Friday, 13 April 2018

Andrew Bolt's Blog,13/4/18; Bolt's not Paparazzi he's a serious Journalist; Punching down or up there is a difference:

Image result for Image of paparazzi exposure 
Paparazzi Bolt and his earnest exposure face

Andrew Bolt kicked off this story with full tilt boogie innuendos yesterday.While knowing full well what Cousens was saying tonight he managed to show just how pleased he was to the possible damage done to Yassmin's career. What does he mean by his gloating banner other than harm? One wonders what a 29-year-old girl has done to deserve the obsessive dislike this 58-year-old conservative curmudgeon has for her. Bolt stalks Yassmin's very being.
On the other hand, Di Natale made some possibly incorrect assumptions but given the circumstances of Trump's America had an equal probability of being right. He wasn't because he didn't have the access to the facts and information available to the media that Bolt had probably via Fox. Yes, his assumptions might have turned out to be wrong but they certainly weren't improbable.
Amusing how Bolt's production team had Daisy Cousens be the featured commentator with paparazzi Bolt sitting next to her obediently listening. He looked more like Daisy's client with his Mona Lisa Shmirk and Dorian Gray intent.
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Not a word that Bolt's complaint and video take out was actually a comedy skit on the ABC. Remember when Bolt proudly hosted Milo in public. What did he say Milo's language was as rough but acceptable because it was right-wing comedy. What's good for the goose appears isn't good for the gander.  Any wonder Bolt's whining has been given the two fingers. 
This high horsed suited moralist who admits he can't tell jokes because he doesn't have a funny bone was far far cruder than anything the ABC did. While the ABC was punching up  Bolt and his son James punched down when they abused, laughed and mocked a South Sudanese Beauty Pageant held in Dandenong. Their performance sounded like white supremacist trailer trash, racists given free reign on an IPA sponsored podcast. They were far far worse than comedy skit calling a politician a cunt because these guys meant every word of what they were doing and saying.
Bolt was training his son to fill his shoes with dads classless skills. Nepotism in action brought to you by News Corp and the IPA

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