Friday, 23 March 2018

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 23/3/18; Wage comparisons show the ABC is extreme value for money despite their lowly 25% increase in wages over a decade; Bolt's lots of dough for no Show; Ditzy Daisy Donkey Cousens is Rohan Dean in a skirt;;



 According to Andrew Bolt,"Mike Newman says ABC staff just aren't just biased. They are also failing to pull their financial weight:". Guess this is an example of Bolt pulling something but it's certainly not his value for money.
1) Since 2008 the ABC revenues alone were cut by $200 mill dollars by Tony Abbott. Since the last century the ABC's revenues have not gone up and if adjusted for inflation and population served they have better value for money than the subsidized Bolt Report or Sky News.
2) Has anybody considered to ask why an analysis of News Corp hasn't been carried out on the same basis? Why Australia is such a loss to the American parent Company. So why is Bolt promoting Ch 9?
3) Bolt points to the leadership shown of one man in media and it's not Rupert Murdoch who orchestrated the hacking of phones in the UK and who then went into Alan Bond dementia mode to stave off prosecution. No, he turns to Kerry Packer back in 1992 when Bolt was in his early 30's and already constructing bullshit to say about his ex-fiancee in the years to come but not as comedy
4) Given the ABC is legally bound to provide services for the nation that the commercial companies won't touch with a barge pole services to rural Australia and services to Australian content it would seem they are doing an absolutely fantastic job. Given the trust endowed then by the Australian public the citizens of Australia seem to think so too. Can the same be said of News Corp, Sky News and in particular the Bolt Report?
5) Given the average salary of ABC staff has only gone up 25% in 10 years and the average median wage for Australians has gone up nearly 50% $850 to $1200. Proving the ABC is, in fact, extreme value for money. More so than Andrew Bolt and his losing show.
 Australia Average Weekly Wages

Bolt just rents space for others to rant on. Daisy Cousens who like Peter Dutton hasn't any empathy for any  South African Farmers but is simply using them for her own political sound byte and media self-promotion. Cousens obviously doesn't feel safe at the Spectator and has taken lessons from Rohan Dean in jumping onto centre stage whenever space is made available.
However, 1) There doesn't seem to be a rush of farmers banging at our front gate in desperation. 
2) The South African Government accepted worldwide as a civilized Democracy has been maligned by one that in recent days has been railing about Black Africans allowed into this country as refugees.
3) Andrew Bolt in particular along with Peter Dutton has been using false facts to broadcast the antipathy for blacks and Murdoch media provides the space for their ignorant rants. Cousens took it upon herself to blast anyone and everyone in Rohan Dean fashion other than the conservatives that told Dutton to shut up.
Do you ever get the impression Bolt's only doing it for the money? Hate does tire you out. 


Bolt's defending Dutton because of what the Greens said excuse me the world came down on Dutton's Neo-Nazi Fascist Racism not just the Greens. South Africa declared it a diplomatic racist insult and the South African Farmer's representative body said thank you but no thank you. It seems they don't want to go back to the past in Australia.

Bolt's forever trying to Spin us 1) That he's Indigenous and 2) he's a victim of black racism. He's the sort of person who would prefer to call the South Pole the North and the North the South for the sake of an argument. Historically there has never been and Reverse Racism in Australia some might wish there was. His version of a "stolen Generation is the loss of reputation handed out today by Racist Indigenous liars demeaning the good reputations of Welfare organizations who took kids in and trained them in the art of working for nothing and teaching them masochistic sex and child molestation.
Apparently Bolt and Stone wish Australia was Constitutionally a Christian Nation despite the fact that only 25% of us are practitioners of that faith and going down given the number of churches up for sale. They say we need to discriminate and not just against Muslims. Black Christians Bolt buries when he talks Abo Culture and it's incompatibility along with Sudanese and Pacific Islanders all of whom are Christian but nevertheless incompatible so Wrangers are more often than not Christian too should confer with Stone and Bolt on other discriminatory characteristics that are commonsense positive?

" Worse, there's the foul language - a sign of someone who actually struggles to express themselves  "
Here we have Bolt advocating the policing of language. Not just that we need to be monolingual but that we need to be polite and well mannered if we wish to be listened to what a dickhead he is. Guess the aristocracy during the French Revolution felt the same. Does Bolt actually expect us to believe he never loses it and that he to doesn't become foul? He's foul-mouthed and has been convicted of being a vilifier and hate - speech activist. The festival bosses he's complaining about haven't.

Given Bolt's link has problems my comment is limited to:
Greg  Sheridan get's praised for shutting Ellen Fanning down but not so when he told Tony Abbott to shut up. Is Bolt threatened by Sheridan's IQ? Or is he just sucking up to him to avoid Sheridan turning his sensational skills on him?
 Bolt wants a Dept set up but not with his kids but a peace police to run around blessing deserving people with money rather than have them face our commonsense discrimination and tell them to piss off. Bolt makes it sound like a bribe rather than aid

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