Australia's Shameful Complicity With Israeli Atrocities, And The Media's Determination To Cover It Up - New Matilda
Move along, nothing to see here… except for more than 100 unarmed protestors shot dead by Israeli snipers and thousands more injured Palestinians, including over 700 children. Michael Brull reviews Australia’s political and media response to Israel’s latest atrocity.

Trump blocking critics on Twitter violates Constitution, federal judge rules
Bolt's a great moderator and blocker of opinion and speechKENDRICK LAMAR SHAMES A WORD-PERFECT FAN
Kendrick Lamar, the US rapper and Pulitzer prize winner, halted a gig to call out a white fan for rapping the "n-word" from his own lyrics. Rowan Dean cuts loose on The Bolt Report.
Kendrick Lamar, the US rapper and Pulitzer prize winner, halted a gig to call out a white fan for rapping the "n-word" from his own lyrics. Rowan Dean cuts loose on The Bolt Report.
Finally, Turnbull Government ministers are waking up to a frightening thought: are our universities muzzling global warming sceptics? Three ministers have now expressed concern about the latest apparent example: the sacking of marine scientist Professor Peter Ridd.
"You should be outraged by this, too, even if you’re a global warming believer. We cannot get good science if we cannot debate. And nowhere do we more need that debate than with the great global warming scare." Bolt
Yes, Andrew Bolt sees Speakers Corner people on soapboxes a free for all as the essence of good debate. But then he want's students protesting to be dragged off campus too. Antifa and the PLF facing off on university campuses to enhance institutional reputation which by the way James Cook University has achieved globally when it comes to the Barrier Reef. The 1% peer-reviewed declared false denier should be given a continued 50% voice in the debate. Well, he has that availability 100% in fact but not on campus unless it's conducted in an appropriate peer-reviewed manner. However, he's chosen not to use that. When students get disruptive Conservative governments have been known to throw them in jail without charge and held at the Premier's pleasure as were 3 students in the 70s at La Trobe.
Well, the James Cook university board has chosen to uphold the terms of Peter Ridd's contract and have sacked him. What would Bolt's contractless world look like with anyone and everyone sleeping in his bed? The courts will determine that right to be sacked a right by the way that doesn't stop Ridd preaching warming denial or a healthy reef or even stop him acting as a man on a soapbox but not as a scientist for which he was employed. Currently, Ridd's career path seems as certain as Lomborg's at the moment where is he?. Bolt doesn't really care anymore about him either because it's the distorted publicity he wants to disseminate.
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