Saturday, 23 June 2018

Andrew Bolt's Blog,23/6/18; Bolt the Dutchophile hits out at others for what he does; Bolt the art braggart; Definitely a Racist and huge off a small base; Melania doesn't protect Trump; Dead exports; Albo's united vision; Fake and Plastic News, Climate;



 Celebrating King's Day on boats


First ethnic Turks in the German team  at the World Cup pledged loyalty to Turkey's president. Now: "Granit Xhaka and Xherdan Shaqiri scored in Switzerland’s 2-0 victory over Serbia at the World Cup, and both celebrated by making a nationalist symbol to their ethnic Albanian heritage." The eagle is the symbol of Albania. The West is tribalising.

 Firstly What "race" are the Turks and Albanians Mr Bolt given you have so often pointed out that your not a racist when referring to Muslims as Islam is not a race. Secondly, Bolt has said quite often how often he puts on the Orange colours of the Dutch when they are competing in tournaments. Moreover Orange is the colour of the Dutch Royal Family making Bolt very much a monarchist like his pal Tony Abbott. The Dutch Royals come from the German house of Nassau which helps explain why the Aalsmeer where Bolt's loyalties so strongly lie was so pro Germany in WW2 and the town was the most notorious anti-Semitic town in the Netherlands, Per head of population the good people of Aalsmeer killed and gave up more Jews to the Germans than even the Germans did. They elected a mayor who was hanged for his pro-Nazi stance and war crimes. 

Andrew Bolt dreams of retiring to his roots there and we could well ask him where he spent his last holiday. As for his place in the Australian landscape, he would deny Playing for "Race", not country

"In fact, this confirms to me what I thought when seeing a Banksy exhibition in Amsterdam last week: Banksy's work is worthless without his hype and bumper-sticker Leftist politics to sell it." Bolt

Bolt"s knowledge of art is not what he likes but as a sycophant of the Secondary Art market. he'd walk past a Van Gogh until the art had discovered him. What Bolt is doing js hitting back at Banksy for revealing his disregard of the Academy and that the idiots like Bolt who can be found humming and ahhing at and around the auction houses and galleries of Melbourne talking to middlemen selling art as would any used car salesman? Bolt counts these among his friends.


 How about this for pulling the race card " I'm not a racist claims Bolt ". "Christians aren't" Rapists claims Bolt. It seems alcohol and drugs a white man's gift to the Aborigines doesn't affect them only their Aboriginality does and it's their Culture, not the aspects gifted them by Western Civilisation that
 "No protests or vigils for these rapes. The Left tends to accept such horrors when the victims are Aboriginal children, because who wants to admit Aboriginal culture is so dysfunctional?  "Bolt
Strange isn't it Indigenous Australians have been gifted with Bolt's Christianity, drugs, alcohol and lack of opportunity from birth and Bolt declares it's their Culture that makes them so "dysfunctional"
 In the meantime, he turns his back to the fact that the good white Christians have spent years intervening and helping this wayward and lost community by beating them raping them profiting from them and ensuring that they are not told they are just unequal but not deserving of any betterment for 220 years.
Now Bolt says he has terrific ratings when compared "off a small base" So does Aboriginal Australia but Horrific when compared "off a small base" Bolt journalistically has an atrocious record of mistakes "when compared off a small base" In the meantime those good Western Cultured  paedophiles Priests and nuns scout maters teachers entertainers etc got away with molestation in greater numbers throughout the course of history and were ignored. Today they fly out of the country like a locust plague to fuck children boys girls and the women of Asia for money. But that seems ok as far as Andrew Bolt is concerned because he's got his eye on Black Australia and it's their Culture that's at fault.

Bolt claims to be a literary man who seems to know little about metaphors similies or pictorial representations but he works so hard each day to post Fake Banners to get attention as he does this one. It seems Melania Trump is a Leftie double-crosser for going public to reunite the children that Bolt is trying to deflect from. Apparently according to Bolt Melania is one of the "ignorant" who believe children are being stolen in Trump's Boko Harum act. The testing in the courts of the children's parents can take 1400 days. Now Trump is saying put them together again because Melania is pissed. However, they can't find the kids to unite them and when they do will they all be jailed? Chaos absolute chaos in Trumpland and people like Bolt laud him as a saviour.
Bolt can't mentally move from the illegality of what Trump was doing here to what occurred to individual children as a result. He can only distort and deflect the truth by telling us that a picture isn't true moving from an exceptional case to saying the whole ruckus of separating children from their mothers is a beat-up look at this photo.
You can always tell when Bolt is winging it with Bull his posts are long and long-winded to distract from the kernel of the matter that Trump has caused chaos in the white house absolute chaos. Bolt wonders why Trump didn't just tell Melania to Shut the"F" up? At US Border, Children Still ‘crying and screaming’ for Mothers


Donald Trump makes a statement before saying goodbye to Kim Jong-un in Singapore on 12 June.

 Trump flips on North Korea, declaring country still an 'extraordinary threat' | US news | The Guardian

Donald Trump has declared that North Korea still poses an “extraordinary threat” to the United States, just days after saying that the country’s nuclear program no longer constituted a danger.
In an executive order on Friday, the president extended for one year the so-called “national emergency” with respect to the nuclear-armed nation, re-authorizing economic restrictions against it.
While expected, the declaration comes just nine days after Trump tweeted: “There is no longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea,” following his summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in Singapore.



Bolt the magpie feeder who couldn't give a rats about the advice of the Australian Environment Protection Agency and zoologists to not feed our native fauna because they aren't your personal pets and you do them harm seems to be bemoaning the collapse of the live animal export business. He somehow doubts the claims made against it can be true "I don't know that the live trade industry can survive much longer if this latest claim proves true." Bolt
It somehow goes against the all-knowing Bolt to listen to claims made by experts in any field as he is his own in every field.
Unlike Abbott Albanese hasn't at any time crossed his leader in any way like Abbott has and Shorten knows it. Bolt I'm afraid is just pissing against the wind. But wouldn't it be great if Australia did restructure its laws and Institutions to be more Socialist like Germany and the other Socialist country Andrew Bolt loves so much the Netherlands where Bosses Unions The citizens men and women are less adversarial and do " ­engage more closely with “unions, the business sector and civil ­society”. Albanese
Does anybody see the hypocrisy in Bolt's love of Socialism he holidays in it and wishes to retire in it but denies it here?


 It's not just the inconvenience. Coles and Woolworth's ban on plastic shopping bags could even kill their customers.  A study found San Francisco’s plastic bag ban made customers switch to reusable bags which accumulate deadly bacteria, causing "5.4 annual additional deaths". Worse, Woolworth's reusable "green" bag can't even be washed.
5.4 more annual deaths are Bolt's measurable statistic? Who was that 0.4 person that died? So all those shoppers who for the past few years been using their canvass green bags have been dying at a faster rate according to Bolt.
Bolt continues to advocate that the exception proves the general wrong the model proposed in 1988 was wrong therefore everything that has come after it is wrong. In the meantime, the bulk of peer-reviewed Science has moved forward proving with each research prediction that the general theory of the fact that the planet is warming is correct and it has been due to the acts of mankind. The rates at which it has may have differed but the general theory has remained yet to be disproved and as far as Fossil Fuels are concerned they remain the juggernaut that the cause. The world agrees and only Bolt is left the paid crier calling out the lie. There were lots of Bolt's about when the Great Depression hit too telling the world that the crash wasn't coming too. Some rare good climate news: the fossil fuel industry is weaker than ever | Bill McKibben | Opinion | The Guardian



Mass-immigration from the Muslim world is sure changing Britain, with Labour's help:"A Labour councillor suspended as a school governor after claiming there was ‘no proof’ that ISIS exists has won a key [Birmingham] council role – helping protect the city’s children from radicalisation."

Bolt will travel the globe to attack individuals rather than debate an issue, won't he? Bolt defends Peter Ridd for his breach of 'rules of conduct' but seems to applaud a Labor Councillors sacking in the UK. He bemoans her electoral victory to the Birmingham Council. Does he have a UK passport or is he entitled as a dual Dutch citizen to be involved in British Democracy? He can't really justify his loud mouth involvement as he even supports Brexit and the break up of the EU. Bolt really couldn't give a rats as long as there are individuals to attack not issues or the game. The fact is because posting responsibility in the media and saying ISIS did this and ISIS did that is all it takes as the fact when there is no proof that they did assist. Only people like Andrew Bolt who find it politically useful to say they did and everything is ISIS openly support them. Bolt did it with Orlando shootings and was proved wrong but he still says today it was ISIS-inspired and the investigators are liars. He is their greatest promoter and supporter of ISIS in Australia. What Bolt doesn't ever say is that Muslims actually destroyed ISIS, not the WEST and never he never asks how ISIS obtained so many of the latest Western weapons and other goods.


FOX NEWS personality says it all he apparently was one of the few not sacked for being a misogynist and molester of women.Charles Krauthammer Has Ashes Spread Over Prosperous, Liberated Iraq

 Blainey the greatest historian is certainly a moot point and we know what a moot point is it's an exercise in debating and that alone and Bolt turns to him as a justification above and beyond all others because he damned the ANU. It seems Blainey is defending the right of James Cook Uni to sack Peter Ridd when he asks "Should scholars retain academic freedom (and the high salary and superannuation that goes with it) when their performance as teachers and researchers fails to meet normal academic standards by a large margin? ."... We don't hear Bolt yelling a hearty no, do we? Blainey, however, is arguing for a course on Western Civilization which is not what everyone is up in arms about. The argument is about the terms and conditions that went along with funding that course and it was nearly signed sealed and delivered until Abbott blew it out of the water and Howard foolishly supported him. ANU wasn't against the study of WC it's already the spine of what is taught in Philosophy, English Accounting and basically all the courses now.
 Bolt really doesn't know where he's going but he's certainly drifting away from his Anti- Socialistic stance when quoting the Nordic Paradox, isn't he? The argument that Socialism relieves the strain felt in relationships generally is spelt out in the Nordic Theory of Everything something Bolt would never accept and rails against when it comes to the benefits of a Welfare State. Equality isn't what's trying to be achieved but rather equity and equal opportunity and yes reporting is easier under these conditions as Julain Assange found out. The fact if it is reporting then prior to the advent of Socialism the stats would have been higher the likelihood of underreporting is in fact very high in Australia due to the financial dependance in inequitable relationships. Bolt's expressed his resentment in his blogs that he's the only income earner in his family and he sounds resentful. How else does he express it on wonders?
"The idea that our culture condones violence against women is farcical." Is it wasn't that long ago a guy in Balwyn was given a reduced sentence for murder because his wife was having an affair because she'd been in an abusive relationship. When the courts support that then institutionally it's not as farcical as Bolt makes out that's written into our laws. "Crimes against women are stigmatised and punished harshly...Sorry not as harshly as Bolt makes out and it's why rape and domestic violence goes unreported
Bolt seems to deny that society exists but wants us to believe Western Culture does he seems to want to ignore socialisation and the patterns of behaviour that have been handed down from one generation to the next but then claims he's a traditionalist. Macro or Micro Bolt which serves to explain the actions of men he says it's macro when he speaks of Aboriginal Culture explaining Dysfunction but Micro when he applies it to Men in Western Culture and  Eurydice's murder. He seems to ignore any explanation why Australian men are swarming to Asia for sexual gratification against all the nobleness of Western Culture or it because of Western Culture they are tripping over themselves? What does Bolt get up to on his holidays?
Sorry Society as a whole its Culture and patterns of social behaviours does allow for social profiling society alone isn't proffered as the explanation of all crime but comparing different rates of crime over large tracts of time does lead to suggest the degree of weight the whole lends to an individual crime. Bolt prefers some people are born bad in the case of Eurydice but are turned by Aboriginal Culture had the rape been committed by an Indigenous Australian. Or Islam if a crime is committed by a Muslim. Bolt's explanations tend to come like those of a bent cop. What is the conclusion you want and collect the evidence to fit? The problem is he knows what it is he wants but he sacrifices his principles to get there. If sometimes saying individuals are an island unto themselves and the at other times they are a product of their misbegotten Culture that can't be Western

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