Peter FitzSimons
Andrew Bolt's comments yesterday proved his state of ignorance
Women live in fear and men have no idea
After the death of Eurydice Dixon, I asked my wife when was the last time she felt scared. The answer shocked me.
Firstly, despite the well-meaning advice of the police that women should be “situationally aware” and have their phones with them, that didn’t save Eurydice Dixon, who fulfilled both criteria.
And secondly, most Australian men don’t have the first clue of just how much Australian women live with fear of attack. After my own wife entered the debate with a strong TV editorial, quoting Margaret Atwood, “Men are afraid women will laugh at them, women are afraid men will kill them,” I asked, idly, “When was the last time you felt vulnerable and unsafe?”
“An hour ago,” she said, “in the darkened Woolies car park. I was sure to park right beneath the street-light.” I was staggered to hear she keeps her keys bunched in her fist in case of attack and even has a whistle handy to blow.I had no clue that such precautions were part of her daily life and I suspect most Australian men are the same.
Our Minister for Women misses the point....again - » The Australian Independent
Kelly is an improvement on her two predecessors in the role in that she is a woman and also a feminist. (Mind you, it would be hard to find someone worse than Abbott and Cash)
Meanwhile, family benefits have been cut, funding for legal aid has been slashed, refuges have closed, men’s help groups have folded, early intervention community programs have been defunded, over 100,000 are homeless, elder abuse is rampant, anti-bullying programs have been attacked, and women continue to be beaten, raped and killed.
It’s all very nice for high-flying women to empower each other but what about those women who are struggling to survive? They don’t need investment advice. They need a way to put food on the table and a roof over their children’s heads. They need to know that they have a place to be safe.
I agree that economic independence is a desirable goal that provides choices but Kelly seems to think that the only reason many women are not financially independent is because they just don’t understand how the system works.
We understand well enough, it’s just that the majority of women do not have enough left over to worry about whether to put it into superannuation or a negatively-geared property or shares.
Single parents don’t need lessons on economic literacy – they need practical help.
Victims of domestic violence don’t need advertising campaigns – they need safe havens, legal help, and paid DV leave.
It isn’t women that have to get smarter, it’s society that has to change.

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