Monday, 9 July 2018

Andrew Bolt's Blog,9/7/18/; Bolt in Knickerbockers; Deflecting blame Stolen Children and Men; Critical thinking is not biased thinking;

Image result for Image of a street corner paperboy

Here we have Andrew Bolt above doing his real job. Pity he never actually made it and got an education at the University of Adelaide. Bolt, however, is adept at headlines and banners which were historically used by paper boys to attract. They never really got the opportunity to read or understand the content. Bolt shows he still remains confused between what constitutes Studies and what is really disguised Propaganda and promotion. Uncritical reporting is what drives Bolt's approach and what separates him from the women at the ABC among others and he's right when he suggests he's fashionless as well, a euphemism for "behind the times".


Wow. South Australia sure pays for its reliance on wind. Wind dies, power prices today soar to $1200 per megawatt hour, when  the national average was around $40 before the green madness really hit.
33m6 Link

Bolt is such an idiot. His heartbeat goes up and down to does he panic? The wind dies it doesn't mean the average wind power comes to a standstill coupled with electric storage it doesn't mean electricity will stop in Australia.
Corporations haven't fled the state or have been sold off at bargain rates. In fact, the opposite is the case. Some Oil States and Funds worth 3 Trillion dollars have signed up to going Green and meeting targets while Andrew Bolt is running about making his Chicken Little calls that the world as we know it is coming to an end. The man couldn't be further from the truth even when the State is a Liberal one why? Bolt's political alliance has a very narrow corridor of allegiances which is Ultra-Conservatives in Politics, News Corp and the IPA and today the IPA and News Corp are the most significant.

 These rats at the IPA do not want a well-informed populace, as critical thinkers move away from conservatism in droves. Universities are meant to be halls of science and learning. IPA is fearful of this though, as their anti-science, climate-denying agenda upsets their fossil fuel donors.

  Even Oil Gulf Sovereign Wealth Funds Sign Macron’s Green Investment Pledge

"Six sovereign wealth funds including four Gulf states have pledged to boost efforts to fight climate change at a Paris meeting called by Emmanuel Macron, the French presidential office announced Friday.
The state funds of Kuwait, Norway, New Zealand, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates — global finance heavyweights mainly fuelled by domestic oil and gas revenue — promised to encourage the companies they invest in to tackle the rising threat of a warming planet.
The heads of the funds, which together are worth more than $3 trillion, signed a charter to be unveiled Friday evening at the Elysee palace."
I guess they don't subscribe to Andrew Bolt 's Paywalls.

Witnessing continued Colonial Culture bashing by Andrew Bolt
Behind the times is what Bolt is noted for. Child molestation won't have been found in the records of the Catholic Church nor the Boy Scouts. Molestation was never government policy or should we say even policy wise forgiven on record. In as much as that is fact are we to therefore to take Bolt as an expert in the defence of history and institutional innocence? The challenge to name 10 stolen children is the equivalent of children he calls liars for having outed priests for their sexual molestation and having them found guilty. You see Bolt doesn't believe in justice proved from the bottom of the power hierarchy up only down. Even when the accusations come from Christians who practice their faith far more than he does. Such as Indigenous Australians.
 Witnessing zero Cultural shift by Andrew Bolt.
Men aren't animals they are men and men bash rape and violate women in peace and war why? Not because they are animals or because they are victims but because Historically and Culturally they have been allowed to and have simply got away with it, how? They have done what Bolt is doing here and now crying victim and being falsely accused which really another way of ducking "shame". 

 How biased is Bolt when the whole edifice of critical reporting and journalism is brought to the ground for bias by an idiot called Andrew Bolt who claims he is the crusader of debate and free speech. Particularly when Bolt insists he's right when all he has to say is "Statistically low"? Seriously?" When it comes to injecting rooms global evidence shows injecting rooms save lives. Not lives of addicts who still hide the addictions like Bolt's peers if he had an addiction like doctors, nurses, paramedics or wealthy bankers. Yes, injecting rooms don't attract all addicts but that's far from the point being made nor are they a waste of time as Bolt likes to make out.
If we examine statistical bias well it becomes clear when Andrew Bolt claims he has great ratings for the Bolt Report because they are off a small base. He also has a family of 5 and he has faced the courts three or four times and has had innumerable complaints. So the Bolt's are serial pests all of them are 1000 times more likely to find themselves as offenders despite the fact there is only one repeat offender in that family. That's also statistics off a small base and Bolt would be first to complain if his logic was applied to his children's future. Yet it's logic he's prepared to apply to the Sudanese. If the ABC question Bolt's racist logic it's accused of bias when in fact it's clarifying an issue that highly misrepresented.


Imagine the problem faced if Abbott, Dutton were leaders.

Trump hates his picks after he's made them. Count the number of his appointees he's sacked after he's appointed them. Which seems to make the students reasonably accurate given their experience of Trump.


 2h17 LINK

"How long before Bongiorno apologises?" Bolt 
When Bongiorno makes what everyone thinks is a "descriptive" comment he suckers the right to show themselves and Andrew Bolt is the first and leader of the Sky pack to defend "Uncle Tom" Warren Mundine stuck up his hand Bongiorno mentioned no names and Bolt joined Mundine. Did they suggest changing the format of Sky News no not at all? Critical analysis is just not their style revealing and analysing both sides of a debate simply doesn't earn money.
It seems 
Andrew Bolt has a doppelganger in the Philipines and he's criticizing that twin of his. A twin-like Bolt will say anything rarely right and if proven wrong will not be seen apologising and that's Bolt to a tee. Factless when it comes to most things right he crows wrong he moves on in silence.

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