Thursday, 8 February 2018

Andrew Bolt's Blog,8/2/18; Jim Molan wasn't slimed the truth was; Bolt's business and News Corp's is invasion of privacy; Bandt is being threatened for raising claims to truth; Fake News Yes Bolt is the Authority; Human Rights in Australia what are they?


Bolt's so-called 'reasoned debate' doesn't even begin to answer the question as to why the "butcher of Falluja attacked the Falluja hospital with coalition troops carrying their favored weapons Kalashnikovs. Why he insured a city of 50,000 people was put in siege and families bombed. Children in desparate need of medicine and treatment were disallowed it .
Why was Molan called "the butcher"? Andrew Bolt, seems to think it was that some form of Liberation indearment?  So accordingly to ask is a "sick" question.  In reality however the sick were in that hospital, women and children deprived of medical treatment and a city of 30-50,000 people intentionally trapped by Molan, locked in, and ordered to be bombed. Bolt declares the sickness is talking about it and 'unfair'  in the course of the debate. of course, he does.

Sarah Smith 52

Recently sworn-in Liberal Senator Jim Molan, the architect of Operation Sovereign Borders, has a very questionable war record, writes Sarah Smith. 

The real question here is why does Andrew Bolt feel the need to defend the media he when his wife so stridently attacked the media for reporting their son James worked for the IPA? Is this some sort of split in this family an secret embarrassment?
The nature of social mobility in the Bolt family has been known for years proving the old adage of 'it's who you know not what that's more important'. Bolt himself married his way up the social ladder having dropped out or failed Adelaide Uni he had little opportunity to do otherwise. Is this the well-kept secret in their family closet not revealed?
Until recently Bolt himself tried to convince us all he was educated at Adelaide Uni he wasn't and with all the bruhaha about Fake News it's now mysteriously disappeared but it still leaves the question wide open has Bolt or his son earned their positions on merit ladder?
 It's difficult for Bolt to argue for privacy given he is an avid News Corp media man who works for a company that certainly doesn't respect it.


This issue is not just is not just a matter of fact Bolt would have no job if privacy was agreed upon today as it once was. He works for Rupert Murdoch whose organization is famous for bugging peoples lives. Murdoch has never earned the respectability he once had in the UK because of his invasion of privacy. Bolt's simply defending the morals of an organization that thrives on its invasion even in illegal ways, not just ethical ones

It seems to me Adam Bandt was merely repeating what was was already in print and not starting anything. As the saying goes " where there's smoke there's fire" Molan is a politician now and another old saying goes " if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen" Bolt's post above this one openly declares Barnaby has no privacy so why does Molan. If he's threatening to sue shouldn't he be suing  Sarah?

Sarah Smith 52

Recently sworn-in Liberal Senator Jim Molan, the architect of Operation Sovereign Borders, has a very questionable war record, writes Sarah Smith. 

Bolt doesn't deal in trends and when the heads of both the AFP and ASIO said there isn't a significant terrorist problem in Australia Bolt certainly spent an enormous amount of energy calling them conspirators to a lie. That's a fact and not Fake News. But like all liars trained in the Murdoch news culture Bolt flips it trying to suggest Duncan Lewis was suggesting a trend existed and was agreeing with him because three cases were refugees or children of refugees or if Bolt had his way refugees, children of refugees or children of children of refugees. Bolt seems to be desperately trying to struggle to make his point here almost as he does when he declares he's more indigenous that Australians of Aboriginal heritage.
Bolt really does equivocate as to who is or isn't an Australian a Refugee a Christian and more often and not just grabs identities and uses them for political bullshit. Sorry, Bolt the last two white men to hit the headlines for anger and terror against society happened to be very white Australians using cars as weapons of destruction. Just because they haven't been charged under the "terrorist act" doesn't make them pussycats. Just as the removal of Aboriginal children from their families are recorded as intervention doesn't mean they weren't Stolen and that recorded history which Bolt defends so much isn't Fake News

George Brandis takes a swipe at Peter Dutton and 'right wing politics' in farewell speech

 Senator Brandis delivers his final speech to the Senate.

He observed "powerful elements of right-wing politics" had abandoned the liberal tradition in favour of "a belligerent, intolerant populism which shows no respect for either the rights of individual citizens or the traditional institutions which protect them".
Senator Brandis did not name Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton in his speech, but delivered a pointed barb at Mr Dutton's recent disparaging of "un-Australian" lawyers and "weak" judges.

"I have not disguised my concern at attacks upon the institutions of the law - the courts and those who practice in them," he said. "To attack those institutions is to attack the rule of law itself."

Isn't Dutton and the conservatives with media support from News Corp  doing a Trump and undermining the fundamental institutions of Australia and not just our values?


A barista at a Grab-N-Go Bikini Hut espresso stand holds money as she waves to a customer in Everett, Washington.

Isn't Bolt ahead of himself hear talking about Human Rights in a country that has no Bill of Rights under its constitution. So right or wrong the decision in the first instance is left up to those in power. Isn't that the reason the Indigenous of Australia is on the bottom of the social scale in this country if gauged on any social indicator. A further fact is people racists like Bolt blame them for their condition. Blame their visibility because they're black, their culture despite it being interfered with by whites.
Bolt seems to take pleasure on raising red flags on minority events in this and other countries as if they are central and changing trend in this country. He turns to the 2% of Sharia Law that provides advice on punishment in Islam as if it's the central core of Sharia while ready to verbally stone those that don't uphold his values particularly values of the extreme right. Bolt's values have been aired publicly and demand Christians and true believers fight back as he did in Carlton threatening and executing acts of GBH simply because he got away with it. Burqas aren't central to or even a part of Islam the judge may as well have demanded only people in suits be allowed in his court he has the power in Australia where there are no Human Rights when Bolt falsely claims there are.'Bikini baristas' in Washington are told to cover up – is it an issue of free speech?

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