan in anti-Muslim video row: 'Not a racist bone in his body'

PM says it is ‘deplorable’ and ‘disgusting’ that Bill Shorten would describe senator as racist
  Malcolm Turnbull at question time. He said Jim Molan was a ‘great Australian soldier’. Photograph: Mike Bowers for the Guardian

Malcolm Turnbull at question time on Tuesday


Guess Bolt  believes University Departments need to be some how socialistically controlled and not be allowed to choose their own parameters of integrity to be judged by their peers. Rather he demands the deniers voice of the 3% be given equal time on campus. The argument isn't knew and it's why deniers are a noticeable minority they get equal time on tax payer media and cost more than teir value.
Peter Ridd isn't a climate scientist he's a physicist and can't be seen to be a spokesperson for a department. He is however an activist. Peer review is the standards on which universities operate and there doesn't seem to be a significant body or Department in his favor. Bolt attempts to regard Peer- Review as little more than "group think" I guess the flat earth society on this basis is being persecuted as well. Bolt never really spent much time at Univerities yet seems to be an authority on how they ought to be run basically a free for all.
"Clearly, many thinking Australians are deeply troubled by this persecution of an academic by a university that is actually funded to promote academic debate, not crush it." Bolt
Here is proof positive Bolt knows little or nothing about Universities there processes of debate and connection with the world and the concept of peer- review in the matter of debate and reasoned thinking. Bolt as usual regards Science and it's methods as little more than a Religion. " I suspect that the great global warming religion is now considered so sacred that we must not only destroy our reliable electricity system, spend billions on unnecessary desalination plants, fritter billions more on useless global warming schemes, consider tax breaks or subsidies for millions of expensive electric cars, but also crush any scientist who dares question the shaky science on which this whole, tottering edifice is built." Bolt and his logic. Now that's a reasoned statement according to Andrew Bolt along with I'm  an Indigenous Australian.


Bolt like Katter declares he's indigenous as well and therefore deserves a leg up. Neither he or Katter like History. Because History actually shines a light on their unequal playing field that systematically deprived Indigenous Australians of lack of opportunity and passed that pattern of behavioral oppression and it's justification on for over 200 years.
Any attempt to address and close the gap on this institutionalised racism is recieved with  mockery and disparagement it seems Katter and Bolt fear it just might cost them something.
 Bolt is and individual who broke our laws enshrined in our anti discrimination act that attempts to prevent the vilification of minorities and incite a trend. Bolt was found guilty because he lied in order to vilify not because he valued truth in the media at all. due to the fact that his articles contained so many factual errors his goal and purpose to vilify went beyond what is regarded as normal opinion.
If anyone was Kafkaesque in judgement it was Bolt


Three Senators from the minor parties this week announced they had joined other ones or had become independents. So now we can't trust the smaller parties any more than we can Labor or the Liberals. My editorial from The Bolt Report.

Abbott, Hanson, and Bernardi seem to have lost ground and Bolt as a consequence has lost all his dogs he had in the race except for one Peter Dutton. Remember he was for Hanson and for Bernardi. Bolt's now singing another tune I don't think either he or News Corp would like to align themselves aligned with Dutton. "Sick of smaller parties too" what does Bolt mean by that? Well given his loathing of Turnbull and Shorten I guess he's trying to eat a little humble pie and find a space in the public view. Has Bolt turned Libertarian and turned against all politicians? No follow the money all the way to the next election who needs News Corp the most it's not the ALP. Will Murdoch call for the removal of government altogether, no! So watch Bolt try to help Abbott as the only "genuine pollie" while making amends with the moderates he despises. After all he only wants to impress Rupert but how can he hammer the ABC


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