Gaza: Operation Slingshot
The great unexplained analysed
By 15 May, more than 3,500 Palestinians had been shot in the legs, compared with 563 in the head and neck (surely an intention to kill). That is a very high casualty count in one part of the anatomy.Meanwhile, Britain's Labour Shadow Foreign Secretary Emily Thornberry told the House of Commons:
'Medics on the ground say Israeli forces are shooting at demonstrators with a new type of round — never seen before — known as the "butterfly bullet", which explodes upon impact, pulverising tissue, arteries and bone, while causing severe internal injuries.'
Given this, why has Australia's Minister for Foreign Affairs Julie Bishop failed to censure Israel in the United Nations? Why can't she show a tiny fraction of the courage of the Palestinians under fire during the Great March of Return?
"And if we are in any doubt, Mr Speaker, about the lethal incident of Israeli snipers working on the border, I’m afraid we only have to look at the wounds suffered by their victims."
Israel shoots down Gaza mortar fire
Real or Fake News from Ari Rabinovitch according to the IDF. A valid question under the circumstances of Israel's desperation for respectability don't you think?
Gaza militants fired more than 25 mortar shells toward communities in southern Israel Tuesday, the Israeli military said, in what appeared to be the largest single barrage fired since the 2014 Israel-Hamas war.

When does propaganda go too far? | +972 Magazine
The IDF caught out refuses to answer any questions
In a statement issued by the Israeli army, as well as in the Hebrew-language captions the IDF put on the video, the Palestinian detainee is referred to as a “terrorist”. In the English version of the video, embedded above, the IDF refers to him simply as a “rioter.”The army spokesperson refused to say whether the detainee was armed when he was captured or if he showed any intent to commit a violent act. The army refused to answer whether the man, who it described as “trying to infiltrate Israeli territory,” was captured on the Israeli side or on the Gaza side of the separation fence, or, perhaps, while trying to climb the fence.
The army refused to answer where the kite decorated with swastikas came from, and whether it was at all connected to the suspect or if the army just put it behind him as a backdrop for dramatic effect.
The army also refused to answer whether the man depicted in the video was released back to Gaza or brought before an Israeli military judge and imprisoned.

Israel lobby group spreads hoaxes to whitewash Gaza massacre | The Electronic Intifada
Predictably, the pro-Israel lobby has pounced on a boast by one Hamas official that 50 of those killed last week were affiliated to the organization. The boast has not been verified and is ultimately irrelevant to the patent illegality of Israel’s conduct.
Long before last week, Israel had declared Gaza a “hostile entity.”
That designation is unknown in international law. It offered no more than a flimsy pretext for suffocating one of the most densely populated areas on earth.
The Great Return March represents a concerted effort to embrace an unarmed form of resistance. The tactics and teachings of Mahatma Gandhi are being practiced in Gaza.
Huge courage has been displayed in the face of snipers’ bullets. And the response of Israel’s supporters has been to blame and besmirch the victims.

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