"And apologies: I am taking three weeks leave." Bolt
White Flight by a man who says he works 80hour weeks. BS by him and a relief for Australians
According to Andrew Bolt Racism doesn't exist. However, he insists that black racism and victimisation of Christian whites does. "White flight" as presented by NSW Labor leader has been a proof. Afterall if Labor says it and he believes it must be true.
Actually, it could also be proof of the success of Multiculturalism an indication of social mobility out of Fairfield and Dandenong or an indicator of the barriers set by status groups like Bolt's resisting that mobility to other immigrant groups because it threatens their privileged positions. It's the success of mass migration frightens Bolt to the extent his daughters and sons might not retain the social status he achieved simply by marriage as he didn't inherit cultural capital or money he married it.
Today another Andrew Bolt could elevate themselves as he did not by merit but by interclass breeding an anathema to Bolt who seems to believe he's a member of the upper-class now rather than from a lowly Dutch migrant family who has attained the position of a News Corp drone whose not really welcome at the tables of the corporate elite and inherited wealth other than as an employee. In other words, Bolt's family remains in limbo in a neither-nor social position fearful of losing his veneer, his place and privilege threatened by the mobility mass migration that continues to percolate year after year
. The above graphic shows the degree of difficulty to become meritoriously mobile in Australia and why Bolt seems so threatened by it what he calls "white flight". Which is the drive for success the increased ambition that migrants show over and above those born here? The more migrants the more educated younger and determined they are and they represent greater competition and challenges and substance than the thin veneer Bolt offers his kids.
So not only has Bolt jumped to Labour defence but he insists in the truth of "white flight" and refuses Luke Foley's denial simply because the Liberals in NSW have attacked the very notion of it suggesting the ALP has become another One Nation and wants fewer migrants which Andrew Bolt certainly does as have other socially successful migrants. In the 60's and 70's you only needed year 10 to be a bank clerk merit was less of a key to mobility as who you knew. The school you went to the suburb you lived in and who you married got you on the up escalator of mobility. Today that's rapidly changing and Bolt's children without any inherited advantage have only who dad knows as a competitive advantage in an ever-increasing meritocracy threatened by migration.
As far as Luke Foley is concerned he apologized for his misuse of those words which Bolt holds him to. He's more than aware what migration has to offer Australia. Waleed Aly, Yassmin, all know how to operate in the new Australia and Bolt hates the Susan Carlands the Australians that fell in love with and welcomed them for their differences. That's what Bolt wants stopped.

The researchers investigated the overlap between socio-economic development and a range of climate change risks, to try to identify the vulnerability hotspots if the global mean temperature should rise by 1.5°C, 2°C or 3°C by 2050, compared with the pre-industrial baseline.
The researchers are from the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the UN Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) and the universities of Oxford (UK) and Washington (US).
They report in the journal Environmental Research Letters that they developed 14 impact indicators in three main sectors – water, energy, and food and environment. These indicators include a water stress index, water supply seasonality, clean cooking access, heat stress events, habitat degradation, and crop yield changes.
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