Future of Climate Activism: Dutch Court orders Gov’t to Reduce CO2 Emissions Dramatically
An appeals court in the Netherlands has upheld a 2015 lower court ruling in a class action case that the Dutch government needs to do […]
We can assume by Andrew Bolt's annual excursions to the Netherlands that he's a dual citizen of that country why is he so singularly minded in complaining about Australia and dreaming of Dutch home when that country is so much higher on the socialist continuum than we are. Australians can't and don't sue their government for doing nothing about our CO2 levels, in fact, Bolt insists we do nothing while not criticizing the Dutch for doing much much more. (ODT)
Mr Morrison said Alex Turnbull was "his own person", but that his father Malcolm Turnbull was heavily supporting the Liberal candidate Dave Sharma.
"At the Wentworth by-election, I have a simple message, if you want a continuation of the certainty for our economy and of economic management, voting for anyone other than Dave Sharma puts all of that at risk," Mr Morrison said.
"If an independent is elected at the Wentworth by-election, that will throw us into a hung parliament and a lot of uncertainty at a time when the country doesn't need it."
"I disagree with Alex. His father disagrees with him too."
4hOne needs to ask whether or not Bolt's post makes any sense or not. To me, it seems not. John Howard does say the Liberal Party was a broad church. One full of differing views where a consensus is reached by a Democratic vote. That has been the downfall because that Democratic vote has been ignored by the politics within the party rather than without and in service to the nation. The conservatives have chosen not to leave the party they dream of controlling and have ensured that a consensus can't be reached by a democratic process. This rot set in with Abbott and it's as clear to the nation as it is now in the US with Trump. The Australian Liberal Party is on the Wrong Track and their most favoured leader has been dispensed with. Their own polls showed Turnbull was the most likely leader to take them to a win at the next election and they blew that. The whole world and even internal polling of the Liberal Party have shown that the electorate favours Climate Change action. Global Science, investment, and even all other indicators show that only the US and Australia are still treating Climate Change as a political issue whereas the rest of the world is actually seeing it as a human and planetary challenge. Those that Bolt calls the Liberal left the majority of the Liberal Party no longer see the political value in advocating denial of global science by those who haven't attended to the 6000 plus research papers that deny the deniers like Kelly who morons like Andrew Bolt say have" blown the whistle on the global warming fraud. " The fact is when Kelly's and Bolt's denials have actually been "Peer-Reviewed they don't just fall to earth they sink below everything we know about it. I suggest asking if they have invested their house and homes in coal? Have they put their money where their mouths are? Bolt has been after Photios a member of the Liberal Party for little more than he has been a power of strength standing in the way of the ultra-Right of the Party. As for Bolt's post, it makes no sense Watch this frank interview... What's to watch Andrew Bolt an individual that fails to accept the democratic process that allowed Menzie's Party once to function and since Labor lost of its own stupidity, the Liberal Party seems to have amplified that disease.
We can assume by Andrew Bolt's annual excursions to the Netherlands that he's a dual citizen of that country why is he so singularly minded in complaining about Australia and dreaming of Dutch home when that country is so much higher on the socialist continuum than we are. Australians can't and don't sue their government for doing nothing about our CO2 levels, in fact, Bolt insists we do nothing while not criticizing the Dutch for doing much much more. (ODT)
Saudi Media Meet Collapses after Khashoggi Murder, but Trump Wants Business
By Clare BYRNE and Fabien ZAMORA | – Paris (AFP) – Donald Trump claims he is being “very tough” with Saudi Arabia and Britain has warned of “serious consequences”. But besides demanding the truth about the disappearance of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, the West is likely to continue doing business as usual with the Gulf kingdom, […]
Andrew Bolt seems to have been preparing the way for fake news on the harshness of the President over the murder of the "Saudi Journalist". After all, as Trump said, "he's not a citizen" of the US he's only a resident. (ODT)
Andrew Bolt seems to have been preparing the way for fake news on the harshness of the President over the murder of the "Saudi Journalist". After all, as Trump said, "he's not a citizen" of the US he's only a resident. (ODT)
Scott Morrison hits back after Alex Turnbull urges voters to abandon Liberals in Wentworth - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Andrew Bolt insists sons are like their fathers and all this is Malcolm's doing. He's certainly an assimilationist we know that but heaven help if any child of Andrew Bolt's who isn't a mirror image of their father. They won't be offered the reward of a privileged member of the IPA and the world of contacts that brings (ODT)Mr Morrison said Alex Turnbull was "his own person", but that his father Malcolm Turnbull was heavily supporting the Liberal candidate Dave Sharma.
"At the Wentworth by-election, I have a simple message, if you want a continuation of the certainty for our economy and of economic management, voting for anyone other than Dave Sharma puts all of that at risk," Mr Morrison said.
"If an independent is elected at the Wentworth by-election, that will throw us into a hung parliament and a lot of uncertainty at a time when the country doesn't need it."
"I disagree with Alex. His father disagrees with him too."
USA Polling
The Leftist faction of Michael Photios want to dump Liberal MP Craig Kelly, who has blown the whistle on the global warming fraud. Watch his frank interview: "There are events in our lives that shape us. One of the seminal events in my life was the birth of my son, Trent. He was born with Downs Syndrome. It made me question all my Liberal values."
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