Wednesday, 17 October 2018

Andrew Bolt's Blog,17/10/18; When paid fascists with a megaphone sit on the sideline trying to influence democracy;

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Look what Abbott's Monkey Pod Room did for the Liberal Party not only did he generate a 30% protest vote against himself in Warringah but he's taken the Party to the tipping point in Wentworth of becoming a minority government. The Liberals own polls told them that the best hope at the next election was always with Malcolm Turnbull as the leader but Abbott and that tiny bunch of misfit conservatives wouldn't have a bar of it. These IPA and corporate puppet mutineers need to be kicked out of the Liberal Party and forced to be what they really are just another Hansonite and/or Bernardi and not within the Liberal Party. However they are too gutless to stand up for themselves and prefer to be dragging the Liberals down We need to see the ALP take control of government and we will see what Australia thinks in Wentworth. 
One could be reminded the time when Morrison saw the events of the Cronulla riots as a political opportunity and he took that to his local Party as an opportunity to divide the electorate and garner votes. He was rejected however Abbott took it up instead to the deafening support of  News Corp and the other MSM Media. News Corp alone in 2017 printed 2.850 anti-Muslim articles in its papers with Bolt leading the charge.
He's had a great influence in Wentworth running the Liberal Party down without as usual any historical context or evidence as to why this failure has come about because it would necessitate mentioning the tail that kept trying to wag the dog.

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Bolt ignores the fact that Jerusalem is a city divided West and East. The East illegally occupied encroached on by Israel like cancer. Slowly but surely the city is being fully occupied by Israel displacing Palestinians and giving over their property to Israeli Jews. Bolt makes no mention of this forced takeover of Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza. He simply says the Jews have had the moral the right of history to Jerusalem since biblical times.
 What a hypocrite Andrew Bolt is not saying the same for Indigenous Australian whose historic right and presence on the Australian continent has gone on for far longer than Bolt's Biblical times.  Might is right is what Bolt really supports but hasn't the taste to say it.  His White Christian Colonists have been here just over 200 years and as far as Bolt is concerned that's when history began here. Whatsmore Bolt who has only been here 60 years claims to be indigenous even more so than younger indigenous people like Adam Goodes and Cyril Rioli. If that were the case doesn't Bolt's by his own principle and logic also need to apply it to Palestinians today? Those like Bolt who are simply older have a greater right to Jerusalem more so than any of the younger Jews displacing them. Bolt appeals to Jewish history but at the same time ignores history when it comes to Indigenous Australians why? Because he's an unprincipled prick, who claims his superior right racially, culturally on brute force and power just as Zionists do in Palestine by the simple principle Hitler applied in Europe that "might is right.
 The LNP's promise to  consider moving our Embassy to Jerusalem is simply an unprincipled carrot waved to the Zionists among the 13% of Jews in Wentworth, in fact, it's an insult to Jewish intelligence and sense of justice and it shows just how far Right LNP is prepared to move away from the Menzies vision of Liberalism and Democracy. This century Australians have seen the country's Democracy shrink like never before. From Howard to Abbott Australia has voiced a less generous less free, less transparent, more secret place than it ever was with the LNP politicaly servicing Australians rather than providing better government services. Power is being used for power's sake alone and not for the nation. The country has been largely stationary and stagnant since 2013 when Julia Gillard was actually passing bills at more than twice the rate than Abbott despite running a minority government. Meanwhile, she too was fighting a factional war as are the Liberals but going backwards. 
The difference however is that the Neocons in the party along with Murdoch media and lobbyists in the bleachers are happy to even see the LNP become an opposition because they believe if they get  Abbott back as leader in 2022 we just might have a controlling Corporate government, not just one making Captain's calls but News Corp and IPA ones on call pulling the strings and nigh on impossible to budge. 
As for Wentworth Gays, we have always known Bolt to be a homophobe against safe schools an idiot selling reverse racism ignoring the facts and context of history for the pragmatic self-interest in the here and now known for not sharing privilege but taking more of it wherever possible. Culturally he has more in common with Zionism today than any sympathy for Jews and nothing in common with either the majority of Liberal and Labor Parties that generously allowed and encouraged his parents to come an settle here but raised him as a bigot. In his words a satellite family that failed to integrate and hated where they were.

Bolt's really something, isn't he calling Warren Pochontas? Guess he deserves the name of Dutchman. "To be “Dutch” was to be inferior,opposite, irregular,contrary,inadequate, cowardly, deceitful, strange, fake,awkward, outlandish,false,debased, and generally contrary to the English idea of normal. It seems to fit Andrew Bolt to a tee and certainly not Australian.
 This nation once saw a division of Irish Catholics,and Scottish and English Protestants and Indigenous peoples even today some would baulk at intermarriage between Catholics and Protestants. Bolt claims he's not a racist but he'd be beside himself if his daughter began dating an African. DNA testing won't show this racism nor the history of minority oppression by a white protestant majority whose power and privilege was gifted them by our Inglorious Colonial truths which still are presented as might and therefore a right to rule. A right bestowed and cemented by little more than their own culture, property and rules of inheritance not provided the indigenous nor generally Catholics. Nevertheless, Bolt's internalised these beliefs and would be totally disappointed should his daughter fall in love with someone he sees as unequal in status which he really didn't earn.
There is no reverse racism for 100 plus years inequality and opportunity have been systemically and culturally defined by the ruling elite and their dominant cultural and social structures and any beliefs sold about meritocracy have been really "fake news". Bolt's efforts to deny Warren her identity are exactly the same that took him to our Australian courts under Section 18 C and had him declared guilty of vilification largely for both his lies and errors he'd printed about some pale-skinned Aborigines who have achieved what Bolt hasn't.
Here he is back again applying his smearing of an American and feeling safe. Bolt identifies as Dutch but is he really? He was born here apparently Warren can't be as Bolt is proud. She can't identify as a native American as DNA test proves it. Bolt certainly can't identify or substantiate on that basis that he's Dutch as his genes show zip nevertheless he allows himself that privilege but not Warren. He wants to be her judge she, not his. and he refuses others the same right to decide.
"The point that everyone overlooks is, why, even if Warren is (finally) being truthful about her heritage, would someone who is 99% white and 1% (or less) American Indian want to be called American Indian? Are there American Indians who are 1% white who want to be called white? I think not.
That's because in America, being a white person is considered bad, and minorities are considered virtuous." Bolt
Bolt is the Grand Inquisitor and not just an arbiter elected on any democratically elected basis the right to decide in this vein he is the KKK,  Cowboy, the Nationalist hoon who gifted with some Cultural status uses this as  weapons to show that his history has shown that indigenous Australians have lived and have not been denied the opportunities more than any other minority like himself has had in this country. His proof is turning to exceptions like Warren doesn't prove any rule of social mobility really quite the opposite Native Indians haven't had the opportunities of white Americans. Bolt might argue that Australia isn't and hasn't been racist and that any pushback is only reverse racism which victimises whites but history and evidence prove the very opposite either. There are victimised whites of the US and Australia but are also simply victims of economic class differences but Bolt also claims it's their own fault that he is the exception that proves the mobility rule of meritocracy. However, Bolt gained nothing by merit his status has been achieved not by way of anything earned but by way of shmoozing and social climbing hiding proving who you know is far more important than what hiding the historical reality of his working-class status and roots and being the echo chamber on the bleachers of the elite. Unlike Warren Bolt hides his roots while Warren is entitled and free to be proud of hers. Calling her Pocahontas shows the uglier side of  Bolt and who he really is.
 He is the exception and as such proves the existence of a class divide and how easy it is to be dishonest.

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