Funding is being cut at Australia's corporate regulator and staffing levels will be reduced, according to figures in Tuesday's federal budget.
Key points:
- ASIC will lose $28 million in Government funding over next three years
- Average staffing levels will drop by 2 per cent — 30 positions — next financial year
- ABC understands reduction is largely related to specific programs winding up
- Average staffing levels will be reduced next year by 2 per cent, or 30 positions. Budget 2018:
ABC Starved of Oxygen
Bolt can't spell and he's been in the business for 30 years it's LEFT Bolt not LET.
So Bolt admits Abbott's lie and the conservative promise of "No Cuts to the ABC" is a euphemism to drain it of life. Efficiency might be a rational economic activity but in this context is simply a right-wing political act of bastardy, a payment made for News Corp's media support. The same BS applied by Abbott has been repeated here by Turnbull in the name of "efficiency" "not a tax cut". Yet again less an economic reason but simply a political one in the hope of maintaining right-wing media advertorial support and diminishing Australian democracy even further while improving Murdoch's long-term goal his bottom line.
The alliance between the BCA, IPA, Private Media and government once denied has taken a step closer in this budget which on first glance appears reasonably benign. However, add the $30 mill undocumented grant to the $17 bill promised company tax cut to Murdoch this $120 mill reduction to the $ 200 mill Abbott removed in 2014 and you simply have the kidnapping of news, the discovery of information and questioning of government the lubricant of democracy. Another step closer to Mussolini's clear and simple definition of Fascism or Corporatism pure and simple.
Murdoch doesn't care about the production side of the ABC or the Cultural Charter it has to fulfil he wants the LNP to either destroy the news and information service or preferably takeover it's infrastructure the rest as far as he's concerned is inefficient worthless bones that can be disposed of. News and information is influence and attracts money and power and the seat of which can be found in maintaining the interests of the wealthy business and political classes who pay handsomely for their Orwellian news.
The ABC hasn't just been a public broadcaster it's been an Independent one and it's budget incumbent on the government to supply in order to fulfil its charter. Two decades of LNP government have seen a concerted effort to deny it oxygen. Not openly chocking it but by any other measure so much so the LNP mantra "no cuts to the ABC" is a euphemism for sucking the financial blood out of it or feeding it odourless tasteless invisible carbon monoxide inviting a slow death. The ABC may not uncover the truth but it's the only bulwark the Australian public has to question the intent behind social policies of any government an anathema to those that serve to maintain systemic injustice, inequality and improved opportunity for all Australians and not just some.
"ABC the funding cuts applied to other government agencies."Bolt
1) The ABC isn't "another" government agency it's a Statuary Independent Body belonging to the Australian Public. It's not another agency.
2) Its Independence has been abused by 2 decades of conservative governments by simply calling "No Cuts to the ABC "efficiency measures" and robbing the public broadcaster of $250 million dollars so they can say it's not fulfilling its charter. The ABC's funding has been going backwards and that's proved it's efficiency despite efforts to shackle it. Abbott has proved just how scared he is of the truth, not the ABC
3) The ALP is the only Party that recognizes the integrity of an Independent media whose chairpersons have all had connections to conservative governments. Yes, they will take the restoration of the ABC to the next election.
" In the coming year Australians will head to the polls for the next federal election. More than 80 percent of Australians value the ABC, a point that should not be lost on anyone seeking government, Guthrie
That is not a threat it's a statement of truth 80% of the public do trust the ABC. Only a right-wing Conservative can interpret a fact as a threat.
Column I’ve considered Malcolm Turnbull a bumbler with few deep convictions. What does this Prime Minister really believe in, apart from himself? But something strange is happening and this Budget confirms it. Slowly, Turnbull’s weaknesses are turning into his strengths.
Bolt hardly enlightens us, does he? Other than that the conservatives are currently the biggest all-around losers an have to wait for the outcomes of by-elections in which they will have no part to prove themselves and will definitely have to now wait for the main event in which they will really play no part. Either way things aren't as certain as Bolt previously predicted a massive LNP loss. No congratulations to Team Turnbull from Bolt. However no mention of Tony Abbott's flagging popularity in Warringah either. He is now an uncertainty down some 15% in his seat leaving the certainty that he will even keep his seat in doubt let alone come back as opposition leader.
It's been a long time since Bolt has had the ear of any inner circle of politics. The Bolt Report at it's best is witnessed by 51,000 which represents 0.03% of the electorate and if he's preaching to the converted that's even very much more a minority of conservatives who are even listening.
The election results marked the first time the National Front had been voted out of power in the six decades since Malaysia gained independence from Britain."
No comment from Andrew Bolt is very unlike him. It suggests given his past admiration of Mahathir that he's disappointed with him this time around. He was once like Abbott who had Hanson thrown in jail. Mahathir did the same to Anwar for pure political bastardy
Katharine Betts says polls show a huge gap between the political elite and voters on immigration. For instance, 67 per cent of Labor candidates want more migrants; 64 per cent of voters want fewer. Most media professionals want more; most of their audience want fewer. The elite is so scared of seeming racist that they'd rather we choked.
Murdoch media wrote 2,850 anti- Muslim articles in a period of 12 months and have helped the polls prove anti- Muslim sentiment has gone up from 9 to 30 % so any anti- Immigration argument being publicly driven is bullshit.
Tony Abbott raised the permanent Immigration intake from 100,000 to 190,000 in the Howard years and supported the numbers up until 2016. His government when in opposition stopped any attempts at infrastructure changes and in government, he did nothing but block the changes ALP states wanted to implement. So feeling squeezed blame it on Tony Abbott. the rest of the squeeze Oh yes it's due to the export of education that takes in 500, 000 students which Conservatives never really talk about together with the skilled labour we seem to be short of because we don't provide any investment into our future. Yes something else not mentioned. That we import youth and skills into this country because Abbott thought it's cheaper to buy from overseas than invest in it here. Moralising Bullies I don't think so short-term playing politics and doing nothing government is what we have seen since 2013.
Without differentiating what he means by Immigration a blanket term bolt and conservatives throw a total ideological argument over a feeling rather than an analysis of what has occurred why and where we are heading in order to run an emotional rather than any rational argument over what might make conservatives look really bad. Yes, and it does disguise the racist elements in this approach. 1) immigrants are more skilled, 2) are younger 3) are in demand in the free market 67% are employed the majority of the others are their dependents, not the states. However, I do agree who needs immigrants like Abbott and Bolt who spend all their energies blocking the progress of this nation.
It was cold. I have a cold. I didn't want to get out of bed. Nor did I want to find my glasses. So I blogged on my laptop and just squinted at the characters on the screen. Hence all the typos this morning. Sorry.
Is there no end to the sacrifices Cate Blanchett makes to save our planet? She has worn the same dress twice in three years on two continents: "Blanchett said of her decision to ‘outfit repeat’... 'Particularly in today’s climate, it seems wilful and ridiculous that such garments are not cherished and re-worn for a lifetime.'”
18m Link
So Bolt is in bed with Cate. I wonder if he searched out while scanning Vogue. You know what they say about idle hands. Personally, I think he's doing a Weinstein and being a bully and not the moralizing kind either.
Israel has given a lot of reasons to justify the attack and killing of people hundreds of meters from a fence recently and has done it all with lies and distortion. Now we have an issue with "their bases" in Occupied territories of Syria legitimizing whatever. It's what Israel doesn't say leads to a more accurate picture rather than what it does say. Which is generally the real for rampant state-sponsored murder and mayhem simply said the IDF can do whatever they want.
Bolt is typical of this don't say anything media approach and as a consequence generally says nothing when it comes to Gaza. He avoids the snipers the 50 plus dead and 4,500 Palestinians injured in the past 6 Fridays. Would never mention the fact that the snipers, with advanced weapons, aimed for knees and elbows with full knowledge that Gazan hospitals have limited resources to treat these complicated wounds ensuring those shot will be crippled for life.
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