Thursday, 24 May 2018

Andrew Bolt's Blog,24/5/18; Cover Up; Bolt's China-phobic and offended that they notice and it has consequences; Rowan Dead the racist witha mint julep in hand;

 Australia's Shameful Complicity With Israeli Atrocities, And The Media's Determination To Cover It Up - New Matilda

 Move along, nothing to see here… except for more than 100 unarmed protestors shot dead by Israeli snipers and thousands more injured Palestinians, including over 700 children. Michael Brull reviews Australia’s political and media response to Israel’s latest atrocity.

Donald Trump is a fan of blocking people he doesn't agree with on his @realDonaldTrump account.

 Trump blocking critics on Twitter violates Constitution, federal judge rules

Bolt's a great moderator and blocker of opinion and speech

Image result for Cartoons of white fearmongering China


Image result for Image of my friend in the mirror

The Bolt Report - a whisky with a mate. (Bolt)
It shows he drinks alone with his undeclared mate... in the mirror

Bolt seems to have had that whole bottle of whiskey with his unnamed mate last night given his spelling and the double visioned post he's dropped. 
" China is a dictatorship and bully and our Government has doing nothing wrong. My editorial from The Bolt Report." makes no sense.
 Bolt's been baiting the Turnbull government and using China to do it for months. China hasn't let it go unnoticed and neither they should. The Chinese media picked up on it while ago and our government has ignored it. However, the people of China haven't and have taken offence. It seems as if Andrew Bolt wants the Australian economy to suffer for Abbott's sake. I've always said he aimed to divide us culturally but he's found that has had an unintended pushback recently that worked against Abbott and not for him. The disparagement of China, however, will negatively affect our economy and trade and amplify the class division the one that will threaten the LNP seats making think and hopefully choose another party head to take them to the next election.

 How original is this?
“I share it with the house because I believe it to be in the national interest. My duty, first and foremost, is to the Australian people and the preservation of the ideals and democratic traditions of our Commonwealth.” The Chinese Communist Party, Hastie claimed, was “working to covertly interfere with our media, our universities and also influence our political processes and public debates”. Hastie

While such revelations are delivered with a sense of heavy moral responsibility, much of it is stretched. Trade Minister Steve Ciobo was almost dismissive in claiming that the content was hardly novel. Turnbull dumped some cold water on Hastie’s fire by claiming that “the specific allegations that were made… were not new.” But getting on the China bandwagon of condemnation is all the rage. Parliament has already sought to curb that vague and immeasurable term “influence” with legislation that muddies rather than clears the water. When the National Security Legislation Amendment (Espionage and Foreign Interference) Bill 2017 was introduced, it signalled a new front in an inchoate war that, on closer inspection, merely looks like a good stab at civil liberties and an attempt to harness paranoia. AIM
 Rowan Dean reminds us how the racist slave-owning American South used today's N-Word in public without an eyebrow raised.  It was part of every day vernacular. Today Dean sounds like that disgusted slave owner talking about his Kendrick to us white folk and why he deserves a good whipping. Dean is offended by this boy's daring 1) that this nigger took a white girl up on stage with him. and 2) getting her to sing his nigger song and then cussing her 3) Dean is ready to lynch that nigger Lamar for embarrassing that little white princess. Imagine verbally raping her in plain sight. Had it been yesteryear and the early 60s a lynching wouldn't have been out of place. But then Dean is a Queenslander where death in custody is commonplace.  Kendrick Lamar did a Lenny Bruce Rowan Dean the racist fell for it hook line and sinker and reckons he should be arrested.
Rowan Dean does his racist schtik regularly in the Spectator and he's not oblivious the problem is that we don't notice. Aborigine or "abo" is an English word we use for indigenous Australians and it wasn't really used in a flattering way in the colonies then or now. It's not an indigenous word. Dean uses it as does Bolt and they don't care what indigenous Australians think or thought of it. But how dare one complain or like Lamar show how language bites. Reminds us of how offended Bolt was when Adam Goodes pointed out a white girl in public for calling him the A-word. Fortunately, Australia sided with Adam Goodes and not Bolt. Fortunately, the public and even that white girl sided with Kendrick Lamarr and was sent off stage for her poor rapping

Hastie can say what he wants but he needs to be revealed for what he is a sock puppet for News Corp that's been attacking China since Murdoch got thrown out of the place. The Chinese are our biggest trading partners and Bolt's tried  Muslim- hate and Islamophobia now it's Sinophobia and screwing the economy for Turnbullphobia

"You should be outraged by this, too, even if you’re a global warming believer. We cannot get good science if we cannot debate. And nowhere do we more need that debate than with the great global warming scare." Bolt
Yes, Andrew Bolt sees  Speakers Corner people on soapboxes a free for all as the essence of good debate. But then he want's students protesting to be dragged off campus too. Antifa and the PLF facing off on university campuses to enhance institutional reputation which by the way James Cook University has achieved globally when it comes to the Barrier Reef. The 1% peer-reviewed declared false denier should be given a continued 50% voice in the debate. Well, he has that availability 100% in fact but not on campus unless it's conducted in an appropriate peer-reviewed manner. However, he's chosen not to use that. When students get disruptive Conservative governments have been known to throw them in jail without charge and held at the Premier's pleasure as were 3 students in the 70s at La Trobe.
Well, the James Cook university board has chosen to uphold the terms of Peter Ridd's contract and have sacked him. What would Bolt's contractless world look like with anyone and everyone sleeping in his bed? The courts will determine that right to be sacked a right by the way that doesn't stop Ridd preaching warming denial or a healthy reef or even stop him acting as a man on a soapbox but not as a scientist for which he was employed. Currently, Ridd's career path seems as certain as Lomborg's at the moment where is he?. Bolt doesn't really care anymore about him either because it's the distorted publicity he wants to disseminate.

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