New IPA book calls on government to privatise the ABC by 'giving it away'
A new book authored by the influential Institute of Public Affairs calls on the Turnbull government to privatise the ABC by giving it away for free to the ABC's employees or Australian citizens.Against Public Broadcasting, released on Friday night, labels the ABC "an anachronism" whose rationale is now redundant and which has become a $1 billion-a-year drain on the public purse.
1985 ABC Budget was $475 Mill = 2018 $ 1 Billion today. Name any other corporation or service that runs on what it did 33 years ago. The ABC has proved it's efficiency have the IPA, the LNP or News Corp?
The ABC is the most efficient media in Australia that delivers :
1) News,
2) Australian Production, content, and entertainment across Australia
3) Democracy
4) Trust
Beware of IPA Corporatism dimming the lights on Australia for Murdoch. Abbott screwed the NBN for Foxtel by slowing the speed, they want to control the Internet and forego news for opinion and turn Australia into the land of the Walking Dead (ODT)
International Affairs

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