Column Are any thieves more shameless than the 21 Victorian Labor MPs exposed by the Ombudsman’s report? First, they cheat taxpayers out of $388,000. Then they spend $1 million of their victims’ money trying to stop an investigation. Now, finally nailed, Premier Daniel Andrews says he’s paid back the cash and no one will face any consequences.
Labor Premier Daniel Andrews claims he doesn't believe any MPs warned him against an unlawful rort to get taxpayers to pay for party campaigners. Now an MP calls him out: “He knew about concerns about the funding model. I and several other MPs raised it with him. We told him it was a nonsense." This could get ugly.
Why the return of economic growth is a neoliberal illusion
It’s true there’s a historical correlation between security, prosperity and growth. Those were the days when “trickle-down” worked. It worked because the trickling down occurred through higher wages and better social services at the insistence of a strong labour movement when our media weren’t just corporate mouthpieces. That’s all changed.
But isn’t GDP still growing? Sure. GDP can grow along with population, even while living standards stagnate. In that case, growth doesn’t help us. In fact, right now, poverty is also increasing in Australia. Shouldn’t that cancel out the boost to GDP from population growth? Something else must be increasing too. What could that be?
Once we adjust for population growth, much of our meagre GDP growth goes with it. If this affected the entire population equally, nobody’s wealth would be increasing. But, in fact, it’s the poor who are bearing the brunt, while the rich get richer. In simple terms, existing wealth is being redistributed upwards. So poverty and inequality are rising. Mike Dowson
The Reality of the Neoliberal illusion from Duncan the person Andrew Bolt shit kicked for speaking up on Q&A. Well Duncan's back to pop Bolt's bubble
DUNCAN STORRAR: The insidious consequences of disability pension cuts
Column With the fires at Tathra still burning, Greens leader Richard di Natale accused the Turnbull government of doing “everything it can to slow this country’s transition to renewable energy”. And now "bushfires savage Tathra, Bega and South West Victoria. We’ve seen a cyclone hit Darwin.” The falsehoods are astonishing.
Here he is claiming the Greens falsehoods are worse than his and ignoring the reality of the global sciences measurements and simply shifting the deck chairs on the Titanic.
Follow the money Bolt and bleed your argument is lost. Banks, Fossil Fuel Corporations and Energy producers are all divesting away from your beloved fossil fuels and moving to renewables why? They believe that 1) The planet is warming 2) Renewables are clean energy 3) They are cheaper than Fossil Fuels 4) And are more ethical and better to be associated with into the future.
All points Bolt avoids because he knows he's backing a losing horse no a horse that's lost but carrying on the good fight for money to be made in opposing Green Power. However, calling the Greens out for what he does himself is evidence of his level of low intelligence.
1)Now let me analyse the weekend based on what I know. In South Australia, Labor had been in power for 16 years. Longevity is considered to be the first enemy of any incumbent government. However, given they started with a deficit of four seats due to redistribution, they performed remarkably well and are well-placed to win the next election in four years." The weekend – if it has proven anything – is that minor parties are just as vulnerable as the majors. Labour has learnt, or has already realised, that good candidate and good policies, even if risky, are more to the electorates liking. I’m not sure what the Liberals have learnt. It was a Clayton's victory at best in SA." John Lord
2)The Liberal Party, who managed to win with a 7% swing against them, was ably assisted by a politician who believed his personal popularity was enough to break the duopoly of the major partyies. Xenophon gained almost 20% of the vote but came over as an ill-prepared hillbilly with no policies, but a huge sense of humour. However, 20% should guarantee you a seat or two. All these anomalies might even suggest the Liberals were lucky to get across the line. John Lord
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