Sunday, 8 July 2018

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 8.7/18; Bolt is a spinner not a listener. He should listen to the Coffee Growers. It's their living it's not Bolt's;

Earth Day 2018 – Coffee & Climate Change
 Bolt goes back to 2007, 11 years to find the data to suit his argument. He claims Climate Science is just a Religion. He did last week anyway. However, he checks the weather report and not prayers when leaving the house to go somewhere for an afternoon I'm sure. He is a simpleton, unlike coffee farmers who do keep an eye out for the weather as it does affect their crops and the quality. As coffee is their living they have needed to be adaptable.
The fact is the demand for coffee has risen 50% but prices have dropped and production has basically remained the same something Bolt doesn't point out. Why would that be? Why would the prices remain low when the demand has been steadily rising and the predictions indicate that the coffee farms are in fact shrinking. Isn't price an indicator and the fact that quality has been falling a sign that Bolt is not actually presenting evidence critical to the current state of production?

Does Bolt bother to ask those in the know The people that grow Coffee or only Climate Change Deniers.
The ICO or International Coffee Organization report says:
Demand grew by more than 50% since the

Prices remain low affecting profitability and
BUT: the threat of climate change is looming and
investment in adaptation is required

  Coffee farmers face rising threats from pests including berry-borer beetles, while disease epidemics such as leaf rust have hit Central America, and Colombia to the south.
 “When temperatures rise, as has slowly been happening in many coffee producing countries for years, the warmth causes the coffee to ripen too quickly, which means less flavorful beans.” said Jamal Gawi, a climate-change consultant in Jakarta. Java coffee is among those affected, he said.
 Puerto Rico provides a grim case study for what climate change has in store (unless things change). Coffee made its way to the island in the late 18th century and by the mid-19th century, PR was the 7th largest producer of coffee in the world. But in 1899, they lost everything when Hurricane San Ciriaco decimated their crops. With steadily raising temperatures and unpredictable and increasing rainfall patterns (plus super storms like 2017’s Hurricane Maria), Puerto Rico’s usable coffee growing land has been on the decline ever since. Under current climate change projections, the island will have lost two thirds of their coffee growing land by the year 2040.
We’ve already begun to see a decrease in yield stemming from climate change, like unseasonal rainfall, coffee rust, and the coffee berry borer. As coffee culture grows and enters its fourth wave, the demand for coffee also grows at a rapid rate, and with it, the situation becomes more dire.

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