Friday, 22 June 2018

Andrew Bolt's Blog,22/6/18; Bullshit and $178 bottles of Whiskey with Daisy; You can watch a misogynist at work and the attack on the frightbats of the ABC; Violence Bolt, Colobaris and a 13 year old girl;




Fact-checking the reaction of  activists - and the ABC's Emma Alberici - to the shocking murder of Eurydice Dixon. The truth is horrible enough, and does not need exaggerations and misrepresentations. My editorial from The Bolt Report:

Fake Banner click it and it takes you to Facebook nothing about "This Murder" so foul there is this a false lead to more Bolt, yes? There is no need to click on it on his link. He is in a macabre way
using Eurydice death to advertise himself.
According to Bolt, a girl is dead but the real victims here are men and the false accusations of frightbat women particularly on the ABC. Yes, he suggests men are being unjustly targeted made victims of here by unjust generalizations. In fact, Western Civilisation is. Bolt is complaining about what he does every week to Muslims, Africans and any other pet hate he's got. When the Imam said women had to be more careful in their behaviours he went apeshit and here he is telling us he'd give that advice to his daughter. Yes, this dufus missed the point and missed by a country mile.
  This single instance of a girl's death isn't a single instance in a Culture of women bashed mistreated and raped. We have been witnessing a pushback globally to what has been events of epidemic proportions in the West but brushed under the carpet for years. Bolt is outraged that it's being used for political stereotyping created from exceptional events from which no sociological incite can be gained. Rather than question any sociological patterns of behaviour our Culture has promoted over time we should concentrate on the great job being done protecting women since Christ played ruck for Jerusalem.
But Bolt suddenly wants to be seen as the crusader for the police? The poor police spokesman is not the Imam here but the hero"savagely destroyed for trying to help. Is  Bolt really defending the policeman's reputation and the force? Bolt on any other day can be seen calling the police liars conspirators hiding the Bolt truth about crime from the public. They are corrupt arseholes infiltrated by the left. He rarely the crusader calling cops saints the Magi protecting our women. What sort of luxury Bolt has $200 bottles of Whiskey to be shared with Daisy and a platform to deny that the men in Western and Australian Culture aren't misogynists who at their worst treat women like meat? Don't listen to the women their just left-wing frightbats and you can find them on the ABC. Western Culture
‘Mega-brothel’: Abandoned hangar will house Belgian city prostitutes
What Bolt denies on any other day accuses Muslims of and Muslim authority's response in defence BS.  Yet here he is saying Western women no women in general need to be careful isn't that what the Imam once said when Bolt went totally apeshit but when it was said by a cop it's the women and the ABC that are at fault for doing what Bolt once did so publicly. Fake outrage it certainly is!! Deflecting the point of our misogynist cultural history is denying the problem that women have no say and no wisdom to be derived or amplified by Eurydice's death other than it simply being a singular crime and somehow it was her fault for being a woman.
The problem as far as Bolt is concerned is she left behind a bunch of unreasonable frightbats lead by the ABC. What a wanker he is. The accused man, by the way, Mr Bolt, handed himself in and confessed to the crime. The term "alleged" is a legal one that merely allows Bolt to say "he might not have done it in the eyes of the law". Why is Bolt even suggesting he's "innocent", for argument's sake.
No Bolt distorts Western Culture when he says it's great when it organizes into prostitution continuing the grand tradition of slavery it began for profit. Women are even coopted to assist but largely it's businesses run by men for men. Men expect more work from women but pay them less. No Bolt can't abide by criticism of Western Culture attitudes taught from childhood.  He hasn't any problem blaming Aboriginal Culture though for the way it treats it's women there is no fusion of Cultures there even if they are Christian drink alcohol take drugs they are all native and exclusive practices of Aboriginal Culture.  Yet he talks of the complexity of crimes and statistics they are more complex but then hints at the simplicity of Aboriginal ones. Aboriginal women are mistreated because they are Aboriginal but White women are mistreated for "exceptional " reasons that can't be generalized as simply. Is that what was taught at Adelaide University where Bolt says he was educated?
 Bolt is a yo-yo when it comes analysing anything he's like a bent cop fixing data to prove what he already knows. From Invasion day the history of women in Australia hasn't been a noble one of equality and gentle many respect and any deviance exceptional. It wasn't so long ago we heard Bolt complaining about his role as the only breadwinner in his family. How difficult it was to bear the responsibility. That he was forced to take them on a holiday he didn't want that he was the victim emotionally raped as were all men in the same boat.


Bragging as always Andrew Bolt doesn't need tax cuts to afford what he says his audience can't buy. Or is he just speaking to an audience that can and are the all laughing Australia?  On his blog, he also bragged about his huge ratings reach off a small base of course. A subsidized tax loss to News Corp. Is the Whiskey on the Company's expense account?


Germany, Italy, Hungary and Austria are starting the to close Europe's doors to illegal immigrants. Daisy Cousens and Simon Breheny comment on The Bolt Report:
Ignorance is ignorance even if it's dressed up like cadet reporter Daisy Cousens
 Hungary is Europe's equivalent of Israel and yes is about to pass the Soros Act banning all aliens from living there. However one needs to understand that its history was one dominated by the Turks for 150 years then they joined Germany in 1941 to fight the Russians. Hitler invaded Hungary in 1944 because Hitler couldn't trust them and neither could the Russians who invaded the country in 1956 because politically they were moving away from the Communist bloc.  So given Hungary was part of the Austro Hungarian Empire for 50 years it was a very multicultural pluralist and diverse nation 15%, not ethnic Hungarians. A fact that the current right-wing government and Bolt's panel prefer to hide. Hungary isn't as monocultural as Bolt and Daisy make out. Nor do they tell you that more Hungarians are leaving the country because of its politics than are migrants threatening to come in.

 "Orbán’s disavowal of multiculturalism (“Hungary has never been multicultural” he also stated, “We consider it a value that Hungary is a homogenous country”) and his positioning of the vgfaverage Hungarian as a monocultural drone are disturbing as he negates the (albeit turbulent) multicultural and intellectual history of Hungary. Hungary, just as other nation states in the region – such as Austria and the Czech Republic - have not always presented themselves as ‘pure’ cultural and linguistic nations. In fact, the multiculturalism of the Habsburg (Austro-Hungarian) Empire that once encompassed the region was the norm, and there is renewed interest in how pluralist approaches to diversity were pursued and what we can learn from them in present-day Europe.[2]"
The fact is More Hungarians are leaving Hungary than ever before because of its current government
Hungary's future: anti-immigration, anti-multiculturalism and anti-Roma ...

Andrew Bolt offers no explanation for this event or why he is even posting it but it is a reminder of a similar one when he was filmed attacking two young men for having pranked him in Carlton. They threw glitter at him. He was never challenged by the police as to why he seemed to respond so violently with attempted GBH and got away with it. Moreso why he used it as publicity and encouraged similar forms of retaliatory violence from other right-wing thinkers. 
His victims certainly have remained hidden due to the fact that they feel they will be prosecuted for their misdemeanour glittering which will be blown out of proportion to Andrew Bolt's raging violence like the girl in this video. After all, George Colombaris was prosecuted for doing next to nothing a shove at a game of football at the abuse of his mother. That shove cost him hundreds of thousands of dollars. There something seriously incongruous here why did Andrew Bolt get away with it was never answered?

  Looking north: PNG signs on to China's Belt and Road Initiative

Remember when PM Tony Abbott was Pivot of the Pacific and he turned his back on them to shirt front Putin. He got rid of Radio Australia and opened the gate. (ODT)

PNG owes China nearly $2 billion arising from concessional loans, according to the ABC - nearly a quarter of its total debt.

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