Thursday 16 August 2018

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 16/8/18; Who are the "we" in Bolt's Posts even the one about Sweden? Monty Python's Black Knight: Bolt, Mussolini and Democracy;


Masked "youths" - possibly immigrants - torched more than 100 cars in coordinated attacks around Sweden on Monday. Police seemed scared: “'We have already begun interviews under caution with the parents of the young people who participated in the events of morning. We chose not to arrest anyone on site...,' says police spokeswoman Ulla Brehm."

Bolt's definition of an immigrant is about as consistent as a windsock. He 's called children born in Australia immigrants if and when their parents immigrated here as his did. Then in other circumstances, he's claimed he's not an immigrant because he was born here and that makes him an indigenous Australian even more than Adam Goodes. It seems he simply able to change his mind simply to suit his argument. There is no principle when debating immigration only selective bigotry. Who is he calling "we" in his banner?
 It seems the Stockholm police according to Bolt should have arrested people that "might" be seen as immigrants or then "indigenous" Swedes as well. As if their jails were that large.  No Bolt's premise for arrest is those "who many suspect are immigrant"
"Police have not identified the perpetrators or the three people since arrested, who many suspect are immigrants but some believe could be Right-wingers trying to influence the upcoming elections."Swedish News
Bolt prefers some sort of vigilante action due to the "institutional conspiracy" of police failure as that better fits his conclusion he wants. Just as it did in Orlando mass shooting and even the Sydney siege as it better fits what he wants to prove. " But the police silence is one hint."
So why is Bolt pursuing this narrative of an overseas event? It has absolutely nothing to do with Australia? It has no association with kids here or even the Turks. In Sweden, the suspects are adults who might be immigrants or then could be indigenous Swedes like Andrew Bolt the indigenous Australian. The could's and couldn't seem to outweigh any certainty other than a crime was committed. However, Andrew Bolt's paranoia is the standout factor that the reality of Multiculturalism is to blame and that after 200 plus years it's come to a breakdown here too because Melbourne now only the worlds second most livable city and is going the way of Stockholm.  What remains a mystery is who are the "we" in Bolt's banner??

In Bolt's post above he sided with the "many who suspected immigrants were the suspects of crime"
Here he throws the "many" who thought Fraser Anning's speech disgusting out like dirty dishwater. He's a real swinger is our Andrew Bolt, isn't he? A populist one moment and one could say a non-integrated immigrant part of the minority he's condemning the next. The truth, no matter what, he's a pain in the butt who prefers division at all times rather than compromise and total control rather than any notion of the democratic process in decision making. Proof being Abbott ran the most do nothing government in our history only one or two more than Gorton.

It’s important to keep a sense of perspective here. I read somewhere today that Fraser Anning was elected with 19 votes. I’m not prepared to accept that as fact because it’s clearly wrong!
No, it’s not true that Anning was elected to the Senate with fewer votes than even Malcolm Roberts…
He wasn’t elected.
He was appointed after Malcolm “I thought that I was Australian” Roberts was turfed out because he had dual citizenship.
After being sworn in, even his own party didn’t want him and so he joined Bob Katter’s party.
So why are we all getting so worked up about a loser like this? I mean, why give him the free publicity he must surely be seeking… Read Rossleigh here Let's Just Remember That Bloke In The Senate…
Image result for Image of Shorten and Turnbull hand shake

 Andrew Bolt truly is the Black Knight in the Monty Python sketch. There was a time not so long ago talking of the threat that these mysterious few would leave and start the own party they didn't. Know he's calling them victims of the majority of the party. How much is this the spoilt brat who refuses the umpire's decision in cricket and threatens the game by taking the bat and going home? Simply preferring to destroy the game even for the paying spectators? Bolt really doesn't believe in the democratic process, does he? But then neither did Mussolini the father of Fascism.

Why because it's clear and obvious that Abbott has had more positions on Climate Change than the Karma Sutra. Yes, Democracy is the art of compromise, not the art of opposition only which Abbott decided was how not to run or progress Australia. The worst record of compromise since John Gorton who only was in office for 6 months. Prior to Abbott Julia almost broke the record for compromise and she also lead a minority government.
Attacking Hewson's reputation makes no sense to the argument that if Labor and liberals come to some agreement the conservatives in the Liberal Party would simply be made redundant and would have to get behind Turnbull.
Bolt's climate denier not for science sake but simply politics and politics supported by News Corp which represents the 1 country only in the world that's opted out of the Paris agreement the USA. which as far as the world's nations are concerned is 1%. That's what Bolt want's that 1% rule and he calls that the National Interest.
Bolt believes
"The Asset Owners Disclosure Project (AODP) rates and ranks the world’s largest institutional investors and assesses their response to climate-related risks and opportunities. "
To claim rating agencies that assess the responses to climate change must be "for" climate change how is that logical they are then not rating agencies. Bolt's lives it seems a life of total paranoia denying rating but following Newspoll, does he make sense?
 If you work for Newspoll which is a rating agency follow Bolt's logic it "must" be biased. Yet he swears by it. Yes, Bolt judges professionalism by his own standard as a commentator a totally failed professional in every way. Sides are what seem to matter to Bolt sides are the ultimate and should never be a democratic compromise. Compromise is a dirty word to Bolt but I doubt if he, when seeking professional advice, first asks what their personal politics are.



Bolt shows himself to be the great debating pedantic an idiot but not a savant by any means.  Currently "holocaust denial" sparks as much outrage as does man-made climate change denial. However, our current social construction of reality doesn't regard them as equivalent history doesn't regard them as equivalent. Who however knows the future has a lot of possibilities if the Bolt's of this world manage to take control of that social interpretation of our current world but there's no answer to his meaningless question. Being a climate denier isn't the same as being called a holocaust denier. The question is as stupid as Bolt being allowed to call himself an Indigenous Australian
 "White supremacists commit murders in pursuit of genocidal policies. Antifa throws punches. They're not the same, and media outlets should make that clear."
 In drawing equivalencies between white supremacists and antifa, media outlets obscure ideologies -- and impacts
Andrew Bolt's banner indicates there is an equivalency between Halocaust deniers and Warming deniers that makes reality look ridiculous but then he has a tendency love the philosophical and ahistorical abstract. Trump did the same after Charlottesville claiming both sides were eqivalent. He back peddled Bolt hasn't it's what makes him claim Reclaim Australia are just misunderstood patriots
 Holocaust deniers deny the killing of 6 million Jews and agreed history. The Dutch did that simply by painting themselves as the heroes post WW2 when in fact they killed and exported 60% of their Jewish citizens to the concentration camps the highest rate in Europe. That history wasn't rewritten until the mid 80s by the Jews. As a stolen children denier Bolt denies indigenous history as well. Bolt of Dutch heritage never discusses that false history written and still taught to Dutch kids no doubt.
 Yet he argues the Left's and ABC calling him a warming denier an equivalent outrage the Jews feel. Given his cirumstance he'd would  if he could publicly be an out right denier of the Holcaust, Warming Stolen Children Aboriginal Culture African immigrants and even a bigger basket as he has  provided platforms for all these deniers including Nazis,White supremecists and a cast of thousands that stand shoulder to shoulder with"White supremacists commit murders in pursuit of genocidal policies." and against those "Antifa who throw punches.This equivalency argument didn't work for Trump Fox News supported it and Bolt mimics what they tried and failed here.

Tony Abbott's image is speedos, onions, 28 minutes of silence on the interview on Ch7 and on the back of the "ditch the bitch" trailer along with many other things besides. His views on global warming have been regarded in much the same way given their inconsistencies over time. Tony Abbott has built his own petard and hanged himself on it.
Laura  Tingle described the image to a Tee that Abbott created for himself not an image she created for him, not an image that John Hewson created for him either. It seems Bolt is suggesting Abbott didn't wear speedos or do any of these things and that the ABC is lying.
Hewson doesn't tout global warming but he does tell us what the finance sector and the investment sector is doing and Bolt and Abbott don't like that because they aren't doing what they want.
No, the ABC isn't biased it's sceptical and that alone is the difference between opinion commenters and advocates like Bolt. Questioning and continued questioning regards facts as public and suitable to being questioned. Bolt regards facts and the world being nothing more than opinion to be owned and sold in the public market where no truth exists but that which is there to be sold.

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