Friday, 11 May 2018

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 11/5/18; Whose been complaining since 2015 for Tony; The real meaning of CUT; FAKE NEWS cries a FAKE; Bolt being Dr Spock; The real size of the Liberal Party;

Yes, Tony Abbott who only by the fact that he remained in the government he simply took another course of action. He didn't sell tickets to his moan fest he didn't have to he had been and still is Murdoch's anointed one. They did the moaning for him and have ever since tried to bring him back to life.
 Hilary was never Rupert's favourite. Bolt's only contribution to commentary here is calling Clinton a whinger. Not that she had 3 million more votes than Trump. Not that the Republicans wherever possible prevented Democrat voters from voting and not that Trump himself said the College electoral system was corrupt and should have been done away with among a few things that Clinton said.

 It's not that difficult is it to just say "nope" to anything and everything Turnbull because destroying a Party is the only chance of a decaying Abbott comeback. After all Mahathir, the mummy just did it at 92. However, first, you need to rearrange the real importance of your policies shouldn't be to hide them. There is only one really starting with the most important because without it you have no media no public relations no means to confuse divide and fragment the electorate and that begins with making sure the ALP wins. Who needs enemies with friends like that?

1) Simply hand over the News and Information section of the ABC to Murdoch. That has been the conservatives guiding political principle search and destroy its funding. Simply keep ring barking the ABC until it dies. However, the problem is that to destroy Turnbull you have to lift Shorten up first which means a step backwards first. To right-wingers who find gritting their teeth difficult. They have only one zombie gear and no neutral. Bringing on an ALP win first means bringing an element of Democracy back to politics and reality back to MSM simply by allowing for the search for the truth rather than the distribution of cash for propaganda and advertorials. 
The ABC might be our biggest broadcaster but its charter makes it the most varied and its budget has been much the same since the late 80's. For what it does efficiency is certainly not a downside.

The ABC couldn't understand. No, Australia couldn't understand that "No cuts to the ABC " meant "efficiency" for the LNP. How can a government actually run the finances of an Independent Statuary Body that the people voted "No Cuts For"?

 1) Abbott's $200 mill was an "efficiency" cut
 2) Turnbull's $ 120 mill is an "efficiency  cut
 3) Turnbull's $30 mill undocumented grant to Sky News is a "F--k" off Australia efficiency gift" to Murdoch
 4) As is the $17 mill  attempted Company tax cut he still hopes to give Murdock

All in all the ABC has been Liberally ring barked with cuts and Bolt calls it "Fake News". Our ABC has been starved since the 80s when it's budget was $900 bill the same as today. It's alive now that's "efficiency"


Where does the ABC find these people? "Author and educator ... Deanne Carson said in an ABC News segment that families could set up 'a culture of consent' in the home by asking newborns: 'I’m going to change your nappy now, is that OK?'” And if baby says no?  

At what age did Bolt listen to his kids Never it seems because they just might start disagreeing with the way he's grooming them. Bolt really is a nitpicker isn't he his kids were brought up by a strict behaviourist that turned it from a flawed science to a child raising religion.



The new religious cabal controlling the Victorian Liberal party seems to have forgotten Liberal principles, and seem determined in their self-righteousness to make more enemies than they will be able to handle: "A Liberal member faces expulsion from his party after an anti-Mormon post landed him in hot water."

It goes to show just how small the Vic Liberal Party really is when less than 1% of Australia's population can take it over.

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